


Second Life

Lana Castroff

After more than a week investigating all the products, we found no acid on every single product that we launched that day. It was weird for us to see. We did get the medical records of Phoenix's employees for it and they really contains acid inside that product.

I was more than confuse at this point. I even asked my team to check it again but the result was the same.

I walked to Phoenix's office building and his secretary led me his office. I brought the files with me and I saw him having all his lawyers ready. I guess I should have brought my lawyers but let's just see.

I walked in and Phoenix turned to me. He gestured me to sit on the sofa beside him. I took a deep breath and walked towards him. I met his lawyers already and they greeted me politely.

/"Ms. Castroff, we already have the exact amount for the settlement./" One of the three lawyers said. I nodded and gestured him to continue.