
chapter three

"I want a boy for my prince and a girl for my queen. i have no heirs but i need them. so i have decided that we will go to the most isolated town and we will take a boy and a girl." the queen declared. Dylan rolled his and sighed he felt sorry for whoever was going to be taken away from home nd family. "But your majesty if they have a family they will get angry and might cause trouble, we already have enough to deal with as is the the Jade armor." Rupert said 

"Than you shall take an orphan, go find my my soon to be children now or else I will put you in the city square and let my wolves tear you apart for the word to watch. Oh wouldnt that be fun." the queen cackled as every one left the room. Damn she really was crazy Dylan had known the queen his whole life but her insanity never ceased to disgust him.   

 Dylan is a servant, a slave he had been for as long as you could remember if he ever did have parents, he could not remember them. He grew up in the servants' quarters in the queen's castle. At first, he was used as a cleaner and then a waiter then a cook's hand, currently he was a stables hand and a helper in the kitchen. Dylan was a sixteen years old boy with dark brown hair and forest green eyes that had a strange sparkle to them as if he were always up to no good # note: this spark had got him into trouble so many times with the housekeepers and older maids. # Dylan hated almost everyone in the palace except for the adopted prince. You see males were never born in the royal line but this queen didn't give birth to any children so when she found a boy holding on for the last threads of life after a bombing "incident" in a small town of the edge of discord she grasped the chance to have a son but alas a man cannot take to the throne so tomorrow the queen would send out guards in to the neighbouring villages to bring back one boy and one girl, the boy to keep the prince company and the girl to be an heir to the throne. If you ask Dylan this is a stupid idea because there are already lots of boys in the palace but apparently none good enough for the prince to be allowed to talk to even though he wanted to. Not to mention that the two kids wouldn't get a choice they would be torn away from their families and friends. He just hoped they would be nice like the prince and not snooty like the king and queen.

Dylan was not allowed to talk to the prince publicly because Dylan was gay and the queen did not want the prince to be exposed to "unnatural dangerous behaviour," as the queen put it. Dylan had always thought this idiotic considering that the prince was not at all his type not to be rude but the prince was a little to self-occupied for his liking, but he was still a good friend.

hope your enjoying it so far

and i apologise for any grammer/spelling mistakes im writing at like 3am in the morning and running on a can of coke and like 5 cofees

weidaiyucreators' thoughts