
To the future

After a while the team realised that there was no one but them in the universe, and without people there was no good or evil. They had no one to stop and no one to protect, everyone they ever loved in the past universe died. So with nothing to do, they look to Lee and Ty and ask them to take them forwards in time. Lee and Ty agree and takes the entire team to future.

Tom ran into a library and quickly read a history book, he saw that the universe was basically the same as the last, he stoped reading after he confirmed that fact after all he already lived through the universe last time. They all then went to Jupiter, knowing that there was a chance of it being the same as before.

They arrived were teleported there by Tom and they were immediately surrounded by Jupiter's leader and army.

"Who are you lot?" Asked the leader, who wore a white jacket and a gold and white mask.

"We are the Imparable Curators, we are not from around here. Or at least 'here'." Said Tom as he stepped towards the leader, "Now, what is you're name?"

"My name doesn't matter, I am the man in charge! And where are you from? Explain it all!"

"We can't explain here, take us to a private room." Said Lee. The leader then took them to his office in the skies above the planet on his private ship. Tom then explained about how there was a past universe and that's where they are from and that they are the greatest heroes to ever exist.

A researcher from Jupiter than burst into the office and said, "Sir! We know who most of these lot are, we compared their voices to every other voice in the universes data base!"

"That's not us!" Shouted Jay. "Trust us! Oh god, guys that means we exist in this universe."

Tom the shot up from his seat and ran to the door, brushing past the researcher, "Come one then you lot! Let's go!" He ran up to a window; opened it; then jumped out and fell down to Jupiter.

"He could have just teleported us down to the surface." Said Olli as he got up and went to the same window. Everyone else also then got up to leave.

"Thanks for the nice chat," Said Ty as he left the room and the leader smirked even though no one would see it.

After then all landed back on the surface Tom Said, "May, you go and find yourself and Ty go with her! Jay, Olli and Lee also go and find yourself. Harry and Six, go with one of those three." Tom then took everyone except May and Ty to earth and they split up to search for themselves.

Harry and Lee were walking down the road that Lee lived on before he got his powers.

"I don't see why I have to find myself, I won't have powers here as I got mine from the Time crystal at first then later got an orb of power." Said Lee.

"Yeah. When we find you what will we do?" Asked Harry.

"I don't know, I guess we just ask him to come with us. Good thing I have my blue gear on so he won't see my face." They kept walking until them approached his old house in the last universe and knocked.

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