
Arkham Madness: Harley wants to be pampered

Harley didn't bother to dodge the bullets. It's not that she thought the bullets wouldn't hit her, nor did she think she could dodge all of them. It's just that Harley was willing to take a few shots to get to Scarecrow's minions.

She would use the first pen to pierce the eyes of one of the Scarecrow's men, then throw the second one to distract them while she stole the submachine gun from the one she had previously stabbed. It sounded like a great plan if you were in a movie, but in reality, you'd have twenty bullet holes before getting to them.

This madness in Harley's mind was a feasible option, but she ran the risk of simply being killed. Luckily, Allen was there with her.

"A reckless bet of life or death," murmured Allen as his expression went blank. "Did she think this would work?! No, being Harley Quinn, she shouldn't die for something like this... but."

Allen was aware that his existence had changed many things, whether for better or for worse, so she might find death without glory in this situation just because of his mere existence. Allen wasn't going to take the risk and directly gave a pendant to Harley.

"I start to feel like a Sugar Daddy"


"Shut up, your screams will annoy my daddy!" said Harley, using her boot to crush the jaw of the man whose leg she had previously broken.

"HHHHHH!!" The man emitted an agonized sound without being a scream.

"Hehehe~ I'm sorry, I just wanted to knock you out, but I overdid it," she apologized, although it wouldn't do much good because that man had broken teeth and a dislocated jaw.

Harley ran towards another man and, using the bat, broke the man's hand. He dropped his gun and started screaming.

"Oh, come on, don't be a crybaby! With a little ice, it'll heal hahahaha!!" Harley said to the man, but without mercy, she hit him on the head, knocking him unconscious. "I'm not a monster, rest a bit."

Allen watched as Harley, who had "kindly" knocked out the man so he wouldn't feel pain anymore.

"Well, at least she hasn't killed anyone," Allen consoled himself.

With one man injured before reaching this area, only four remained, of which Harley Quinn had just taken care of two.

The last two men surrounded Scarecrow; they had no intention of fighting Harley, they just wanted to escape, but her mischievous and cruel smile told them that they wouldn't leave without losing an arm or two.

Scarecrow began to sweat and feel anxious for no apparent reason, but that strange sensation didn't go away. However, this sensation was not produced by the crazy Harley Quinn.

"Quick!, use the remaining explosives on all doors!" Scarecrow shouted in fear. 'What is this feeling? It's like someone is holding my heart, I've never felt so defenseless... is this a type of fear?'

Scarecrow had been sweating for a while, and his eyes wandered. His men didn't know why their boss was acting like this, but they didn't hesitate; they grabbed the remaining toys from the backpack and threw them at all the doors of the confinement cells.

The toys used to open the doors were different from those used on the walls, their range was shorter but with concentrated destructive force they destroyed the steel and metal doors.

Harley watched this with curiosity, but Allen called her through a mental message. 'Harley, come back...'

"Huh? but..."

Harley was about to reply, but Allen's tone sounded serious, so she assumed her role as Daddy's Lil Monster and obediently returned, or that's what she was going to do, but she heard a creepy laugh from the confinement cell to her right, and she stopped her movements.

"Dr. Quinzel, I like your new look."

The Joker emerged from his cell with a strangely friendly smile, something that would give Batman chills. Although the bat was accustomed to seeing the Joker's terrifying expressions, if he saw him with such a normal smile, Batman would have nightmares.

"Well, Dr. Quinzel, how about I fulfill my promise now that I'm free?"

"Hmph." Harley used her bat to hit Joker's crotch, then put one hand on her waist and shook her finger at him. "No, no, no, you could fool Harleen, but I know you don't have anything good planned~ you just wanted me to let you out, right?~"

"Huhuhu HAHAHAHAHA Ugh!!"

Harley kicked Joker in the stomach once more for no reason, but she wanted to do it.

"I was wrong about you; you're much more interesting than I thought, Dr. Quinzel."

"Puff, I already have my daddy!~" Harley clasped her hands together while blushing. "He's very kind to me, attentive, cares about me, doesn't reject me even though I'm crazy, doesn't despise me for being who I am, he's handsome, rich, and powerful."

"Uhg hha ahh, I even want to meet him now!" Joker said, laughing while feeling pain from two broken ribs. Harley was kind to her allies but cruel to her enemies.

Before she could answer, a threatening shadow stood behind her. Harley turned around, hitting with her bat without hesitation. But unexpectedly, there was no one there.

"Huh?!" Harley was surprised.

"Sorry, but die!"

Someone knocked the bat out of Harley's hand, and she let go of it, then instinctively jumped back.

The culprit for making Harley step back was a tall, muscular man with an imposing presence.

"Oh, looks like someone drank too much from mommy's breasts!" Harley replied fearlessly with vicious words.

The man in front of her was Prometheus, a calculating and cold strategist with relentless determination in his quest for revenge. He was extremely intelligent and skilled in hand-to-hand combat, as well as in the use of advanced technology. Although his main goal was to avenge those he considered responsible for his parent's death, his cruelty and lack of remorse made him dangerous to anyone who crossed his path.

