
I Shall Evolve Everything

Evolution, it is the process with which the most fit for survival pass down their winning traits. What if this could be done on one animal, one object, one person, what traits would evolve. ... Humanity has been entered into the grand inter-realm competition for sovereignty of all realms. Darwin has been granted the gift of evolution How will humanity fare will they survive and evolve or will they perish into the grand nothingness. Make sure to check out my new novel, In Memoria. It’s relatively short right now but I’ll be updating it regularly. Though not as much as this novel. Speaking of this novel though, from now on I'm going to post one chapter a day however instead of the relatively short 1000 words I'm going to be putting up at the very least 1500

Spaceninja5789 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
212 Chs

Changes *updated*

My hand reached out to pet Ali, the soft touch gaining me a purr from her. Slowly she lowered her back so that I could reach my legs over her.

With swift movements I jumped up and onto the back of Ali. The fur brushed against my legs and tickled me slightly.

However I did not care nor take notice of it, instead I offered my hand to Aoif. Her eyes were wide against my own as she slowly reached her hand out to mine.

I honestly did not know how she saw that I had even held my hand out to her nor how she even saw but I didn't question it.

Instead I just tightly grasped her hand and helped her up into Ali with me.

Gently I placed her in front of me, my hand holding her waist and the other holding onto Ali.

"You remember where to go right girl?" I ask Ali while petting her.

A cheerful chirp was my response, her body raising as she dashed into the distance.

"Eep" an exhale of surprise made its way out of Aoifs mouth, her body leaning back against my own. 

The speed apparently was too much for her however I did not let this make her uncomfortable. 

I just hugged her closer and placed my head over her own. My presence seemed to calm Aoif as the tense muscles I could feel softened under my touch.

Her head shakes my own off before leaning back to give me a glance.

"Hold me tighter" she demands, the murky eyes commanding me.

I just gave a slight smile back and pulled her tighter into my chest. Her body leaned into my touch and almost purred.

I could feel the satisfaction rolling off in waves from her. 

A silence built between us, Aoif occasionally pushing herself closer to me. While I held her.

Despite the speed that we were going, it would still take a couple of hours to arrive back home.

It was why instead of having Ali go full speed just to make it there in the dead of night, I had her take a leisurely pace that would have us halfway there by the night and the rest could be finished in the morning.

It wasn't that big of a change, despite my worries about the territory there wasn't much that could threaten us or Melia and her ilk.

Those workers, despite being hundreds of times less powerful than Tama or her subordinates, were still powerful enough to defend against most things.

Not to mention Tama's subordinates, just one of them would be enough to defend the whole camp.

My eyes gently closed to those thoughts, yet still my hands held tight to Aoif who was already sleeping in my arms.

The rhythmic best of her heart, the soft breaths she let out, it was all relaxing. Enough to lull me into sleep.

However, even if I wanted to sleep I was unable to. If I did we both would fall off of the back of Ali. Which while not damaging would be embarrassing.

It was the morning, the previous night we had slept in the warm embrace of Ali, her feathers providing us heat. It was all that we needed to fall into a deep slumber. 

It wasn't much of a bed compared to the houses that we both respectfully had but it was still better than my previous lodgings. The cold hard wood floor that seemed to sap all heat from my body.

However, despite the nice sleep that we were given it was soon disrupted. The feeling of cold hands over my warm neck. My body jolted, waking Aoif from her sleep next to me along with myself.

"Nn.." I heard from beside me, my eyes gazing over to see Aoif rubbing her eyes from the sleep.

"Morning" I greeted to which she responded the same, a yawn echoing from her mouth.

Soon enough I found myself on the road again, we weren't even given breakfast. It seemed as if both Tama and Delta wanted to get back to my territory as fast as possible. 

It wasn't long from then, only an hour or so of leisurely walking before I recognized the woods around us.

However that was all I recognized, the terrain. It was all, everything else was different. The trees, all around us, were different. Instead of the relatively thin trees that surrounded the waterfall that I had set up nearby they were all thick. Almost thrice the size of what I remembered them to be.

That wasn't the only difference, as we walked further and further in I found more and more houses hidden within the leaves of the trees.

I wouldn't have even noticed the houses if it wasn't for the people that were walking all around. Their bodies stopping to take a look at us.

Soon enough I found myself in the middle of the territory, the place where my house should have been, however that was not true.

Instead of the open plain like place that I had grown used to over the couple of days that I had been here, now covered with thick trees. 

Ash colored and hanging over everything, they concealed the house. Barely anything was visible and if I didn't know where it was I would have missed it.

Idly, while appreciating the scene, I guided Ali through the forest and towards the house.

I took Aoif's hand in my own, taking my other from her body and letting myself down.

With the hand holding onto her own, I helped her off. 

Despite the way that she walked, the confidence. She still could not walk without help.

I didn't blame her though as she was blind, it would have been incredibly rude of me to not have offered her guidance.

Though from the small smile that she gave me I could tell that she was enjoying herself.

