
I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!! (GL)

Hameru Matasoto was a very cheerful and stubborn girl, she has no sense of direction and always seemed to get lost. Ah, what a predicament. She never knew she would die because something as small like that. Hameru met the God of Light and Fate, God of Fate. It seems that she died without them even knowing, as an apology they made Hameru reincarnate. With a wish to make she chose to make her life to be normal, but they unknowingly said "An Exciting Life" Oops? "Hah. Cheerful and stubborn, huh? Being naive wouldn't excuse a stupid girl. I can't believe I used to be like that." The game she reincarnated in started to twist her personality into something more fitting of the character "Nikami Shiromoru." Cold, Distant, and blunt she became. And what's worse? She's being forced to fall in love with the Main Character of this game, Sweet like smelling a rose while the thorns prick the hand, blood dripping down. "I want to stop this, This is the opposite of normal you tricksters of Gods."

VoltyLemonii · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Chapter 30, The Insecure Elementalist.

Nikami POV

I turned to the squeaky voice and saw a picture flash again... It was another one of those CG's. So I was expecting a capture target was there, I was thinking that voice was a bit familiar...

It was a girl with a light green long ponytail hair, with blue eyes and big round glasses. She had a long brown robe. She was hugging a big green book, her head slightly lowered.

[Ah... It's her, isn't it? Another capture target... «The insecure Elementalist»... She is two years above us, one of the juniors... as you can see by her red tie... She is one of the strongest mages in history, she is even called the «Light Of HumanKind» She is very popular in the game due to her adorable shyness, but with the powers to kick ass.] I thought as I stared at the girl.

Shukona upon hearing another voice instantly puts her hand off Yasachu's head. Thinking that she mustn't be seen patting a commoner.

She glanced over to the girl with the round glasses and folded her hands. She was a bit red and was pouting as well.

"Oh! I'm so sorry for blocking the way!" Yasachu panicked, tiny bits of sweat fell down her face.

She started to bow rapidly and was really anxious.

This was another one of the nobles, and this time it was one of the upperclassmen! She must absolutely not anger her. Just thinking about what she will do to her makes her shiver...

"Oh hello, my dearest love. Forgive us for blocking the way." Yuutsu goes to bow to the girl with glasses, winking.

"De-dearest love?! W-well uhm..." The girl with the round glasses turned red to the sudden pet name, covering half of her face with the huge green book.

"Hey, what are you thinking?! Calling her like that, she isn't one of your weird followers." Shukona glared at Yuutsu.

"Ah-ahaha! Geez! It's just a pet name! Sorry." Yuutsu nervously laughed, apologizing to the girl with the round glasses.

"..." I stayed silent and composed as always, Staring and listening to their conversation.

"..ahaha..." Yasachu nervously laughed at the two then took a glimpse at Nikami.

If only Yasachu had the guts to call her a pet name... Or even anyone with a pet name! She really wanted to be a bit more confident towards the nobles, but how can she be confident towards them? When their presence is enough to give her pressure.

"U-uhm... I-its okay... just uhm... please move away from the door, some stu-students might want to come in..." The girl adjusted her round glasses and looked away, blushing from being flustered.

"Okay senpai, We're sorry." I did a courtesy bow and looked at the others and stared.

"Hmph, we shall go. We don't want to disturb Miss...?" Shukona glanced at the girl with the round glasses for an answer.

"Kikyou Kinmokusei... Just call me Kiyu, you don't ha-have to call me senpai... It sounds weird... I feel like I don't deserve to be called a senpai... I-I'm sure you are much mo-more stronger than I am..." Kikyou nervously laughed as she adjusted her round glasses once again, holding the huge green book on her hand.

Her head goes down, and I could see mushrooms growing on her head.

"Tch... One of the shy ones..." Shukona glared at Kikyou, looking a bit disappointed and disgusted with her.

I looked at Shukona and then stared at her for a bit.

[Shukona always has never liked people who are shy... Or anyone who thinks of themselves as low... She thinks that it's inelegant to not be confident, to be a noble is to lead... And to lead people you need to make the people around you feel good about themselves. When at war you need to make your soldiers be brave and confident, and how can you do that when you can't even feel confident about yourself...? That's her logic for it. And I myself agree with her, in the game Shukona tries to make shy people be more confident in themselves. And in Kikyou's route... the villainess, which is Shukona... is always around Kikyou. «To make her a better noble»... As she said...] I thought still staring at Shukona.

