
I live in the world I created, but I have no memory of it (abandoned)

Luck or bad luck, I don't know, I found myself going to another world that I decided to live in. I could choose everything - the time line, the family I wanted to be reincarnated into and even the history of this world and what it might become. But because of knowing the synopsis, I wished to have most of my memory erased so that I wouldn't know anything about the plot. Come and follow my adventure in this world. I don't speak English very well and this is my first story, so please bear with me and let me know if there are any mistakes. Ps: the scene -18 will take place later in the plot and no r@pe and ntr

The_Absolu · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs


Pov general

In a room lit only with candles, was around a table facing Seraphira our Mao and Nousa.

If there was someone outside, he would wonder why Nousa seems a little uncomfortable.

"So what did you think of him?" said Seraphira.

"To tell you the truth, Mao-sama, I thought you were making things up just to make me come but I could see that you were telling the truth. Diablora is a prodigy you never normally meet. Not because he's very smart in general but comparing to his age I can say without any worries that he is way ahead of the others."

"Of course, don't forget he's my son. And you couldn't call me Sera-senpai blushing like when we were in school at the time."

Nousa blushed with a cost and said.

"I was young and ill at the time. Besides I can't call you informally because you are now Mao and no longer a student."

"Call me Sera-senpai."

"No, I wouldn't do it."

"I asked you to call me Sera-senpai."

"Sera-senpai.", if someone could slaughter her she would accept directly because she was so ashamed.

"Here you see when you can. There was no man dead."

"At this moment I am dead internally so if there is death of man."

"It's only a name so stop blushing or I'll make you my fifth wife."

Nousa's head is more red than red than we would say it will invent a new color.

"Stop laughing, you asked me and I refused."

"I still don't understand why you refused."

"Dating someone would make me less productive and therefore I would gain less knowledge."

"It is true that you have become one of the 20 great scholars congratulating me."

"Thank you, I am glad that my hard work and sacrifices are finally paying off.", she scratched her cheek a little while saying that.

"What is your goal now that you have reached your goal?"

"Like most of the 20 scholars I will enrich myself with even more knowledge and I will teach my knowledge to others."

"Have you already taught or will Diablora be your first student?"

"He will be the first and I confess that I look forward to teaching him. But if it's only my first impression of him he seems to be studiously so obviously I want to teach him the basics. It's just sad that he's a baby and has physical limitations."

"Also it has mental limitations it takes as many hours of sleep as a normal baby. Even a little too much going."

"Every baby grows at its own pace."

"You're not wrong now come to the contract. How would you teach him?"

"I would like 2 hours of learning per day by removing the weekend."

He had a silence because Seraphira was thinking.

"Its number of hours of sleep will decrease is still acceptable to do so much work."

'That less sleep will in no way affect her growth and health. I would even say it would improve her health. A baby shouldn't sleep that long."

"And what will be the learning time in the future?"

"I'll say if he added 2 hours every year until he turns 3."

" So 6 hours of class when he turns 3 I'm right? "

" Indeed for a child so young it is very bad to work the brain too much it could ruin his health and disgusted studies."

"Finally, let's talk about money."

"It's hard to estimate but I would say 10,000 gold coins for education because it looks smart but if it has too big a failure we will add a 0 to the base sum."

"Okay, that's fine with me. Now let's go to your room."

"I swear I won't teach your son if you try an approach."

"Tssk OK now come."

The two women left and calm reigned in the room.

Don't hesitate to leave a comment and tell me if there are mistakes. The next chapter will be Sunday

The_Absolucreators' thoughts