
Ch.1|Torn and bloody

"Run! Hurry!" A girl shouted, she seemed extremely worried, yet she didn't move. She stood yelling while looking up at the falling debris.

The man standing directly under the falling debris didn't seem all that bothered by his impending death. His expression changed to agony only after he was crushed under the falling pieces of building. However, the girl that was watching it happen, didn't have a look of horror. The girl seemed surprised and disappointed. She was quite curious as to why he had such a look of wonder while looking at her, instead of fear.

That man must have been completely insane from a normal person's perspective. However, Zuna wasn't normal. She knew that he was completely crushed and was very dead, but didn't seem too terribly bothered by it. She casually walked up to the pile of rubble and started sifting through it. What she found underneath was rather gruesome.

Pulling up a piece of cement took a bit of strength, but that didn't deter her. Under it was a somehow intact head, and a dismantled body. On her face was a sympathetic frown, but everyone seeing this scene would say she was a pyshcopath with no emotion. With a sigh, she put the cement to the side and sat down, staring at the dead man that lay motionless. His eyes were quite beautiful, what a shame that they had been drained of their light.

Zuna stared Into the man's soulless eyes, the look of agony was still frozen on his face. His eyes were... wait- did he just blink? Zuna was shocked silly as she watched the man's face relax. While his body was... turning back time? Zuna scanned the man's body and face, full of curiosity, however other than that there was a lot more amazement in her expression. Although, she didn't seem impressed.

"Well are you going to help me up?" The man said with a calm and unbothered tone. This pile of flesh seemed to have morphed into a well toned body, one with torn and bloody clothes. The few people around were absolutely mortified. While Zuna just stared for a moment, the look on her face was priceless. It took a few seconds for her to snap out of her daze, giving him an awkward smile.

"Yes of course." She stood up and held out her hand for him, this time it was his turn to be dazed. That was the first time someone has reacted like that! Who is she? Despite the situation, he quickly dashed his thoughts and reached out to take her hand. With a strong pull he was somehow easily lifted to his feet.

For a moment he stared at her, completely taken by surprise. This girl just keeps getting more and more odd. Though as odd as she was, he didn't feel the need to question her, since he was quite odd as well. Besides, he really wanted to get to work without a hitch.

"Thank you, but I must be on my way." He straighten his torn and disheveled clothing before returning to his original path. He hadn't noticed the unmoving gazes at his back as he made his way further, until finally he turned a corner and was out of sight.

The man looked down at his clothes he had been wearing, the nice business suit from earlier was now in shambles. The looks he was getting from passerbys didn't distract him from his predicament.

'What was up with that building?' He thought, although he wasn't too concerned by it, he was rather curious. Perhaps something to think about for another time.

He made his way down the sidewalk, before getting crushed he had actually been only two blocks away from his office. He didn't seem to be walking fast, but he made great time, swiping his somehow intact card and walking in. On his way to the elevator, the people in the common area greeted him with awkward smiles. Even though he looked terrible, he didn't seem to mind it.

"CEO Keanu! You look great today." The young employee said enthusiasticly, only to earn a scoff from his employer. Yes, the man who walked into work today with bloody clothing was the CEO. He of course, easily ignored the curious stares and entered the elevator, then pressed the button for the forth floor. He watched as the doors closed.


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