
I Have Been Reincarnated as the Worst Character Possible, and I Am

I Have Been Reincarnated as the Worst Character Possible, and I Am Determined to Survive. *** Jin lost consciousness in a traffic accident and woke up to find himself transformed into a character in a game world. Moreover, he became one of the top-tier villains, the lowest of the low, which was so shocking that he almost passed out again. However, he realized that the story began about three years before and resolved to survive even if it meant changing this character’s fate. Starting with planning to escape from his house, he was unexpectedly able to break free from the curse of his home and began to live in the outside world. Though he was the lowest of the low characters, he was also the strongest character in the game world. Utilizing his strength and knowledge of the game, Jin’s life in the game world began.

_NCS_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: First Dungeon 3

The reason why I intentionally let Chloe deliver the final blow.

Simply put, it was to narrow the level gap between Chloe and me, even if only slightly.

Currently, my level is in the early thirties, while Chloe has recently reached level 20.

That's why I deliberately put the Goblin Leader in a near-death state while it was in the "Rage" state, where it yields more experience, and then I let Chloe take over.

"Jin, I leveled up to 22 in the battle just now!"

"Oh, Chloe's level up was the greatest achievement of our dungeon visit."

"Yeah! I leveled up twice just today!"

Chloe was happily jumping up and down.

Afterward, we opened the treasure chest, the "Clear Reward," which is the greatest pleasure of the dungeon, and checked its contents.

Inside the chest, we found a "Proof of Conquest" that always appears and a skill book as a random bonus.

The Proof of Conquest is an item that bears the name of the person who defeated the boss, serving as proof of clearing that dungeon.

"I remember that the rarest item in this dungeon is a skill book, so it seems we've instantly obtained the best rare item."

"Yay! Jin, can you appraise it? Tell me what kind of skill it is!"

Prompted eagerly by excited Chloe, I picked up the skill book from the treasure chest and activated the "Appraisal."

Name: Wind Attribute Magic

Information: Enables the use of wind attribute magic.

"An attribute magic skill book... Wait, this is insanely valuable!"

"I think attribute magic is a rare skill, so it should cost at least 30 gold coins or more..."

"Yeah, and since it's wind attribute, it can be used for both offensive and defensive magic. It's surprisingly highly regarded."

Both Chloe and I already possess wind attribute magic.

So for now, we decided to store the skill book in the "Interdimensional Box" carefully.

"I can't believe we got a rare item on our first attempt at clearing."

"Yeah, there are people who dive into the dungeon countless times just for the chance to get it."

"Yeah, they say it's an item that only appears once in several hundred attempts based on probability."

In the game, the drop rate for this item was 0.1%, making it the rarest item to obtain.

Even as someone who played extensively, acquiring this item was a laborious task that required tremendous patience. I almost died trying to accomplish it.

Afterward, we entered the innermost room of the deepest part and used the "Teleportation Pad" reserved for clearers to transfer back to the dungeon's entrance.

Then, we exited the dungeon and decided to pass the time until the carriage we had reserved arrived.

"...Jin-san, Chloe-san. Please say it again, what did you just say?"

"Well, we felt it was too easy, so we went ahead and cleared the dungeon..."

After returning to the capital, we went to the guild and informed Fiine-san and the others that we had cleared the dungeon.

Fiine-san and the others, who never expected us to clear it in just one day, were frozen in astonishment.

"We were aware that Jin-san and Chloe-san were talented individuals... but we never imagined they were capable of this level. To think that they would clear a dungeon, even if it's the lowest difficulty, in just one day."

"Hahaha, we were testing how far we could go, feeling that the appearing monsters were weak, and before we knew it, we arrived at the boss room."

"Normally, it's strange to feel that the dungeon monsters are weak. Unlike the monsters outside, the ones inside the dungeon move in a coordinated manner, and people who are used to fighting the monsters outside take longer to get accustomed to the dungeon. And yet, Jin-san and Chloe-san..."

Fina-san seemed exasperated and unable to say anything further, and Ricola-san sitting next to her was slightly trembling, saying, "I have never seen adventurers who would do such a thing."

"Just to confirm, do you have the 'Proof of Conquest'?"


"...So you really have it."

As Fina-san's voice conveyed fatigue, both Chloe and I presented our proofs, and Fina-san examined them closely before speaking.

And then, as a precaution, I also showed them the skill book I obtained as a random reward and let Fina-san and the others see it.

"Jin-san, is it your hobby to surprise us? Clearing it on the first exploration and even bringing a skill book as a clear reward."

"A-Ah, um..."

Fina-san said with a slightly angry expression, and Ricola-san seemed to be on the verge of breaking down.

After that, I called for calm and gave Ricola-san and Fina-san some time to come to terms with the current situation.

"...Jin-san, this will definitely become a topic of conversation. We can't hide this with our own power."

"You have significantly shortened the dungeon conquest time... and the fact that you cleared it on your first attempt will also be spread within the guild and posted later. Did you really want to hide your true abilities?"

"I-I'm sorry."

The usual polite Fina-san disappeared, and the scary Fina-san who scolds Asuka appeared, and I was told that.

I realized after the conquest that I wouldn't be able to hide what I had done this time.

The time it took to clear the dungeon, the number of people involved in the conquest, and the fact that it was our first attempt.

When all of these are announced together, Chloe and I will probably, or rather definitely, cause a commotion.

"It won't happen today or tomorrow, but I think people will gather around Jin-san and Chloe-san within a few days."

"Yes, you're right. This time, it's our, or rather my fault. I'm truly sorry. Even though you've hidden many things for me until now."

Once again, I apologized and agreed to gather again tomorrow to discuss future countermeasures.