She looked back at me, and then glanced over to Kikyou, then back to me, and then rolled her eyes. Signaling that she didn't like her.

I sighed a bit and nodded, then went over to whisper to her.

"Not now, you're stressed. Let's read a book first." I suggested to her.

Shukona sighed and whispered back at me.

"I know, I know." Shukona glanced back at Kikyou.

"Okay, Kiyu-sama..." Yasachu smiled at her then fiddled with her fingers.

Yasachu is a bit frightened because of another noble in front of her.

Yuutsu then took off to go to a table, waving to signal us that she found a spot.

Yuutsu had a wide grin on her face, her tail swinging around.

"We shall go now Kiyu-sama." I did a courtesy bow to her again and slowly walked towards where Yuutsu found a table, I was excited to read books. But of course, I didn't express it on the outside.

"O-okay bye... If you need anything... I'll be at the counter..." Kikyou hid her mouth with her book and bowed down slightly before going to the counter of the library.

"Oh! Okay! Thank you Kiyu-sama." Yasachu smiled at Kikyou nodding slightly.

Shukona looked at Yasachu and glared at her.

"Come on commoner, don't keep us waiting with your slow dirty steps." Shukona sighed and went to follow me.

"Ye-yes Amaratini-sama!" Yasachu nervously came after her up behind.

I sat down and stared at Shukona and Yasachu going towards the table I was sitting on.

The table was just a normal wooden table, with some ink and quill on top of it. The chair was semi-comfortable, the seat itself has a red soft cloth.

Yuutsu sat down in front of me, grinning as she stared at me, Her tail swinging around.

I gazed back at her, glaring a little at her.

"What are you staring at?" I stared at her dark eyes, looking irritated.

"Nothing!~" Yuutsu giggled mischievously, still having a smirk on her face.

I sighed and decided to ignore her.

Shukona arrived at the table and sat beside me. Yasachu arrived not a while after and sat beside Yuutsu.

"Sooo? What do you guys want to read?" Yuutsu asked the three of us, looking around the library.

"Hmph, books for plants. Of course..." Shukona let out a little smirk on her face. Just thinking of plants makes her slightly happier than normal.

"Well... some things about animals? It's because they look cute..." Yasachu giggled a bit.

"Geez, how basic Yasachu-chaan... What about you Shiromoru-sama?" Yuutsu smiled at me, tilting her head.

"That wouldn't be your business." I stood up and went towards the counter, where Kikyou was writing something down on a book.

"Nika! Oh geez." Shukona called out to me, then sighing.

"How cold...Is she constantly like that?" Yuutsu laughed a bit.

"I-I'll go with her! She looks like she is going to ask Kiyu-sama... And I wanna ask something as well." Yasachu stood up as well, then put the chair back in its place and followed me.

"Hello." I greeted her, trying to get her to pay attention to me.

"Uwaa!" Kikyou was startled, jumping back a bit. Dropping her quill and gazed nervously at me.

"He-hello! Uhm... How may I help you?" Kikyou adjusted her glasses.

"Are there books about Fairy Kings?" I asked her in a blank tone.

"Well... Uhmn...Let me see..." Kikyou goes and puts one of her hands on the foggy orb at the side of her book, Then it slightly shimmers green.

"Ah yes, the-there is, at aisle three... They are color-coded as green.." She looked back up at me, smiling slightly.

"Is that so, thank you." I nodded at her.

"N-no problem..." Kikyou nodded back to me, then went down to pick up the quill she dropped and picked it up.

As she did that I turned around to see Yasachu.

As our eyes met she slowly went hot and turned red.

"O-oh! Hello Shiromoru-sama... I-I uhm..." Yasachu wanted to make a conversation but being stared at by Nikami her heart kept raising and she felt like she melted under her gaze.

[Is she okay? Why is she just standing there... I would have left her with a glare but... she is the protagonist, I can't just do that...] I sighed as I thought that and folded my arms.

"So? What happened to you? Are you okay? Can you explain why you are just standing there?" I stared at her, still a bit confused as to why she is just standing there.

"W-well! I wanted to follow you... Since uhm... I wanted to know what book you will read!" Yasachu smiled at me, fiddling with her fingers a bit.

"...." I sighed a bit, thinking if I should just let her follow me.