
Immortality is born from negligence.

Aron of Lostville lived his peaceful life in a remote village, farming on his family land as did most of the common folks of Astral. One day, an undead stampede was spotted on the edges of the mountains. The village filed a protection request to the kingdom, calling for help. After several weeks, no help was sent, and the village got overrun by the undead. Aros was one of the only few survivors who managed to get away in time. "Monsters aren't to blame. Those undead aren't intelligent." Aron growled, "Those nobles. They are the ones at fault." He looked at the sky. ******** Hello, we're following the villain this time. Of course, as you can see from the tags, he's immortal. How he got that will occur in the first chapters, so please give them a read.

Alen_Tanor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Picking A Class

CLICK! Aron pushed the church's front door open and walked inside, looking for the nun that promised to cook for him. At first glance, the place looked empty, with only a few candles lit at the back.

"You got back?" The nun opened one of the doors at the side and walked out with a smile, "I thought it would take you a bit longer,"

Aron smiled, lifting the small bag in his hand. "Potato and onions, can you make something?"

The nun giggled, "Of course," She turned around, "Follow me to the kitchen," She walked across the door she came through, and Aron followed her.

"What quest did you take?" She asked, looking back.

"Luminescent fungus. It's easier to spot at night," He smiled, puffing his chest with pride.

"Isn't the forest dangerous at night?" The nun stared back at him with a worried face.

Aron scratched his chin, "Yeah, I faced a skeleton," He mumbled, and the nun gasped, approaching him.

"You what?" She cried.

"Calm down, I can't help it," He waved his hands, "And I'm still alive. That's what matters, right?"

The nun sighed, "Your village got destroyed by the undead. That was risky. What if you had a trauma?"

Aron sighed, "It's not like I wanted to face a skeleton," He stared at her, almost disappointed, "Also, I now know that I don't mind facing undead again,"

She sighed, "That's right," She turned around and continued walking before stopping again.

"Wait, were you injured?" She smiled, "I can heal you."

Aron stared at her, doubting her. "You're a nun, not a cleric."

The nun looked away, "I've been practicing for a while. I might pull it off,"

"You just want to use me as a training dummy," Aron sighed, "I didn't get injured, but you can test a healing spell on me if you want,"

The nun stared at him with her eyes sparkling, "Thank god," She smiled.

"I'm the one you're going to test on," He stared at her with a sad face.

"Thank you as well," she smiled.

They reached the kitchen, and the nun put a pot of water on the stove to boil the potatoes.


The next day came out quickly, and the nun woke Aron up. "Wake up. The sun is up." She said with a smile.

Aron barely crawled out of bed, yawning, "Wash your face and get ready. You have work today, don't you?"

Aron stared at the nun, smiling. "It's my first day in the guild. What kind of work do you think it is?"

"Dangerous work," she walked toward the door, "I have some prayers. See you later." She then left, and Aron went to wash his face.

As he was going out, he saw the nun praying in the main hall, so he approached her.

"I'm leaving," He said from behind her.

Without opening her eyes or looking back, she smiled, "May god protect you."

Aron smiled, looking before the nun to see the church's donation jar. Poking inside his pocket, he found the seven copper coins left from yesterday.

^The church saved my life.^ He took four copper coins and threw them in the jar. "May god protect me," He smiled, leaving with only three copper coins.


"Welcome back, newbie," As Aron walked inside the guild, the man from yesterday called him to the desk.

"Shall we finish your registration?" He smiled, "We can't really prolong it longer, can we?" He smiled.

"Thanks for covering for me," Aron smiled.

"I won't call it a cover-up," A woman sighed in the back, "The guildmaster knew, and he didn't mind. Special treatment for those who were affected by the undead in Lostville."

"Thank you all," Aron looked at her, smiling, "Without that, I wouldn't have eaten anything yesterday."

She pulled a large wooden panel from beneath her desk and approached Aron, "Touch this, please,"

Aron touched the wooden panel, and words started getting carved.


[Name: Aron of Lostville]

[Level 1] [Exp: 1/10]

[Class: None]


The woman smiled, "Everything is as expected," pulled a crystal ball, "Do you have a class you want to take?"

"My options are fighter, wizard, rogue, tamer, and cleric, right?" Aron looked at the crystal, lifting his hand.

"Yes, all the other specialized classes branch from them. You need to start with one of those." She pushed the ball closer to him.

Aron smiled, "I'm already using a sword, so a fighter makes sense." But before he could touch the ball. He heard someone laughing their ass off in the back.

"Did you hear that?" A young man wearing full plate armor pointed at a bloodied party, "Did you fools get bodies by goblins?"

The party consisted of a fighter, which a wizard girl leaned on his shoulder as he carried a cleric in his arms.

"Shut up," The fighter growled, "We can't possibly face such large numbers,"

"You got overrun from the back," The young man smiled, "Of course, you never got your cleric armor, and your weapons aren't even maintained well." He laughed, "Cheaping out on gears get you killed, you know,"

"It's not like we want to go without preparations," The fighter growled.

"It's because you bastards are gouging prices," The wizard girl called the young man out, "How did weapon prices double in a few days?"

"The fuck you said, bitch," The young man growled.

The guild man sighed, "I'm going to stop them before they start fighting. Please, excuse me." He rushed out.

The guild girl smiled and looked at Aron, "You were about to pick a fighter, right?"

"Maggots," Aron mumbled, and the guild girl stared at him, confused.

Aron touched the crystal orb and glared at it, "I pick tamer,"

The guild girl gasped, "Why would you..." She shook the orb. "It's already set in stone. Why!"

"Numbers are better," Aron said, smiling and giving her the chills.


[Name: Aron of Lostville]

[Level 1] [Exp: 1/10]

[Class: Tamer]


[Tame Monster] [Level 1] [S-Exp: 0/10]


Aron picked a tamer. For what purpose?

Alen_Tanorcreators' thoughts