I took a glance towards the house, expecting for it to be changed but nothing had happened to it. 

Instead it stood out, despite the heavy modifications to the surroundings to conceal it the base look had never changed.

'Most likely cause I never gave them permission.' 

I just shrugged, it wasn't that hard to deduce. I had given them permission to modify the surroundings and make themselves houses but never explicitly said anything about my own.

I lead Aoif into the house, her hand clutching tightly to mine. As if she was afraid I would disappear.

However I neither disappeared nor let her go. Instead I led her to the bed. 

Gently I laid her down, making sure that she was fine with this.

I could tell that she was extremely tired. From what I didn't know but I just knew that I wanted to let her rest.

I was about to hop into the bed beside Aoif before I remembered that I had not summoned today. 

It was already nearing the afternoon however I didn't know how long I would sleep and I would prefer to have them settled before resting.

It was why with a groan I found myself outside. 

Ali was still waiting for me, her eyes closed as she boredly tried to sleep.

However, those closed eyes opened wide when they saw me. Her body hopping up and down around me.

I just let her for a second, my frustrations with having to go out when I wanted to sleep washed away.

'Gah, another thing.' I thought to myself, my palm coming up to my head to give it a light slap.

I had not only forgotten to do my summon for the day but also had not even checked the rankings when it was supposed to be a gift from Aoif.

With a mental gesture the system was opened in front of me. A slight navigation and I was to the rankings.


1. Darwin (5100)

2. Aoife (1200)

3. Mihr (160)

4. Anael (100)

5. Antiya (80)

"Huh" I thought out loud. It seemed like they had done good. I probably would have more if there were actually more around the area but it was good enough for now.

It would be impossible for the others to catch up to me and even if they did I could just have Tama hunt about.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the summoning pool.

Apparently while I had been monologuing in my mind Ali had reached the summoning pool.

I hopped off of her, not even waiting for Ali to lower her back before I approached the summoning pool.


With a mental command the summoning pool glowed lightly in the evening sun before depositing six summons.

In a flash of light that concealed their figures they ran around me. Their bodies concealed. However that veil did not last for long as soon after their figures were revealed to me.

[Species: Ceryneian Hind]

[Tier/Level: 6/1]

[Skills: None]

[The Ceryneian Hind are fast on their hooves being able to travel great distances in the span of minutes they can also snort fire.It is said that the goddess Artemis uses 4 legendary Ceryneian hinds to pull her chariot]

Towering almost a full foot above me they looked down upon me with expectant eyes. They looked like oversized doe except for one factor.

One that took my whole attention. Standing proudly upon their heads were golden antlers, instead of dull colored ones that doe's usually have. They reflected the sun into my eyes, a hand raised to block out the sun.

It was a brilliant gold one that I wanted to touch. To see if it was real. However instead of doing that I just gestured for them to kneel down.

With wariness and grace they did just so, my hand reached out to one of them. With a careful sniff it looked at my hand before nuzzling it to its head.

I felt the fur rub against me, it was neither ticklish nor rough. It was the softest fur that I had felt. 

"Can I… can I ride you?" I ask, the one rubbing its head to my hand nodding in confirmation.

Ali seemed to be dejected at that but I just shook my head before striding towards her. A hand reached out to pet her head, yet she pulled back. 

I just sighed and walked back to the Hind. My legs wrapped around its back as it rose to full size.

With another gesture of my hand I had Ali follow me and the rest of the Hinds that followed in our steps.

It was one last thing that I wanted to do before I went to bed. I wanted to have Melia send some of her subordinates to mine for minerals and other such things. 

It was for that very reason that I led Ali and the other Hinds towards Melia. Her abode being strangely conspicuous compared to the others. 

However I didn't really take note of that, instead I walked up to her, trying to sneak. Though it didn't work as immediately upon hopping off of the Hind that I rode she turned towards me. 

Her eyes locked onto my own, a smile on her face.

I just sighed and walked up to her.


"Yes?" She responded, a hand on her cheek as she leaned up to me. Her other hand was reaching towards my own cheek. I could have dodged it, or even just swatted the hand away but I didn't.

Instead I just continued.

"Do you have any idle subordinates? Ones that aren't doing anything of importance."

For a moment she had a contemplating look on her face before she responded. 

"A couple. Why?"

"I want them to mine, we need more resources than the surroundings can give us."

"Ah, in that case I can spare a couple of my sla- subordinates."

I nodded at that ignoring her slip of tongue before mounting the Hind again.

"Have them take Ali, she should help decrease the amount of time spent searching"

With that I had the Hind walk over to Ali, her eyes were still indignant however I forced my hand on her head.

"Please do not be angry. You will always be my greatest bird. I just need you to do this for me, please."

With those words I left, my hand scratching her head one last time.

Aoif was still there but instead of the tidy bed with her whole body tucked in I see her arms outstretched to the right as if they were trying to grasp something she knew wasn't there.

Seeing this I snuggle right into her hands holding her close before I close my eyes ready to sleep.