
I Never

Realitas Magis
Contínuo · 514 Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is I Never

Leia o romance I Never escrito pelo autor Fahmi_Juliansyah_6994 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Cassy the the dark magician and Alex craft

A girl who live town beside that there was a forest everynight there was roaring sound her family thought it was some animal few days after she finally become normal days are going nothing is roaring so one day she gone to forest and saw Clairvoyant Cassie Palmer has inherited new magical powers-including the ability to travel through time. But it's a whole lot of responsibility she'd rather not have. Now she's the most popular girl in town, as an assortment of vamps, fey, and mages try to convince to spare the girl , force, or seduce her—and her magic—over to their side. But one particular master vampire didn't ask what Cassie wanted before putting a claim on her. He had a spell cast that binds her to him, and now she doesn't know if what she feels for him is real—or imagine After a month spent recovering from a vicious fight with a sorcerer, grave witch Alex Craft is ready to get back to solving murders by raising the dead. With her love life in turmoil thanks to the disappearance of Fae Investigation Bureau agent Falin Andrews and a shocking “L” word confession from Death himself, Alex is eager for the distractions of work. But her new case turns out to be a deadly challenge. The police hire Alex to consult on a particularly strange investigation in the nature preserve south of Nekros City. The strange part: There are no corpses, only fragments of them. A is potentially on the loose, and Alex has no way to raise a shade without a body, so she’ll have to rely on the magic of others to find leads. But as she begins investigating, a creatuborn of the darkest magic comes after her and she was cassie Someone very powerful wants to make sure the only thing she finds is a dead end—her own.

Daoist92K8fy · História
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Reborn As The Big Shot's Sweetheart

Song Xi never loved Wen Yu. She divorced him and spoke ill of him because Xie Ke misled her. However, Wen Yu still tried to save his wife even he was about to die. Only then did Song Xi realize that she made a huge mistake! The b*stard stabbed Song Xi’s chest with a dagger, but she tried her best to hold Wen Yu's cold and stiff before she died. "If there is an afterlife, I will cherish you in the afterlife. All the people who hurt you, I will make them pay!" Song Xi fell in darkness, and when she opened her eyes again, she was reborn to the day before she divorced Wen Yu! The man's face was pale. "This is the property transfer agreement." However, Song Xi jumped up and hugged the man tightly, "I don't want to divorce. We'll not divorce." Wen Yu's eyes were wide as he asked, "Do you know what you are talking about?" "I know. I know what I want to do as well!" Song Xi kissed the man and ripped his clothes. Later, Song Xi's stepsister, Song Nan, came to her villa. Her sister was furious when she saw the hickeys on Song Xi's body and neck. "Did he abuse you? How could he do this to you? Let's go! I'll accompany you to the hospital" However, Song Xi answered her sister lazily, "He didn't beat me. We slept." Song Nan was fuming when she heard Song Xi. "How can you get a divorce after sleeping with him?" "We're not divorcing." Song Xi smiled. "So, stop wasting your time thinking about my man. Next, I will settle everything with you." In this life, Song Xi would beat the b*stard and her b*tch stepsister! Wen Yu hugged Song Xi close to his heart and said, "I'm going to spoil my wife."

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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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