
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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370 Chs

If you don’t go on strike, you will appear to be unsociable.

"Mr. Zhang, are you declaring war with Qualcomm Electronics?" a reporter asked sharply.

 "Declare war?" Zhang Menglong sneered, "Are they worthy? It's just a company with a market value of tens of billions of dollars. I don't take it seriously at all!" "

 But what you just said made me very unhappy. I just felt that those workers were pitiful. I just want to help them. Since you think I am declaring war, then I will satisfy you!"

 After listening to Zhang Mengyu's words, all the reporters' faces suddenly changed. They could tell that this was Zhang Mengyu's trick. The blame has been thrown on them again!

 Zhang Mengyu's remarks are very inflammatory to the public. A dog will bite people when it is anxious. Who doesn't have a little temper?

 Some people may think that Zhang Menglong was really just a whim. Seeing that the employees of Qualcomm Electronics were being treated unfairly, he supported their strike on a whim.

 But you wrongfully accused him of only targeting Qualcomm Electronics, which made him anxious, and he immediately broke the pot! You said I targeted them, right? OK! Then I'll show you the specifics!

 "Hahahaha! There's nothing wrong with you. Why did you wrongly accuse me? I'll take the blame for the one you wronged. I can't take the blame for nothing?"

 "Mr. Zhang or Mr. Zhang, this operation is simply too coquettish. Such eloquence, Deyun Are you from the company?"

 "Mr. Zhang just wants to take revenge on Qualcomm Electronics. He wants to punish them directly to death!"

 "So cruel! So cruel!"...

 Originally this was At a press conference, everyone is just watching the excitement. It is completely normal for employees to go on strike in these European and American countries.

 But under normal circumstances, this kind of employee strike is just for workers to vent their emotions. Everyone always has to work, right? Who can bear to have no income for a long time?

 But now the boss directly supports their strike with money, and even doubles their wages! He just said that this financial support will continue until the employees voluntarily stop the strike or those who slandered Zhang Menglong publicly apologize to him.

 Under such a premise, is it possible that employees will voluntarily stop the strike? Isn't it nice to be able to earn twice the salary without having to work? Why did they stop the strike?

 As for asking how long the strike funds given to them by Zhang Mengyu can support them, someone directly calculated that there are more than 7,000 workers at Qualcomm Electronics participating in the strike, and the average salary is around US$5,000. Double the salary is US$10,000.

 Then Zhang Mengyu needs to provide them with a total of 70 million US dollars per month, which is 840 million US dollars a year.

 Is $840 million too much? It's a lot. For ordinary people, that's money that can only be transferred starting from the Jurassic era, right?

 But is it much for Zhang Mengyu?

 Not much at all! Zhang Mengyu just sets off fireworks for 500 million Chinese coins, and even the tax payment requires a fine of 150 billion Chinese coins. He is not happy if the fine is less. He has the financial resources to support this group of workers until they die of old age. It's probably all easy.

 As for asking those who slandered Zhang Mengyu to publicly apologize to him, where did those words come from? Didn't it come from the mouths of senior executives of Qualcomm Electronics, asking them to apologize to Zhang Menglong? Doesn't that mean they were asked to surrender to Zhang Menglong?

 The relationship between Qualcomm Electronics and China Silicon Moonlight has long been at odds. It is simply more difficult for them to willingly apologize to Zhang Mengyu than to get those employees to give up the strike.

 "This...this is not what we are talking about..." The reporter suddenly became scared. If this happened, they reporters would become the ones who made Zhang Mengyu declare a full-scale war on Qualcomm Electronics. The culprit is.

 Is Qualcomm Electronics strong?

 powerful! They have mastered the most advanced electronic communication technology in the world. With just one sentence, they can sanction the entire electronics industry in China and even the world.

 But as long as you have not achieved 100% mechanization, as long as you still need workers, Zhang Mengyu can kill them with this move.

 "Mr. Zhang, don't you think your behavior is too much?" a reporter from a major magazine asked.

 "I know there is a saying that when you are in town, do as the Romans do," Zhang Menglong said with a smile, "We are not in China now, we are in the United States. I should abide by the laws and regulations, but may I ask, did I incite the employees of Qualcomm Electronics to go on strike?" "

 This... ...." The reporter was speechless, because Bolinas's strike declaration was signed by every employee. These signatures can prove that they are all voluntarily striking.

 And the reason for their strike is also very reasonable. Their work intensity and work results are higher than those of the surrounding companies, but their wages are lower than those of the surrounding companies. Those reporters asked themselves, what would they do if they encountered this situation?

 There is no doubt that they will also choose to strike!

 Therefore, Zhang Mengyu's behavior does not have an inciting nature at all.

 "Since my behavior is not illegal or disciplined, can you control me?" Zhang Mengyu replied directly.

 "I earned all my money myself. I didn't steal or rob. I can spend it however I want. Who cares about you?" And I also want to say, "If you have money, you can really do whatever you want. If you If you don't accept it, you can throw money at me!"

 "That's so tough! I decided to become a fan today!"

 "I used to hate rich people, but I don't know why, but now I feel so damned It's great!"

 No one thought that Zhang Menglong would be so aggressive in such a public place. Those media reporters originally brought all kinds of questions, but at this time no one dared to ask. Seeing the frightened expression of the reporter just now, Look, who dares to ask random questions?

 "By the way, in order to prove that I am not targeting Qualcomm Electronics, I want to announce a decision!"

 The press conference was completely silent.

 "I am going to set up a foundation for migrant workers! As long as employees of any company feel unfair, they can send a representative to me to apply. I will support them at double the salary standard. Don't praise me for being great. I I just hope that all migrant workers can be happy!"

 Zhang Mengyu turned to Hong Yi and said, "This fund doesn't need much money when it is first established. Let's prepare 100 billion US dollars first! I saw that Bolinas last time Yes, let him manage this foundation on behalf of all migrant workers!"

 "Fuck! 100 billion U.S. dollars?"

 "Hahaha, migrant workers foundation, I'm laughing so hard!"

 "Damn! It's so shady ! This logic is incredible. Do you think I am targeting a certain company? Sorry, I am targeting all companies!" "

 Brother Duan Shui Shui has the internal smell!"

 "It's over!" The reporter's eyes just darkened, and even There was a chill in the hearts of those reporters. Even if Zhang Menglong really planned to target Qualcomm Electronics, it was only a company.

 The impact is indeed there, but there are still many leading companies in the communications and electronics field in the United States. Even if this company is destroyed in the worst case, there will be other companies.

 Today's live broadcast is a nationwide live broadcast, which means that countless people are watching this show on TV. If this foundation is established, you can imagine what kind of strike frenzy will be set off across the country.

 According to social statistics, more than 10 large-scale strikes occur every year. If this foundation is really established, then this number will probably increase tenfold and a hundredfold, and the impact will be difficult to predict.

 At that time, a large part of the responsibility will be placed on reporters like them. Who asked you to ask these weird questions? If you hadn't pushed Zhang Menglong into a panic, would he have been so angry that he could have done these things?

 If something happens after this live broadcast, it will be a shame and we will apologize to the people of the whole country!