
Ice Release: I Become the New God of Shinobi

https://www.patreon.com/NableTheNoble Support me if you like my story. Based on the world of Naruto; Shou is reincarnated into the world of shinobi. He and his brother Haku lived peacefully in the snowy village. Albeit they are poor like everyone else, but they are happy. Shou discovered he could control body of water with his thoughts and will; and decides to warn Haku realizing his brother is the same Haku that ends up accompanying Zabuza and served him as a 'tool'. He does not want to believe it but the puzzles pieced too perfectly with the settings he was born into. He loved his family and brother very much and does not want their peace interrupted. Especially knowing Haku's fate he does not want his brother to experience such things. However, fate is unkind. Despite Shou's warning to prevent tragedy, fate played a cruel joke on all of them in different ways. Shou had no choice but to embark the path of Shinobi along with his brother Haku - raised as tools and subordinate of Zabuza. [Naruto fell for MC. No, MC does not like him that way so it is not and cannot be BL. Thanks].

nablethenoble · Anime e quadrinhos
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41 Chs

A 'Slight' Change


Naruto felt his heart shaken seeing Sasuke who's standing on the higher ground at the ruined Orochimaru hideout.

Sakura ran out to chase after Sai. She grabbed her collar, asking him what's he's up to for betraying them.

'...Sakura, huh?'.

This voice...

Sakura turned his head and sees the figure standing above.

Sakura fell into a trance.

"Sasuke...kun...". Sakura whispered out with her lips after finally seeing Sasuke after all this years.

Naruto also heard that voice from afar and rushed through the hallway to meet that person.

The light blinded him for a second as he finally ge through the hallways. Opening his eyes, he sees the figure, the friend he had been wanting to save all these years.



'Naruto, huh. So it's true you are still alive. And well it seems'.

Naruto felt his heart stopped for a moment. He felt nervous feeling the aura from Sasuke and the way he looks at him.


'Then, is Kakashi is here?'.

Yamato walked in and replied,

"Sorry. It's not Kakashi, I am his substitute. Team Kakashi will now be taking you back to the Leaf".


'Team Kakashi, huh...'.

Sasuke turned his eyes to see Sai is reaching out of this short sword.

'So this is my replacement. Another soft one joined your team I see'.

Sakura is quite confused. But Sai explained how he wanted to protect the bonds between them and act on his own will despite his mission to assassinate Sasuke.

"Sasuke, you should understand that bond!". Sai exclaimed.


'Yeah. I did understand'.

Sasuke glared at Naruto with cold eyes, sending chill down his spine.

'Thats why I severed the bonds'.

Naruto and Sakura are stunned hearing it.

Sasuke... Naruto clenched his fist, and then feel his chest. The scars on it remained, it's the mark left when Sasuke had severed his bond from himself.

'I have different bonds...'.

Sasuke continued his speech.

'Bonds of hatred between me and my brother'.


'Too much bonds will distract oneself... And stop you from going for the most important thing'.

Naruto had the flashbacks in his head, about their last fight at the Valley of The End.

"It's having the bond that makes it so painful! You have no idea what it's like to lose that!".


'Naruto. Seeing you hold your chest, you must understand that. I have already severed the bonds between us. You are only lucky to be alive'.

... Naruto is silent.

Sasuke twitched his eyes a little, and use body flicker to appear right in front of Naruto, holding Naruto's shoulder casually and effortlessly.

'Come to think of it Naruto. Wasn't your dream is to become Hokage? Instead of wasting your time chasing me, shouldn't you spend time doing something more beneficial? Right, Naruto?'.

Naruto stood in a trance, his eyes shaking hearing the words from Sasuke.

'And so this time, you will lose your life for real'.

Sasuke pulled out his Kusanagi calmly. The screeching sound of the blade sliding off its handle sends everyone in nervousness.

Sasuke take out the blade and held it to the side.

"There's no way someone who can't even save one friend... Can become the Hokage...".

"Isn't that right... Sasuke?".

Sasuke listened for a second. He turned the blade and launch a killing strike to Naruto!

Sakura gasped out loud, 'Sasuke-kun!'.

Sai quickly blocked the blade before it could reach him!

Sasuke commended him, saying it's the right way of defense. Naruto quickly grabbed Sasuke's other arm while Sai is holding the other, completely locking him!

Yamato took this chance to bind him.


Sasuke activated his Sharingan and asses the situation calmly.

Chidori Stream!

The cries of birds was sounded as lighting flashes and flickers all over Sasuke's body. It stunned both Sai and Naruto, and even blasted the wooden beam approaching him.

Sasuke pushed Naruto off and calmly observes how Naruto is paralysed on the ground.

Sakura finally wakes up from her daze.

Right. This time, she will bring Sasuke back with her own power!

She channeled chakra onto her fist, and starts to rush towards him.

Sasuke, feeling annoyed at that pink haired woman take his blade and is ready to stab her.

Yamato quickly intercepted it with a Kunai.


