
I Was Transported to Another World, but I Negotiated and Persuaded

I Was Transported to Another World, but I Negotiated and Persuaded Both the Goddess and the Demon King. *** The protagonist, Takuto, was recognized by the bumbling goddess for his work in a black company. His mission in the other world, where he was sent to, was to spread the word of the goddess like a devoted follower. However, due to the bumbling goddess’s mistake, he was restricted even in his speech, labeled as “unemployed” after the transfer. Using the cheat skills acquired through negotiations with the goddess, the unemployed youth, accompanied by his familiars, Shiro and Kuro, navigates through various troubles with his own selfish interpretations.

_NCS_ · Fantasia
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85 Chs

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Assault on the Goblin Village!

"Kuro, how does it look?"

"There are two buildings in front of the cave. There are about five to seven goblins in each building. Some of them are equipped with bows. At the entrance of the cave, there are three goblins with axes. There don't seem to be any other entrances."

"Understood. Be careful and come back safely."


If we don't know what's inside the cave, there's no point in attacking. For now, let's try capturing one and interrogating it.

"Kuro, sorry to bother you, but can you confirm if there are any goblins out hunting?"

"Please wait a moment. Between the leader and the village, there are five goblins walking towards the leader's direction."

Good timing. Let's make them our informants for now.

"Shiro, let's go!"


I confirmed Kuro and Shiro's abilities, and they were more outstanding than I had expected. Kuro can observe the ground from high in the sky and can spot targets even when they're hidden in vegetation. His attack power is also quite high. Shiro can use illusion magic. She's capable of using the "Mist Illusion" over a wide area. She's also skilled in other types of magic and can perform magical attacks. Since we have a master-servant relationship, it seems that if I become stronger, Kuro and Shiro will naturally become stronger as well.

While waiting, as Kuro reported, five goblins appeared.

"Shiro, I'm counting on you."


As Shiro spread her arms, mist began to form around us. First, let's crush their throats and then capture them with paralyzing potion. If we have [Telepathy], we can manage even if they can't speak.

I didn't know this before the recent battle, but it seems that goblins emit a peculiar sound to call for reinforcements when they're in a tight spot. Why didn't we use that last time?

"First one down."

"Second one down."

"Third one down."

"Fourth and fifth. Mission complete!"

We captured all five goblins in just a few seconds.

We moved the five goblins to a different location and informed them through [Telepathy] that we would be interrogating them. The goblins, as expected, looked around nervously. I will judge their intelligence based on who realizes that I am the one speaking.

Starting with the slowest goblin, I will begin the interrogation.

"How many are there in the settlement?"

"...I don't know."

"Where are the human women?"

"...I don't know."

Since I couldn't tell if this guy really didn't know or if he was lying, I decided to play it safe and cut off his head with an axe.

I threatened the other four goblins, saying, "If you give false testimony, this is what will happen! Be prepared!"

Since they were clearly shaken, I continued with the interrogation of the second goblin.

"How many goblins are there in the settlement?"

"...About sixty adults and twenty children."

"What's inside the cave?"

"...Two small rooms and one large room."

"Where are the human women?"

"...Those who are made to bear children are in the cave's room. Those who haven't been violated yet are in the small huts outside."

"There are two huts outside, but what's the other one?"

"...It's the guard's waiting area."

"How is the room inside the cave?"

"...It's a straight path. The right side is the armory, the left side is the mating area. Everyone gathers in the large hall at the back."

I see, I understood to some extent, but I couldn't deny the possibility that this guy was lying.

Just like the first one, I cut off his head with an axe.

I continued with the same method until the fifth one, and I was able to confirm their testimonies.

"Shiro, retrieve the core for now."


According to the information from the interrogated goblins, there were about seventy adults (including the elderly) and about twenty children (including infants and toddlers).

The building in front of the cave was the "waiting area" on the right side.

Slightly to the left of the cave was the "prison."

Inside the cave, there was a forcibly violated "mating area" on the left side, where children were forcibly born, and the "treasure room" on the far right side.

It seems that the goblins gather in the "large hall" at the very back.

Everything except the "large hall" was locked.

There were seven women in the "prison" and nine women in the "mating area."

Not only the number of goblins, but also the number of captives was greater than I had thought.

"Kuro, can you confirm the women who are being held captive from a close distance?"

"There's no problem. I won't be found by mere goblins."

"Then, good luck!"

Since there was a possibility of failing to kill the goblins who go out hunting during the daytime, a nighttime raid was decided!

First, using Shiro's "Mist Illusion Technique," we would attack the waiting area and have Kuro wait outside. Shiro and I would infiltrate the cave.

If there were goblins in the mating area, we would kill them as soon as we found them and then rush into the large hall, cleaning up everything at once with Shiro's "Mist Illusion Technique."

The attack in the mist would be best with the "Kazuyumi" bow.

It has a high firing rate, great speed, and minimal impact on the mist.

As soon as Kuro returns, I'll convey the plan and wait while preparing for a night raid.

From deep within the cave, there are loud voices, as if they're having a feast.

When things settle down, my sensitivity to sound increases. It's about time!

I order Shiro to use the "Mist Illusion" and instruct Kuro to wait in the sky for the assault.

