1 That Bastard

Willow POV

My name is Willow and lets just say I don't have the best grades in the world. So because of my failing grades my mother sent me to tuition at the beginning of the year.

So first of all I blame this all on Brad, Brad is I guess you could say a friend of mine. Me and Brad have known each other for 6years already.

one thing about Brad is that he is really full of himself and we love to compete against each other.

It was my first day

I had to take a bus to tuition cause my mom had no time to drive me there. The feeling of getting on a bus was weird especially if you've been living life like a rotten princess like me. I was supposed to get on the bus with Brad, but he walkes as slow as an old turtle walking on sticky slime. So I got on the bus first. The first person i saw when I got on the bus was an okay looking guy. He sat alone looking out the bus window. What could I say he looked like just a regular boy not someone I would crush on, right?

As soon as the bus started moving, a girl in the front seat turned around and looked at me. She had a pixie haircut and big round eyes. She asked for my name, I was new so I was really shy. Me being in defence mode just said" Then what's your name?", in a mean and rude manner. She turned back to the front and the whole bus was silent as if I had just pushed the silent button. At that moment I knew I had made a big mistake.

When we reached the tuition centre everyone got down and left me last. As I was about to get out the boy slammed the bus door shut and they all looked at me laughing. Because it was my first time on a bus I didn't know how to open the door so I failed the first and second try but third times a charm.

I absolutely hated that bastard!

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