The Kunai was sliced cleanly like butter, unable to stop Sasuke's sword that's sizzling with lighting chakra. It pierces through Yamato's shoulder, causing him to wince in pain.

"Captain Yamato!". Sakura screamed out seeing him pinned onto a rock.

'Your defense is wrong. My blade, is impossible to be defended against'.

Yamato observed how the Chidori is running through the blade, causing his movement to be paralysed.

Sasuke turned his eyes to the side, seeing Naruto is standing up. With his Sharingan he sees that foreign chakra is now coursing through him. His nails turned into claws, his whiskers grow longer and his eyes turned red with slit pupils. Naruto bared his fangs towards Sasuke, trying to muster strength to get up.

In Naruto's subconscious space-

Ke...ke.. ke... Now's your chance, Naruto. Let's show him our power. You wanted to stop him don't you? I am bored now so let me help you.

Kurama held out his fist in between the bar, ready to give Naruto a part of his chakra.

"Thank you, Kurama".

Naruto was about to bump fist him, but-

Huh? You are...

Kurama was genuinely surprised seeing Sasuke entering their subconscious space. His hand is already suppressing Kurama at the second he enters!

I see. An Uchiha. How much you have grown...

'I can see it now. So this is your unknown power huh. Who would have thought you have something like this inside of you'. Sasuke said calmly.

To think you are able to see me inside Naruto. The power of the cursed clan, huh.

'It seems this isn't the first time you've seen the Sharingan. Then, you must be the Kyubi'.

That chakra more ominous than mine... No, comparable to even Uchiha Madara to olden times.

Sasuke is a little annoyed. Of course he knows the historical figure. But he couldn't care less about him.

He twisted Kurama's fist, exploding it into orange bubbles.

'As if I care about that person'.

To think you would go so far as to suppress my power. And that power... As I thought...

Naruto is stunned hearing what Kurama have said. Although Naruto himself is willing to let Kurama give him the power, he couldn't sense Kurama anymore. To think Sasuke can prevent him from accessing Kurama's chakra.

He turned to look at Sasuke, with fear in his heart. Those eyes... What... What is that...

The 6 pointed star Sharingan is revealed. It sends Naruto into a state of fear, feeling the ominous power it contains.

If the seal wasn't there, there's no way Sasuke can suppress him like this; Kurama lamented. Although their relationship is improved tremendously, but taking off the seal is still something Naruto find difficult to do since he could die. Kurama too understands that part and don't mention it much. It still takes time for them to trust each other that much after all.

This might be end... But let me tell you one thing. Don't, kill Naruto. You will... Regret it.

Sasuke and Naruto gets out of the subconcious space immediately after.

Yamato quickly use mokuton and send a wood right through the hole in his chest pushing the Kusanagi off him.

Sasuke was pushed back, not expecting it and create distance between themselves. He jumped back onto the higher ground.

Naruto grunted and struggle to gets up.

"Why... Why don't you get it?!".

Sasuke just look at Naruto with a poker face. ? He don't quite understand what Naruto wants him to 'get'.

"Soon, orochimaru is going to take over your body!".

Ah. That. Sasuke of course is never planning to do that.

'If that happens, so be it. You still haven't grown up, Naruto. Revenge is everything for me. If I can carry out my revenge, it's no concern of mine what happens to me or this world. To put it simpler terms, neither I nor Orochimaru can defeat Itachi right now. Even with the eyes that you gave me, I can only be as strong as him. But to beat him I need more power. If I can get it by giving my body to Orochimaru, then I will give him as much of my life as he want'.

Sakura gasped out. Naruto was too stunned to speak. Sasuke, he is... insane.

Naruto is still struggling to get up meanwhile. He felt so frustrated in his heart. Sasuke... Please stop... He cried in his heart for Sasuke.

Yamato stood at the front, seeing how uncontrollable Sasuke is now.

"I will have to get rough and be serious. Forgive me Naruto, Sakura".

Sasuke just felt annoyed that Yamato said such things as if he's that strong to stop him.

Sasuke held his Kusanagi and stick it into the ground to free his hand.

With speed he quickly weaved hand seals, causing eerie chakra to course through him. He raised his hand in the air. Chakra filled with entire body, ready to unleash the devastating undodgable jutsu, Kirin!

But out of nowhere Orochimaru appears right next to him and grabbed Sasuke's arm.

"Don't be too reckless now. There's no need to kill them, Sasuke-kun". Orochimaru said calmly.

Kabuto also appears at the side.

"You do know about Akatsuki. We can use them to reduce their number, and there's less resistance for your revenge. Don't you think, Sasuke?".

'What a lame excuse...'.

Sasuke did find it make sense. Itachi, as someone who's in Akatsuki would mean he might need to fight against Akatsuki members to even reach him. So letting Kakashi team, or rather Naruto live means they would have to fight against them and reduce their numbers.

Sasuke stopped channeling his chakra. Orochimaru let go of his hand, seeing Sasuke is convinced.

