
Who Are Your Parents?

He saw Old Zi worshipping a tree on all his fours, taking a worshipping stance.

The tree was strangely in the middle of the two houses, and Arion had noticed it before, but he didn't take much mind to it since it looked like an ordinary tree with some fruits hanging on its branches.

Arion curiously walked closer to Old Zi but didn't say anything to let Old Zi do his thing and not disturb him.

"You must be wondering why I am worshipping this tree, right?"

Arion pushed away his thoughts when he heard Old Zi's aged voice and chuckled, "Yeah. I mean no disrespect, but I have never seen anyone worshipping a tree like this. Is there any reason why?"

Old Zi lightly chuckled as he got up and looked at the tree sentimentally as he said, "This tree is no ordinary tree. It is a sacred one."

Arion raised his brows, "A sacred tree? But why?"

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