
Chapter 1

I wont cry.

I cant... I cannot cry!

All of these people staring at me... Dammit Adam! What did I do to this deserve this.

Those were Evan's thoughts as he was being cornered in his school courtyard.

"Awww look guys! He's scared!" A kid named Josh mocked him, as he looked like a lost puppy all alone in the big scary world.

Cowering in his shadow Evan finally spoke,"Pl-please Adam... I need this money! I cant- I need to..." Before he could continue Adam pushed forward blocking anyway out, with his arm on the wall pinning Even down.

"You cant what!? Be a good doggy and give me what you owe me. How else am I going to get lunch? Or we can punish you and show you what happens to pathetic little puppies who don't obey." The glare in his eyes sent shivers down Evan's spine. How did he get in this situation?! He was going to use this money to buy Liz a birthday gift... not that she would appreciate anyway.

"O-okay..." Shaking like crazy Evan reached in his pocket and pulled out the money he had made working the past month. As he placed it in Adams hand he wondered how such hard worked for money could be so easily given away... A sudden rub on the head pulled Evan out of thought.

Adam grimaced, "What a good boy! HaHaHa! Let's go boys, lunch is on me today!" The group of boys walked away laughing leaving Evan behind as his self confidence withers away.

End of Last Period

Kids were packing up their bags and getting ready to go home for the day. The sound of laughter and ruffling of papers clouded Evans thoughts, when suddenly an arm wrapped around him.

"Yo yo yo! What's up Evan my man—"

Before he could finish Evan butted in; "The Sky." Evan stared blankly into his only friend's bright green eyes. It was as if actual crickets overpowered the other noises in the room.

"... Ooookay then! You have been spacing out all day dude, what's going on? That Adam dude hasn't been picking on you again right?!"

Adam's name rang throughout every inch of Evans body, that damned Evan. "Adam? Psh, of course not! I was just thinking about how im a little short on money this month..." He lied.

"Well okay little dude... but remember your main man Alex has got you! And if you ever need some cash just hit me up! And tell me if anyone ever bothers you... you hear me?" Alex smiles and begins guiding Evan out the classroom to walk home. Alex is a simple guy. Always cheerful but oblivious to his surroundings. He has seen Adam and Evan's little quarrels but has no clue of the severity of Evans current situation. But Alex is always looking out Evan, always the one who has to worry and protect him. And the last thing Evan wants is to stress out his best, and only, friend. Nor does he want to be seen as burden or nuisance that always needs to be watched over and protected. So Evan tried his best to keep his troubles to himself.

At Evan's Dorm

Alex always walks Evan to his dorm building in case any trouble were to befall him, and he is always hesitant about letting Evan stay where he is in the first place. As they stand outside the dorm together, they see Adam and his group of friends playing around just to the side of the building. See, Evan and Adam are dorm mates.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay? I can always bring you to my place if you want-" Alex looks down worried for Evan.

"Of course I will be fine. He wont hurt me... And it's not like we haven't been living together all year!" Evan rolls his eyes at Alex. "I-I can take care of myself!" Confidently he grips the side of his book-bag and begins striding towards the door.

"Okay dude! See ya tomorrow!" Alex smiles and continues his walk towards his own room.

Evan gave a weary smile in return. All he has to do is make into his room, then he's free til' tomorrow. Walking at a fastened pace he looks down avoiding any eye contact with Adam and his group.

Suddenly Evan rams into something hard and he stumbles back and quickly puts his hand up to stop the sun to see what stopped him in his tracks.

Looking down at him like ant on the ground was Adam standing a good 7 inches above him. The blinding light of the sun was blocked by his tall and dark demeanor and the almost silhouetted face began to speak.

"Your late," Adam grins grinding his teeth.

"I-I-I..." Evan was at a loss for words, was he supposed to be at the dorm early for some reason? He hadn't been instructed to clean Adam's room today... had he?

One of Adams friend's Nathan came up behind Evan and grabbed his shoulder with a tight force, taken Evan by surprise making him jump.

"I-I- Haha! How pathetic!" Nathan mocked him bringing his face so close to Evan's that Evan could feel his breathing on this neck and ear.

Evan clenched his hands to his chest and squinched his eyes in hope to build up some courage. Maybe he should have had Alex walk him to his room...

"W-what do you want from me..." Evans voice trembled along with the rest of him.

Adam smirked at his fear, "Oh!? Did you forget little puppy...? You have to make me dinner!" Adam bent slightly down and brought his face close to Evans and smiled widely.

Evan held his breathe and replied weakly, "B-but you never told me to-" Evan was cut off by a sharp pain in is neck. Adam had taken him away from Nathans grip and had his own hands around him guiding him into the dorm, leaving his friends behind.

"If I say I want you to make me dinner, than you make me dinner" Adams voice growled deeper than a wolf's and Evan could do nothing but obey. As he was brought to the kitchen he began thinking of food to make. Adam took a seat at the counter with his hands folded and arms propped up for his head to rest on. He stared at Evan as he began preparing the meal.

(Authors note: BL)