
Godspeed and The Stone Ninja

Lee's mum opened the door and was shocked to see two superheroes in front of her, "Godspeed! And a new hero. Why have you came here?"

"We are here to speak with Lee. Is he in?" Said Harry

"Yes he is up stairs, first room on the right." Lee and Harry then went up the stairs and entered the room. The other Lee looked up to the door in shock then stood up from his bed and clench his fist.

"You are wearing my suit," Said Godspeed as he put his phone down onto his bed.

"Lee, come with us please." Said Lee. He agreed although he didn't trust Lee and Harry, "Before we go, I have to ask, who else are in the Imparables here?"

"The Stone Ninja, Fire fists, Plazman, Metal man and me." Stated Godspeed as his suit formed around him. Lee's and Harry's faces dropped as he said Metal Man and they then left the house. "Take us to the Imparables base please mate." Said Harry.

"We don't have a base, or at least I don't know of one. We normally meet at Tom and Jays house that they bought recently." Said Godspeed.

"Can we go there then." Said Lee. They then left the house and headed down the road.

Tom was leaping from building to building whilst staying completely out of sight from the public. After about 10 minutes he took a break and sat on a roof to think about where this universes Tom could be. Just then he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned to see another Stone Ninja in his full suit,

"Why are you dressed as me?" He sad as he looked down on Tom.

"Because I'm you from another universe, kinda. It's hard to explain." Said Tom, "Do you have the death crystal in you?"

"Death crystal, what the hell is that? Don't make me kill you, mate."

Tom stood up and said, "Never mind. Forget I asked. And not to be mean but killing me is going to be quite as task so let's not even try."

"Not even try, do you think you are that good of an imposter." Said Te Stone Ninja as he made stone blades form out of his hands, "This won't take me a minute." He sliced his blades at Tom which he was quick to block, simply by grabbing the blade. He ripped it off of The Stone Ninja's and threw it to the floor.

"I'm not going to fight you." Said Tom.

The Stone Ninja punched directly at Tom'a chest, Tom leaned back, bent down and kicked The Stone Ninja in the ankles with just enough pressure to knock him to the floor.

"Okay, looks like I'm going to have to use some effort then after all." Said the Stone Ninja. He unleashed everything he had on Tom, Tom however was defensive enough to take every single hit and he still remained perfectly fine.

"Did he send you, did he make this impostor to come and kill me, has he gotten that lazy?" Said the Stone Ninja.

"Who is 'he'? And no he hasn't sent me." Said Tom.

"He is the one enemy of the Imparables that refuses to lose."

"The name!" Shouted Tom.

"Damien. Or so he says anyway."

Time face dropped behind his mask, "Come with me. We are going so see him hopefully but probably not." He said as he made a portal to his realm of light and dark. Upon entering Tom saw was shocked to see that is was all light and also to see it was completely empty. Tom quickly took them both back out onto the roof and said, "Never mind, he has escaped. We have to find him! Have you got a base?"

"Not quite. I still don't know if I can trust you!" Said The Stone Ninja.

"You can trust me! Okay! We have to stop Damien! He is more powerful than you and your team. You need me and my team, my friends to come and help you. But we will need a base, and 'not quite' having one won't do."

The Stone Ninja then took Tom to his house where they saw Lee, Harry and Godspeed all waiting outside.

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