
I write the rules (old)

A man in his poor living conditions Discoveries that his life as a writer can now determine the life of others in the most interesting of ways By writing horror flicks! Ding* [Congratulations for getting the horror system] ——————————————————————————— *New chapter every Saturday and Sunday* ———— I have come back from hiatus, im going to revamp my story in a organized fashion. -more detials

Demon_Samurai · Terror
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8 Chs

My first toys

Current time: ****** Date: *********

Location: Realm of Horror


My name is James Cartweller, I'm 28 and currently married, I have two beautiful children; For as long as I remember I always wanted to be a Ranger for national parks! Yeah I know, sounds like a boring dream I get it, I have my share from time to time of criticism for it, yet I still don't care, I want to get this to be my reality! So after 2 months of training and 4 more months of studying about wildlife as well as all situations you may encounter in the forest I finally got it I got my license to be a Ranger! After saying Goodbye to my lovely wife and children I hopped in the car and drove 5 hours to get their. Afterwords I'm meet the head Ranger at Elias National park the biggest national park in all of America! Sure it was in Alaska but it worth it all the same!

James: "Hello Martial!"

Martial: " Ah Sam is just fine for me James, good to see you in Person for a change. "

James: " With all do respect sure in honor of the years of work you put in here I could not call you by any other name!"

Martial: 'sigh' " Fine, but at least call me by my name in private when it's just us, I'd feel weird if you did so otherwise."

James: " that's fine as well… Sam"

Sam makes a bitter Smile across his wrinkled face

As far as James knows he is 58 years old and turning 59 this January, making it his 38th year of working at this National park! Because of this James holds a respect for him that most would consider… over the top a bit, this would cause him trouble down the line eventually, Sam knew this much when he first encounters James making a steady eye contact as if to say " im watching you don't screw up."

Sam: " Ok kid hopp in the Jeep I'll pack some gear and we'll be on our way to " tower 34"

On this national park there are over 63 different towers covering the large amount of forest that needs to be watched, at one point there used to be so much as 100 but after radios advance a little more there was no need to have so many this they reduce the number of towers by on every year as to lower cost of labor, but despite the 63 tower that are still active only 15 are really used on a regular bases, the towers 10, 25, 34, and 84 are really the only ones that are maned all the time making the total amount of Rangers go from 63 all the way down to a staggering 10-15 rangers, This heavily depends on the season and year

Sam: " Ok James since we're are going to be driving for a while I'll tell you all the rule here first"

James looks confused as he had already read all the rules when he was going through training, leaving him thoroughly confused. Sam looks at his face with a glance before turning his eyes back on the dirt road giving himself a frown as he furrows his brows

Same: " Look kid, the rules you read online and the one they give you are completely different from the ones we have out here so let me break it down for you"

Before James could protest Sam stops him and continues

Sam: " Rule one, never and I mean never go outside your tower after 3:00 to 4:30 in the morning and just in case, stay in there for a good 10 more minutes just to be sure

Rule 2, if you ever hear crying from the time 8:00-10:00pm IGNORE it, even if it calls for help or begs to be saved don't even turn your head in it's direction

Rule 3, if at anytime you smell sea water or burning seaweed run the other direction and don't stop running until you can't smell it anymore and trust me you'll know the smell

Rule 4, if you ever see a man standing in the middle of the road with a suit—

As Sam was talking about this he suddenly paused almost as if he was scared no he looks paler by the second, out of overwhelming curiosity James looks at the dirt road, he is met with a man or what looks like a man, dressed in a dark suit wearing a top hat with gloves an a pitch black cain holding and pressing into the floor giving the impression of holding the Earth down. In this moment the Jeep has stoped and Sam doesn't move a muscle and just stares at the man, adopting Sam's stare he looks back at the man in black

After two minutes of complete stillness, the man in black turns towards the forest and disappears behind the trees, James after two minutes of staring looks back to Sam only to see that sometime along the two minutes sam had gotten out of the vehicle

James: " Uuuuuummm… Sam?… you ok? Who was that another Ranger?"

James knows it's a ridiculous question but still asked anyways just to be sure he isn't assuming of the wrong thing

Hearing James words seems to knock Sam out of his stupor

Sam: " Huh? Oh yeah sorry I was… never mind did you break eye contact within the two minutes we were staring?"

James in response nods his head side to side, Sam looks at him a gives a sigh of relief

Sam: " thank the gods you didn't look away.. anyways I guess I won't be telling you rule four now since you probably already guessed it from our little staring competition."

James again looks at Sam and asked a question

James: " Sam, I'm going to ask again who was that"

Sam: 'Sighs' " Still don't get it right?"

Before James could could answer he is cut off again

Sam: " Hey, it's ok, I'll tell you all about what happened just now tomorrow as for now let's get you to your tower. Just five more minutes and you can sleep this off and deal with the introduction of the others."

James doesn't answer causing Sam no reaction

After 5 minutes they arrive, by this time they both hold a steady breath and are currently standing at the bottom of the steps

Sam: " Ok James head up into there and get some rest I'll only be 30 minutes away in tower 35, if you need me I'll be there just call"

James gives a slight nervous nod and says "Y-Yes Martial!"

James huddle himself up the stairs and open the top tower door, opening up the door he sees the bed and right by it is a small desk with old news papers and a old radio sitting on the edge of the desk, by the door he sees a empty flair gun on a small little stand as well as a hunting rifle strung up on the same wall with the ammo just underneath it on a small Metal shelf with piercing rounds and regular rounds as well as a single box of tracer rounds… after closing the door behind him, James set's his bag to the side of the bed taking of his gear and coat. After sitting on the chair for a few minutes James gets up and decides to leave everything for tomorrow and in the middle of deciding this he flips on his bed and passes out

—— —— —— —— —— —— ——

"Wow this is so interesting!" David exclaimed in excitement

"System how many rules can I put here is there a limit?"

[ Because of your status of being in the tutorial you are not inclined with restrictions besides the penalty ]

"Nice then I guess I have new Toys then! I can't wait! my blood is pumping with the excitement of this opportunity for a show!"


Thanks for reading

1333 words