This man is proof of what would happen if Batman set aside his rule of not killing. Prometheus has such an extreme sense of justice that it becomes twisted.

"Come on, buddy, you can't interrupt my date like this!"

The Joker didn't lose his sense of humor, but unfortunately for him, he chose the wrong man. Prometheus had wanted to kill many of the inmates in this place; these kinds of lunatics were proof that his actions were not wrong.

Prometheus lifted his foot intending to kill the Joker but froze and began to sweat as he felt Allen's gaze in the distance.

At the end of the hallway, Allen decided that it was enough. "Hey..."

It was just one word, just one for the villains present to stop what they were doing. Especially Prometheus, being a martial artist, his instinct was more developed than that of an ordinary person.

"What is that?"

Allen walked step by step down the hallway; Prometheus's view focused on his figure. Allen hadn't done anything yet, but the man began to sweat, his muscles tensed, and his blood boiled.

Survival instinct!

When a person find themselves in dangerous situations, they tend to take three different actions; the vast majority freeze out of fear, then a large part flees for their lives, and lastly, a small percentage fights...

'Huh?!' Prometheus was confused; he had just been released from his cell and thought about escaping, but then he saw the other prisoners and thought he might as well kill them.

However, he was in a situation he didn't understand.

'Why am I in a fighting stance?'

Prometheus went on guard upon seeing Allen, but before he realized it, his body moved. It was completely involuntary; his body had produced all the adrenaline it could, to the point where Prometheus surpassed his human limits for a moment.

The sentence was given. Prometheus was attacking Allen, his posture was the best of his life, the force behind his fists was the greatest he had ever achieved, and his movements seemed like art, so fluid. In an instant, Prometheus had reached the peak of martial arts.

Prometheus felt a moment of euphoria; he felt he could defeat anyone, he felt he could rip Batman's head off if he punched him right now.

Prometheus felt invincible...

"Prometheus: An expert in martial arts and tactical strategy seeking vengeance for his parent's death at the hands of the police, becoming a formidable adversary for Batman," said Allen before disappearing.

'Why is there a fist in front of me?' Prometheus thought as he saw Allen's figure. 'I didn't let my guard down for a moment, I kept track of every movement, yet he was just too fast.

It was in an instant. The reflexes of the villain at this moment would be able to react to a rain of bullets, but still, he couldn't see Allen's fist until it was about to connect with his chest.

There was no way to dodge!

'Why?!' Prometheus had his revenge pending; he wanted to leave Arkham and search for his parents' killers, yes, the cause was justifiable. But along the way, he had committed many atrocities; he represented a bloodier path than Batman's.

As a last thread of survival, Prometheus tried to use his arms as a shield.

Allen showed no mercy; his fist connected, and Prometheus's arms, strong as steel, broke like fragile twigs. There was no comparison, no chance of victory for Prometheus, no matter how strong he was. Allen was at the level of facing apocalyptic threats every day.

"AAHHHHGG!!!" The burly man fell to the ground, screaming in pain; his arms were shattered in several places, but out of mercy, Allen didn't pierce him with his fist.

"Well, it looks like I arrived in time for the party," Allen smiled slightly as many prisoners shivered.

Allen looked at Harley, who ran towards him and then hung onto his neck.

"Did I do well?~" Harley said in a spoiled tone, seeking attention.

"Yes," replied Allen, making Harley's face light up, and an excited look appeared on her face. "But I told you to withdraw, and you didn't, which nullifies your achievements," added Allen, making Harley feel depressed.

Seeing her dejected look, Allen shook his head as he used his hand to lift Harley's face. "Well, I guess I can give you a little reward!"

"Yay, I love you!❤️❤️❤️" Harley started kissing Allen's face all over, avoiding the lips for some reason.

"HA HA HA HA... HA" Joker's macabre laughter caught Allen's attention. He was still on the ground, crawling, his face was terrifying and disturbing, capable of giving nightmares to people, and he never stopped smiling. "YOU!"

Before he could speak, several chains surrounded him and threw him into his cell. Allen had no interest in hearing him talk.

"Honey, that was very sexy~" Harley circled Allen's chest with her hand while feeling horny. "What do you say we go to your office~"

Interrupting Harley's flirting, a terrifying roar caught everyone's attention. From one of the open cells emerged a monster, a giant bat; as it flew out, it headed towards Allen and Harley in its arms.

"Man-Bat, formerly Dr. Kirk Langstrom, obsessed with replicating the powers of bats, transforms into a monstrous creature with superhuman strength and a thirst for blood," said Allen without changing his expression. He didn't use the Infinity or the Clown Crown; he simply extended his hand and grabbed the giant bat's face.

Man-Bat couldn't understand what was happening. His strength was superhuman, but Allen stopped him casually. He tried to break free by breaking Allen's arm, but it was like trying to bend a tungsten bar.

"Who gave you permission to leave your cell?" Allen asked with a calm look, but Man-Bat felt chills; the next second, Allen's hand squeezed, breaking his facial bones.


