
I quit this story

Will you stay quiet for dollars ?? Jeon , a mute boy would . But.... When is the time up and who is the man following him ??

Aoi_2351 · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2 Nice people , exists ??

Jeon looked at a huge mansion in an unknown place that he never saw before.

It is a huge mansion and it has 3 stories and 2 huge towers.

It is white and has a huge garden of white roses.

Infront of the huge gates were 2 people standing .

A man and a woman.

The woman has the same eyes as Jeon , a sweet water lilly purple with a hint of pink and has the same hair texture, a long shiny straight hair.

She was wearing a white summer dress with 2 inch white heels .

The man has Jeon's same hair color, it was amber brown .

He was wearing a suit and has a tiny beard growing from his chin.

Jeon also has their mixed skin .

It was light with tons of light brown freckles.

These are his parents ??

So who was he talking to all those years ??

And who was his babysitter ??

The woman ran to the policemen crying tears of joy .

" My baby !! Thank you officer for finding him !!"

She hugs Jeon tightly and lifts him up in her arms .

It was odd how quickly she can carry a 5 year old like that.

" You're welcome , we're just doing our job."

The man at the gate calmly walked to Jeon and the woman .

" My son... "

He then looked at the policemen with a grateful smile.

" Thank you for reuniting us . "

" As i said, it's my job ."

Jeon didn't realize that the policemen were trembling and how their voices were shaking.

" You may leave."

The officers immediately left the unknown place and Jeon looks at the woman that is now his mother.

" You must have been scared , don't worry.

We'll keep you safe from now on ... "

He was locked in a room again , the room is filled with toys , toys he saw the other children play with .

Toys that got thrown at him when he tried to make friends.

All of those toys and more is in the room.

The room also has a bed , a huge loofluffy bed filled with the softest pillows he ever saw.

It also has a pink paint on every wall.

My mom and dad are so nice !!

He ran to the toys and started to play with them not noticing the glints of red .

Maybe not all people are mean...

Jeon was enjoying his days in his room.

Wait... What are days again ??


His mom would enter his room once a week to show him how bad the outside world is , sometimes her eyes would glow a bit dark red when talking.

But on one day....

" Do you want a voice sweetheart ??"

His father said with a kind smile .

His head started to hurt , as if a nail was slowly driven in it.

What's a n-

Jeon shook his head and smiled.

" Ofcourse you wouldn't , i understand you perfectly. "

His father then hugged him tightly.

" I'll be back son , stay here."

The door closed , and it wouldn't be opened for a long time.

On one day the door opened but instead of his father he saw a group of people with the same clothing on.

" A kid ?!

What the hell ?!"

" Hey kiddo , can you understand me !!"

In a once clean , pink room filled with toys and the fluffiest bed there is nothing but a blood red room filled with broken toys and beeping red lights .

The kid is now a weak 10 year old , on the brink of death.

" Get him some food and water !!"

What is water ?

Was it the weird liquid that used to come from his skin ??

He's so tired .

But he can smell something good , its been so long since he smelled something good .

" He's a survivor, sir ."