
I Will Become God

From [Running] to [Super Speed] that defies the laws of physics. From [Aiming] to [Sure Hit] that transcends causality. From [Health Preservation] to [Longevity] that bestows immortality. From [Fitness] to [Dragon’s Physique] that transforms the body into that of a dragon. Given a second chance at life, Xue Jing set a simple goal after acquiring a system panel that could infinitely enhance his skills. In a perilous world teeming with martial artists, gifted individuals, and mechanical cyborgs, Xue Jing was resolute. By the end of his journey, he would 'BECOME GOD.' ... Hey guys I am a new Translator in the translating community hoping to make it big. I will be mainly translating Chinese Novels/Fanfics because truly there are some great stories out there written by these Chinese authors but they just need a bit of love from us translators to turn them into pure gold or at least near it, support me on my dream to make it so. This is my ninja way, Dattebayo!! (LOL XD) Patreon Link - patreon.com/InkDemon You can read 20 advanced chapters there (To be increased in the future). Your support would be appreciated, but don't feel pressured to join. I ultimately still upload my translations outside it for free. !DISCLAIMER! - This is NOT my original work, This is just a translation

Ink_Demon1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 50: The Cat Transforms

There is a little change in the way I'm translating this chapter if you can spot it tell me, but just know I'm going to tell you at the end of the chapter anyway.


In the dusky shadows of a narrow alley, Xue Jing sat cross-legged, transfixed by the uncanny black flame that danced on his palm.

"Shadow Flame," he whispered, his voice laced with fascination.

He coaxed the flame from one hand to the other, marveling at how naturally it responded as if it were an extension of his own will.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Xue Jing seized a brick from the ground and commanded the shadow flame to envelop it.


To his amazement, the brick, which was normally impervious to fire, ignited like parchment, rapidly disintegrating into ash that the gentle evening breeze whisked away.

"This is no mere fire," Xue Jing mused, his eyes wide with realization. "Its essence is darker, more sinister than any flame; it manifests as this dark and consuming inferno."

He pressed further with his experiments, this time letting the shadow flame lick a stone briefly before he extinguished it. He examined the stone closely; it bore scorch marks yet was cold to the touch and showed no signs of deeper carbonization.

"The heat is constant—it doesn't escalate. It's not the temperature but something else that causes the destruction—a conceptual damage that leaves physical properties unaltered?"

Engrossed in the alley's shadows, Xue Jing delved deeper into mastering the [Shadow Flame], each experiment bringing him closer to understanding its divine mechanics.

"The shadows around amplify its power, making it stronger and less taxing to wield."

"The force of the damage is consistent—it's not influenced by the material's properties but by the strength of the wielder. This will be a slow process on tougher materials."

Observing the shadow flame eat away at a discarded piece of leather, he nodded in satisfaction.

On his control panel, the light next to [Shadow Flame] faded, signaling that the skill was recharging. He pondered how long he would have to wait.

Rising to his feet, Xue Jing stretched, his muscles relaxing.

"What a remarkable discovery," he said under his breath, his gaze affixed to the luminescent panel.

[Your battle prowess has increased, granting you combat experience points +452]

[Your mood after a battle is good, granting you Health preservation experience points +633]

[Your Aim has improved, adding Aiming experience points +422]

[Your speed has improved, adding Running experience points +558]

The sequence of prompts indicated a considerable leap in his skill proficiency.

[Fitness level has risen to Lv6 (28/3000)]

[Health Preservation skill has improved to Lv4 (25/1200)]

[Your aiming accuracy is now at Lv4 (102/1200)]

[Fighting has reached Lv4 (805/1200)]

[Running has advanced to Lv5 (127/2000)]

This progress was a treasure trove!

A surge of newfound energy pulsed through Xue Jing, his physical capabilities nearly doubling.

Importantly, he had harnessed a potent offensive power, Shadow Flame, which has significantly boosted his combat capabilities.

"It seems that confrontation enhances one's abilities."

Savoring the growth, Xue Jing then recalled the unresolved issue at hand.

He snapped a photo of the man's body and texted it to Wu Youqing, detailing the events.

Given the gravity of the situation where he had taken a life and also couldn't conceal it. He needed backing, someone to manage the aftermath.

Wu Youqing, with her wealth, power, and semi-official connections, seemed the most dependable choice.

Promptly, Wu Youqing responded to his message. Xue Jing answered the call immediately

"Boss, just as I described on WeChat."

Wu Youqing's calm voice reassured him, "I understand. Don't worry, you were justified. I'll handle everything."

Relieved, Xue Jing sighed.

"Send me your current location and leave the scene undisturbed. I'll have someone take care of it. Go home and maintain normalcy."

"Meet me at the library tomorrow."

Xue Jing agreed, sent his coordinates, and discreetly moved the body into a dumpster, concealing it from any casual observers.

He then cleaned himself off and exited the shadowy confines of the alley.

When he reached home, his cat was waiting for him.

The door opening to his cat's welcome was always a bright spot in his day.

The sight of his cat somewhat eased Xue Jing's troubled thoughts after the day's grim events.

"Ha~~ You're back." The cat yawned, stretching out her paws and blinking her emerald eyes lazily.


Maomao approached, sniffing subtly, her pink nose twitching.

"Did you get into another fight?"

Xue Jing lifted her up, a gentle smile on his face. "Just a minor issue, but it's handled."

"Come on, Teacher Wan, isn't it time for a bath?"

At this, Ning Fengwan wriggled in his arms.

"Cats don't need baths every day! Focus on cleaning yourself first!"


In the bathtub, Xue Jing cradled the cat, both soaking in the warm water. They sighed in contentment together.

The cat lay across Xue Jing's chest, occasionally swishing her tail across his chin.

She stole a brief glance at Xue Jing's divine sword—a sight too intense to gaze upon directly—before quickly averting her eyes.

In the tranquil atmosphere of the bathroom, Maomao's soft voice filled the air.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Taken aback by her question, Xue Jing smiled.

"A little down, but seeing you makes it better."

Ning Fengwan raised her head with pride, snorting, "Sweet words won't work on me."

Xue Jing glanced at his panel.

[Someone has developed a crush on you, Charm Experience +21]

He decided not to mention it and instead gently pinched Maomao's cheek.

"Why wear glasses in the bath? They're just getting fogged up."

Curious, Maomao reached for the glasses, causing them to fall.


Xue Jing, caught off guard, didn't manage to catch them in time.

[Someone has grown very fond of you, Charm Experience +89]

Removing his glasses unleashed a restrained aura, transforming his presence into something nearly divine.

Dazed by the sudden change, Maomao stared, her tail ring emitting a brilliant platinum glow before bursting into radiant light.

Xue Jing shielded his eyes with his hand.

Suddenly, he felt a change not just in the air but physically as well, as the familiar sensation of fur was replaced by warmth, softness, and a slight fuzziness.

He opened his eyes to see soft, narrow eyes looking back at him—changed, yet familiar.


The change being made is word count per chapter, if you've finished this chapter faster than you normally would that is because I reduced the word count, A lot of unnecessary information was dumped and overall I improved its quality, imagine describing someone would take 3 paragraphs. but it isn't reduced too much. From 1223 words to 1107