First, we'll defeat the four guards in the waiting area, then take down the two guards at the prison.

We cautiously infiltrate the cave, but as expected, there are four goblins engaged in mating.

I defeat the four of them again with the "Mist Illusion" and have Shiro proceed while casting the illusion once more.

Just a brief glance, but it seems like the woman in this mating area is mentally broken.

Is it right to save her and send her back to her family, or is it better to end her life here for her happiness?

While contemplating such matters, Shiro returns, so I leave this place to her and rush to the main hall.

As expected, in the main hall, the comrades are attacking each other.

For the time being, I shoot down the visible shadows with the "Kazuyumi" bow.

After a while, the effects of the mist start to fade, and the surviving goblins begin to appear.

...There are roughly less than thirty left. It's not as much of a decrease as I thought.

There are also a few of them uninjured.

The fact that they're moving without panicking in this state indicates that they have some level of intelligence.

For now, I launch a wide-range attack with "Flame Wave."

I finish off those who try to flee with the "Kazuyumi" bow.

Finally, around ten or so goblins remain...

It might take a bit of effort from here.

The remaining goblins are observing the situation.

There's only one entrance, so they know that they can't leave from here without defeating me.

However, they also know that blindly rushing in would result in their defeat.

For now, I attack the ones on the right side, where the fire hasn't reached, with "Water Sphere," and I diminish the space where they can fight on the left side with "Flame Wave."

The power of "Flame Wave" has diminished.

Is it about time we're running out of oxygen?

The goblins appear to be struggling as I observe them.

This is near the entrance, so it's not as difficult as dealing with goblins.

As time passes, the advantage shifts more and more to the goblins' side.

Perhaps reaching their limit, four goblins attacked, but I defeated them with "Wind Blade."

From behind them, another three goblins launched an attack, but since I saw them coming, I easily defeated them with "Wind Bow."

There are five left!

While focused on the frontal attack, three goblins from the right side gradually closed in.

With a splashing sound of stepping on a puddle, I unleashed "Thunderbolt," and they turned into charred corpses, collapsing.

Two left.

Clearly, they're the leader and the vice-leader types.

I still have over half of my MP remaining, so I'll try using ice-based abilities.

I try consecutively with "Ice Sphere" and "Ice Bow," but I haven't inflicted a fatal blow yet.

If we continue like this, we'll probably win, but I want to finish quickly. What should I do...?

The goblins must have realized they're going to die anyway, so they took an attacking stance and came towards me.

There's a saying, "A cornered rat will bite the cat," so I can't let my guard down.

The two goblins simultaneously launched attacks from above and below.

Since there have been many attacks from the sides, they probably planned this strategy, but unfortunately for them, "Wind Blade" can also be activated vertically.

Right in front of me, the two goblins split in half and fell.

A sound rang in my head. Did I level up?

For now, I contacted Shiro and asked her to recover the core and checked on the women at the mating place.

It's a cruel sight.

If impregnated by goblins, they give birth faster than when humans mate.

They must have been forcefully made to give birth multiple times.

Even if I use "Heal" or "Recovery," I can't heal the wounds in their hearts.

It might sound heartless, but I will discuss it with the captive women and make a decision.

Shiro returned, so we moved to the confinement room.

When I opened the door, there were seven daughters, just as the information had stated.

They were clearly frightened.

Can they not see that I am human?

"You don't have to be scared. I came to help."

When I spoke to the daughters, they cried and expressed their gratitude and joy.

I explained the situation.

We discussed what to do with the daughters from the breeding facility, but I deliberately refrained from mentioning "healing" or "recovery" because it might give them excessive hope.

As a result of the discussion, three of the daughters would go to the breeding facility to assess the situation and make a decision afterward.

The remaining four could go either way, so we decided to leave it up to the three who were chosen.

Based on the content of our conversation, it seemed likely that the three were from a village called "Gondo" and had family there, while the remaining four appeared to have been attacked during their transportation by slave traders.

...So slavery exists in this world of Exis.

"Don't be discouraged no matter what situation you find. It might exceed your imagination."

The daughters nodded and moved forward.

When they reached the entrance of the breeding facility, the daughters froze and their movements came to a halt as if they were petrified.

Though they were prepared, they may have imagined themselves in that situation tomorrow.

"...Big sister."

One of the daughters spoke to a collapsed woman.

However, the woman's consciousness was hazy.

She did not recognize that her sister was speaking to her.

Even if they rushed over and embraced her, it wouldn't change anything.

She uttered just one word, hoarsely,


That seemed to be her wish.

It was up to the daughters to make the decision.

It might be cowardly, but I could only follow their lead.

The daughter who had spoken earlier came up to me.

"...Please kill her."

Tears welled up in her eyes, her fists clenched tightly, and her shoulders trembled.

It must have been an agonizing decision.

There was no doubt that it would become a trauma in her life from now on.

"Understood. I'll make sure she doesn't suffer. Please go outside."

After escorting the women outside, I decapitated them with a "Wind Blade" spell.

Without any time to dwell on sentiment, I put everything in the treasure vault into my "Item Box," set fire to it, and left with Shiro.