Sasuke stared at Naruto, while Naruto keeps staring at Sasuke.

Naruto... You should have died back then...

Sasuke is quite annoyed seeing him. And the fact that he secretly feel glad. That's also why he was trying to kill him earlier to completely severe that weakness.


They both stared at each into each others eyes.

The three figures suddenly burst into flames, and starts to become illusory. They are retreating with a technique.

Naruto felt his heart in pain and felt so much frustration from unable to do anything but watch him leave and dissapear.

Sasuke... Why... I failed to stop him again...

Naruto slammed his own head onto the ground in frustration. Tears fell as he can't stand the pain in his heart for failing again.

Everyone was silent hearing Naruto crying and sobbing, even losing his breath at time.

Sakura also had tears in her eyes.

"Crying... Crying won't bring Sasuke back home...". Sakura said.

"I am here. I will get stronger with you. And then, we will bring Sasuke back together". Sakura firmed her resolve. (Author note: 🥲)

Sai decides to add,

'We have got, close to six month now right. Three are better than two. Besides, I am pretty strong myself!'.

Yamato smiled a little hearing it. Naruto wiped his tears and stopped sobbing knowing he has support with him, and it's still not too late.

"Thank you...". Naruto get back up to his feet and look at everyone who's with him.

That's right... He will get stronger, and with everyone help he can still save Sasuke. Naruto clenched his fist and firmed his resolve once again.

Sasuke. I will definitely bring you back.




I met Sasuke last week. Things happened and, my team leader found snake guy hideout and we happen to find Sasuke.

He's so strong. Really strong. I wanted to stop him but I failed again.

I can't even do anything. He even stopped Kurama from helping.

And his eyes... It's really scary. It has different pattern than before and more... evil? Kakashi-sensei said it's something that this Uchiha guy in history book had. Grandma (tsunade) says he might have been experimented on by creepy snake guy to get that power.

I tried to talk to him but, he... He said he don't care what happens to him as long as he gets his revenge, even saying he would give his body to snake guy if it can gets him his revenge.

And then Sasuke tried to attack us but snake guy stopped him. Something about Akatsuki things. You know, those people that tried to kidnap me before.

I feel really weak, Shou-chan. I failed to stop Sasuke again.

But, I decide to be stronger! I won't give up! Sakura-chan and this vampire-like guy too will help me. I am glad they are with me.

Kakashi-sensei too said he had a training plan for me to catch up to Sasuke. I can't wait for him to recover so he can train me and get stronger! Wish me luck Shou-chan!


What... What the f***?

Shou had his heart shaking, his brows knitted so tight from trying to process the info reading the part about Sasuke's eyes.

He felt a sense of dread, as if everything is about to go out of control, as if a storm just suddenly hits him and everything around him.

Calm down... Calm down...

Shou take a cup and filled it with water, gulping it down.

"Haa... Did Naruto mean his Sharingan feels stronger? Or... It's really mangekyou? How come Sasuke have it at this point in time?"

No. This can't be.

This can't...

Shou spins the gear in his head, to see what went wrong.

Thats it.... The scar on Naruto's chest, and the fact that he almost died.

Shou felt like he missed this very important detail.

The fact that Sasuke technically killed Naruto by piercing through his heart!

And that's why he has that Mangekyou!

S***. What do I do. What do I do?

Shou. What are you panicking about?

Watatsumi noticed how strange Shou had become after reading that letter, his entire body is panicking. Did Naruto confessed to him directly? But that shouldn't be it. The emotions inside Shou felt chaotic.

"No. Watatsumi-san. Everything is, it's too much deviation. The plot...".



"Ah... It's nothing. No. It's still fine. It's fine...".

Shou took a deep breath in.

Sasuke having Mangekyou should only lets him defeat Orochimaru and then Itachi easier or earlier. And once he defeats Itachi, he would have gained that Mangekyou anyways.

Right... thinking about it, it wasn't that much deviation. Just Mangekyou earlier.

Shou inhaled more copium and calmed down.

He decides to reply to the letter shortly.

Oh. Right. There's also the matter with Jiraiya, he wants to try to save him if he could. Otherwise, he would feel too guilty to his friend to just let someone who's a father-figure to Naruto dies.


Naruto-kun, I am sure you can bring him back and be stronger! Train hard!

Oh and, I have a letter for Jiraiya-sama too. Don't look at it okay! It's a super secret. I won't talk to you anymore if you read it!



Huu... Shou take a deep breath in and out after sending it through Fukurochi. Everything is going to be fine... It will be fine...

[Kukuku. I sense your fear and worry. If you set me free like him, you can gain power to-]

{Hmph! You are so noisy! I will tighten your seal!}

[Kuh! Who are you to do that! This is his body, not yours! It's so unfair you are free but- mkshdjs mphhhh!!! Mm...mmm!!!]

{Hah! Finally, some quiet!}

"You two... I am having a headache right now can you please be quiet...". Having both Moryo and Watatsumi in him is really increasing his headache.