Allen wrapped him in chains and threw him violently into his cell.

Silence reigned in the place except for Harley who let out a mocking laugh "Hehehe that's what happens when you disobey my daddy~"

"Anyone else wants to try their luck?!" Allen looked at all the containment cells that Scarecrow's henchmen had opened.

Ra's al Ghul: Leader of the League of Shadows, Ra's al Ghul is an immortal who seeks to balance the world through selective genocide. His vast wealth and resources make him extremely dangerous. The middle-aged man with gray hair remained in his cell with no intention of escaping. 'Monster...' murmured the immortal with a drop of sweat on his forehead.

Two-Face: Former district attorney Harvey Dent, now a villain obsessed with duality and justice by his own hands, decides actions by flipping a coin.

"I won...again... I flipped the coin 15 times and won all fifteen, what are the odds of that?"

Two-Face randomly bet that he would go out to face Allen, however, his skin was prickling, he knew he wouldn't stand a chance of winning, yet his luck kept urging him to go out.

"Don't worry Harvey, it's not your good luck, it's my bad luck..."

Two-Face turned pale upon hearing Allen's voice behind him, as he turned he saw a terrifying shadow on the wall. This was also a power that Allen obtained from Alastor.

However, Allen felt conflicted inside; his bad luck had been known since childhood, but the fact that he invited Two-Face to cause him trouble fifteen times! left him speechless.

The Riddler: Edward Nygma is a criminal genius obsessed with riddles and puzzles. His crimes are usually complex and require Batman to use all his intelligence to stop him.

He peeked out of his cell door but upon seeing the miserable fate of Joker, Man-Bat, and Prometheus, he decided to behave.

Mr. Freeze formerly known as Victor Fries is a scientist obsessed with saving his sick wife; he keeps her in a cryogenic state while searching for a cure. He uses a suit that allows him to survive in extremely cold temperatures and a freezing gun to commit his crimes.

Allen passed by his cell; however, Victor had no intention of leaving. 'I would do the same...' It could be said that among all the prisoners, he was the only one that Allen could understand.

Not all cells were opened.

Anarky: A young prodigy seeking to dismantle the corrupt system through anarchy and revolution, challenging both Batman and established villains in Gotham. He remained locked up.

Black Mask: Macarp Roman Sionis, is a powerful mobster obsessed with power and revenge. His mask gives him an intimidating aura, and his ruthless methods make him a formidable enemy.

Victor Zsasz: A serial killer obsessed with marking his body with a scar for each of his victims. Zsasz is unpredictable and highly dangerous due to his lack of empathy and insatiable desire to kill; he remains silent, knowing that his chances of winning are zero.

KGBeast: Anatoli Knyazev is a former KGB agent and an expert in hand-to-hand combat. With questionable moral ethics and lethal skills, he is a formidable enemy for Batman. He also did not attempt to escape or fight.

Great White Shark: Warren White, a corrupt accountant who turns into a villain after a stay at Arkham Asylum. His physical deformity and twisted mind make him a threat to Gotham. He kept his gaze fixed on Allen in silence but did nothing either.

Mad Hatter: Jervis Tetch is a technological genius obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. He uses hypnotic devices and mind control to carry out his twisted plans.

Unlike all the others, he opted for a different method; he stepped out of his cell and bowed courteously to Allen. "Oh, it's a pleasure to have the new director in our presence!~," said Mad Hatter with a flattering smile; the prisoners were surprised to hear this.

They knew Allen wasn't normal, but they didn't expect him to be the new director; however, some people weren't surprised since the guards compared to the rest had already informed them.

"I see that as a handsome and successful young man, you have such a cute girlfriend~"

""Harley break this guy's arm and throw him in his cell..."

"Yes, daddy~"

"Huh?" Mad Hatter couldn't process Allen's words, but immediately he heard Harley's laughter, and a bat was coming towards him.

"No wait!! AHHHHH!!"

"Are you stupid?!" Allen asked Mad Hatter, who was being dragged by Harley. "Why the hell do you think you can leave your cells without consequences?!"

"There are no excuses or privileges! no rights for you! now you are my property! I don't care what you want, believe, or wish for, here you are only my prisoners!!"

Allen approached his guards who were on the ground with terrified looks and whimpering in fear.

Allen used his Conqueror's Haki to disrupt the consciousness of the men and then approached the head of security after Harley left his arms.

"Director? ugh!!"

Allen knelt and, using the reverse cursed technique, intended to heal him.

You guys did well and didn't escape until the end..." Allen said showing a look of respect for the guards, especially the leader.

Scarecrow was stuck to the wall next to Allen, terrified and unmoving, his men trembling too scared to shoot.

"As for you... I have something special, Scarecrow..." Scarecrow turned pale as he was seen by Allen's eyes. He tried to say something, but the words didn't come out of his mouth.

Allen smiled as his eyes turned red and behind him, the portals to hell opened.



A/N: I can post images of disturbed and terrifying guys but don't post any cleavage or Webnovel will get nervous -_-


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