1 Prologue

Logan's POV

Dear, no one...

I'm in my room again, after yet another day of being hated... Why does it have to be me? To be fair, it makes sense that it's me, I am the 'least popular side' as Virgil has said to times to even count them anymore but if I were to guess the amount I believe it would be over 2,600 times in the past 18 months. I bet you're wondering how I know how many times I've been told to go away or the amount of time that I've been insulted, right?

Well, it's my job.

I don't have a choice on how I WANT to act. I can't be the real me! You have no idea how much it hurts!

SH!T!! Thomas is calling me for a video I guess you will just have to watch me as I pretend to be a cold-hearted, emotionless robot again.

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