
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Attaining the next evolution

I sat in my cell stewing angrily at this place. I wanted to leave with my rings help. But at the same time I was upset that my friends were suffering so much in this timeline.

I could feel that the ring was undoing the curse seals on my body bit by bit letting me slowly gain my strength back. And I could feel my soul nourishing divine ki at a faster rate as the seals came undone.

Thanks also to the speed up from the amulet.

But I felt like I was missing something.

Something felt out of reach yet there at the same time.

Like something I as a Dragonball super fan... Should be seeing.

Something that Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, Whis, and heck! Even Broly were grasping about divine ki!

I should be seeing this!

I should be able to see it with my power to see power levels!

It should be right! ... In... Front... Of me.


Did I?

Have I been... Blind to it BECAUSE of my power level ability?

I blink then look at my hands to see my regular chi power level and my divine ki level.

Both were right there and were numerically shown to me.

I felt pride in those numbers.

That I came so far.

That I have grown so much.

But now that I think of it.

None of the other characters rely on this.

Scouters were a thing in the Frieza and Saiyan arcs for a reason.

To show how much the power scaling would grow.

But at this late in the series?

Getting ready for Buu?! They were meaningless. You could track the numbers. You could feel them.

Heck you could even estimate them. But they are not a substitute for your skills or your ability to think on your feet.

After all weaker members have put up great fights against much stronger foes thanks to skill, technique, and their ability to be unpredictable.

Look at Goku against the first Vegeta fight!

He won with help but he also kept up with his skills and techniques!

I looked at those numbers and glares at them this time.

If they were holding me back... If they were keeping me from attaining the next level of strength.

Then I would probably be better off without them.

But how to get rid of it?

Just not use it?

No that's like locking up a gun in your safe and saying you don't own one cause you don't hold it.

I need to have it gone. It is a limited that I didn't realize could limit my growth in this universe.

So I stand up. Take a deep breath in. And reach out with my senses. Ignoring the pings. The beeps. The blips of my power.

I sift through it all. Until I see a glow in my soul. My own soul. And find the piece that is the power given to me.

I grab hold and am about to tear it off when I hear a voice.

A childlike voice. It giggles as I hear Zeno.

"Hehe! Finally! I was worried you would rely on this crutch forever! But now you have the potential to see through it! That's right! All this time the power level counter was a way to track your progress! It also a limited to see how far you would push it in each arc! It made you think about the timeline and the power balance. And it helped correct the timeline thanks to that. Without it. The timeline will grow with or without your input as it should have. Are you sure you are ready for that young reincarnated soul?"

I stare at the chunk of my soul I am about to tear off and then harden my eyes as I grip hard onto it. And rip it off. Honestly it felt like a hair cut or even like clipping your nails. Not much was lost. It definitely felt like an added on piece of my soul instead of a piece of it.

I hear Zeno giggle again as he happily goes, "Great! Looking forward to how strong you get now that you can truly sense your full potential with that times 40 boost you got! And now with all your senses open and not clouded by a counter system! Have fun! And grow strong enough to battle against our angels and God's of destruction! We want to give them a challenge for once!"

I double take at that ending piece of speech before he disappears from my mind.

As I see the clipped soul piece fade off into the void I see my soul suddenly glow bright. And I feel a rush of power flood my system!

It is so intense I am ejected from my own soul realm and I am suddenly in my cell shining like a fucking miniature sun!

The two son guards at my cell turn to face me but are atomized immediately from the pure amount of divine ki exploding off of my form.

As I begin to scream and try to reign in and harness this flood of power. Dabura and Towa were making plans over dinner about how to get my artifacts off me and conquer the other timelines when suddenly they feel the power explosion from me.

Dabura mobilizes his entire army while Towa goes to her tower to see how her various spells and seals placed around their kingdom are surviving.

And she is frozen with fear at what she finds.

My aura has destroyed so many seals and spells that she has almost nothing left to control the slaves, the captured gladiators, and the seal on Majin Buu.

She goes to her window to see the colosseum is exploding as a pair of angry and rather upset Saiyan warriors destroy most of it and the soldiers stationed there. Alongside an entire battalion of at least 50 other fighters ranging from Tien to a rather pissed Mr. Satan.

She growls and goes to recover their seals of enslavement before she suddenly finds her tower engulfed in divine energy as I blast her tower to pieces.

She falls from it and barely stops herself from becoming a splat on the ground as I fly to be right above her.

She gasps as I reveal my form to her and a stunned Daburas who was following my powerful new surge of power from my jail cell to where I appeared by Towas tower.

I stand there hovering in the air as my skin is now a light cosmic blue similar to Whis, but with some small star like tattoos all over it making me seem like I am part of a night sky.

However that is where it ends. I am just lightly marked and lightly blue skinned. However even Daburas is quivering in fear at my presence as the divine ki is rolling off me in waves.

He roars out and orders his men to attack.

They charge forward and with a single wave of my hand I send a powerful gust of wind at them that sends them all flying back from that one move.

Dabura barely remains standing as I suddenly appear in front of him and punch him hard in the gut. He folds in half from the blow and is winded for a minute.

Suddenly he whisp his head up and spits at me but I already have his own cloak in front of it as he grunts and rips it off before it turns to stone with him still attached.

Soon enough he is backing up as his soldiers have recovered with a power up spell from Towa who has appeared with her wizard suit torn here and there from her destroyed tower.

She roars out as she sends out a torrent of demonic magic at me as she yells, "We should have destroyed you! I can't believe I found you cute!"

I tank the blast with my aura of divine ki shielding me as I stand there staring at her in shock. Her army is frozen at that declaration as well and Dabura is face palming at his sisters tastes in men.

I just shrug before blasting out a huge wave of divine ki shooting back all their soldiers despite their best efforts.

As I go to fight off Daburas he is tackled away by a very angry Supser Saiyan 3 Goku and Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta.

Towa is scared as I stare her down with my divine aura flaring out as I charge up a blast and she gulps as I change the energy to go from destruction to erasing demonic energy.

I envelope her in the blast as she just barely teleports as the blast begins to wash over her.

I huff as she is gone from the blast and I look around to find that Daburas is regretting keeping both Goku and Vegeta alive with their son's helping as Gohan and Shin were both also under a demonic spell technically.

They had joined the fight with a now upset Majin Buu helping to fight off Dabura.

The demon king is very stressed as he is losing quickly to them all.

I chuckle and open a portal back to my world. Ready to relax and let my body acclimate to my new form. And have a new training regime in mind.