
The hunt for a hero

After a week of not seeing Tom, Jay decided to go out from the base and search the entire planet for him, to no success, Tom wasn't on the earth and if he was on Jupiter he would have returned by now as he would have took them up to have a team tournament. As he walked slowly in a depressed manner at the loss of a friend he saw a glowing rock suddenly appear. Jay slouched over and picked the rock up only to be electrified and teleported away to a dark room.

Back on earth Simon and Olli remained at the base and after seeing that Jays communication device was offline as well as Tom's the went on lock down until either showed back up or got in contact, because if there was an enemy too powerful for them to stop there would be no way the Simon and Olli could even come close.

After a month of staying safe in their base in complete lockdown Jay returned to the base. The windows finally let light in again and the doors finally open and as Jay approached the duo he clenched his fist and cried out that his best friend was gone.

"Where were you?" Simon asked, "It's been an entire month!"

"Has it? I only set out the other day"

"What! Did you get knocked unconscious somehow, it's been worrying not having you or Tom here." Olli said. Jay continued to say over and over again that he remembered nothing of the one month period we're he was missing.

Jay's sadness continued indefinitely as Tom didn't return, he tried to remain as a great hero but whilst stopping crimes he could only think of the missing member of the team. Simon and Olli were impacted too but not nearly as much as Jay was. Occasionally they would check over Earth and Jupiter for Tom but still no luck. Before they had got the Government of Jupiter to go out in to the galaxy and search for him, but after they got back Tom wasn't there. No one could find Tom.

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