
Audition & Making Music

Eren POV...

Looking at the room filled with boxes I started unpacking and putting everything together. Some things needed to be built or hooked up while other things came already built like the piano.

'This will take a few hours.'

2 Hours Later (Third Person POV)

Veronica walked into the room to inform Eren that dinner was ready. "Mr. Wayne your foo--," surprised to see nothing but a bunch of boxes everywhere she saw Eren opening the last of the boxes.

"Mr. Wayne, what's all this for?" She said navigating through the obstacle course of boxes.

"Ow all this, It's for a movie I'm making. It's a musical so I had to order a bunch of equipment and I'm currently putting it all together," Eren said.

"Ok, I wanted to inform you that your meal is ready."

"Thx, just leave it right over there on that seat. I'll be in here for a while," Eren said laughing dreading the long night will be enduring.

"A while? But tonight's New Year's Eve. Don't you want to celebrate?" Asked Veronica.

"Not really, it would just give me more opportunities to stop being sober & fall out of my habits," Eren responded.

Exhaling a breath of defeat but also understanding his position, "Alright just make sure you rest properly," she said before exiting the room.

"Ok," Eren responded as she left.

Eren then finished building, sorting, and cleaning the room. With that done he cracked his knuckles, "Time to get cha head in the game Eren."


"Thank you, Jesus!" both Eren and Anthony yelled at the top of their lungs as they say down.

"Such comfortable seats, definitely worth spending the money on these," Eren commented.

"True, a really good business investment," replied Anthony.

Today the auditions were held for Shawshank Redemption. One after the other people walked in, performed their lines, then walked out hoping to be in a movie directed by Eren Wayne. Near the end of the day, they had a few candidates for many of the main cast.

"Alright bring the next one in," Anthony said.

Footsteps were heard until an old-aged African American walked to us and shakes our hands.

"Hello, I'm Jackson Freeman."

Looking at the man Eren for some reason felt calm near him, "Nice to meet you Mr. Freeman alright here's the scene go ahead when you're ready," Anthony replied.

"Well alright then."

…Flashback End…

Veronica POV…

Despite it looking unhealthy the amount of time he works in reality to the alternative is a lot worse as I've seen firsthand. After doing all my tasks for the evening I decide to watch the New Year's Eve countdown.

"Here we go people the countdown to a brand new year is beginning, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6," I watch as the ball starts to descend in New York City, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year."

I pick up the glass of champagne I was drinking and give a toast to the new year. 'Hopefully, 2008 will be better.'

Once I finished my glass I made my way upstairs to retire for the night but as I made my way to the staircase I can hear the sound of a guitar being played. 'That must be Mr. Wayne,' I make my way over to the room and peek inside and what I saw was surprising. Mr. Wayne was sitting down and what looked like editing some music. 'Since when did Mr. Wayne have all these hidden talents,' I thought I was done being surprised after he said he would be directing a film.

"Turn it like we used to do"

"This is our time"

"I'm telling you"


My eyes widen, 'That sounds like Mr. Wayne's voice, did he record a song?' I continue to listen quietly to the song.

2 Minutes Later...

When the music stopped I saw Mr. Wayne get up and say to himself, "Well that's enough for today I can record the rest of the songs tomorrow," he said and started to walk towards to door.

For some reason, I was suddenly afraid and embarrassed to be where I was and hurried up the stairs to my room before he could see me. Once I entered and shut the door I thought about what I heard. 'The song, I can see it getting stuck in people's heads when they hear it,' I thought while getting ready for bed while humming the beat of the song I heard.

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