
I have a shop in the Multiversal Trading Center.

In the toughest moment of Robin's life, a beggar sells him a ring. after wearing the ring. A think-call system told him that he had become one of the shop owners of the Multiversal Trading Center and gave him two choices: if he wanted, he could become the owner of the shop, or he could just ignore it and go on with his life. Robin has nothing to lose, so he accepted the offer. Robin finds out that in the Multiversal Trading Center, there are a lot of different kinds of creatures, and they are buying, selling, and exchanging various types of technology and materials. Follow Robin and see how he became different after building a business empire. Can Robin stay as a moral human being, or will he become a corrupted human being in this unforgiving world in order to follow his dream of going to the stars?

Ahad_Sheikh_8685 · Ficção Científica
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6 Chs

My shop and the first sale, 10 tons of gold

I return to my room, first of all, because I need to understand what they are selling or exchanging in the Multiversal Trading Center. So I want to see quickly what is going on there. I touch the ring on the middle finger of my right hand and think that I want to enter the Multiversal Trading Center. It did not even take a couple of seconds to open my eye and look around, and I saw that I was standing inside a small shop before I could say anything or take a step. A floating person came in front of me. It was not real; it was just a hologram of a fairy.

Welcome to your new shop. I was surprised to see a talking fairy, but I wasn't that surprised. I did meet a system. But it still took me off. This little thing was pretty cute. The fairy looks like a small child, but she has four wings behind her. "And who are you?" I asked her. My name is a little fairy; the former master of the shop named me.

I don't know what happened to him, but he didn't come again. Whatever you are, you are the new shopkeeper. So I, the fairy of your shop, will introduce everything to you. Ok, please do. First of all, you have your front desk. You will spend the majority of your time standing behind it. At the front desk, there is a scanner that scans every item or technology and estimates how much it will cost; always check the price before you pay. Every sale will be cut by 10% by the system. In the future, if your shop level goes up, the percentage will be reduced. This is one of the reasons why everyone runs for higher-level shops.

Behind you will be storage for your product or materials. I will help you with everything except heavy labor. Good luck. Can I go out of the shop, as I asked her? Of course, you can; it is not a jail, and I can go anywhere. But please do not do anything that will harm your shop's name. It's you and me. What will you name your shop? I will name my shop the rising star. Nice name, but a lot of people have named their shops the same; that's fine if you write it in your language.

I wrote down my shop name on a sign. We are almost done; we have to guess where to put the sign in front of the shop, and we will be open for business. The shop was surrounded by white walls, and there was a glass window in front of it that was decorated with flowers. For the time being, I don't want to open the shop by just coming here to see what is going on in the MTC. I told her that. Ho, that is, let's go walking around the area. I wonder what happened to the former owners.

The Fast Shop owner from your world came here around 1000 years ago, and the second one came here around 100 years ago. Both of them did not do anything with it; the second shop owner named me and never returned. Is that so, saying I opened the door and was surprised to see a lot of people coming and going, but everyone is not a human being? There are a lot of alien animals and also humans, but the majority are humanoid.

Wow, there are a lot of people. Yes, there is; please do not lose yourself on the road. Even if you lose yourself on the road, you can come back to your shop by using the ring. Hmmm

I got out of there. She can't come with me, and I don't think she can leave the store, either. There are many people there; it resembles a busy street in a large metropolis. Many of the people were armed with cold weapons and dressed in a variety of unusual outfits. Some of them were even completely naked, but they still moved around as if they belonged there.

I saw a shop, and when I got inside, there was a person sitting there talking to another person. I also recognize that there are others who are looking around the shop. I also started looking around the shop. This person sold a lot of stuff, even some magical stuff, but nothing highly technological. Then I realized that in this place, a lot of people come from the stone age or the middle age. But why was my shop put at this level when the world is already in a modern age?

I think no one operated the shop, which is why it falls to this level. I started to go back to the shop when I saw a priest yelling at a person because he wasn't wearing anything, and the priest got angry, which is why he was yelling at him. I also saw many people talking to each other, and some of them fighting. I did not say anything to anyone. I just walked back to my shop. Now I know what is actually on sale in this place, which is basically everything. I saw someone selling salt in this place, and I was surprised. After a couple of moments, I realized that he was a fraud and that he was taking money from another person. I think he is new here, so I also need to be careful. This area looks like a fish market.

I come back to the shop. The fairy excitedly welcomes me. You find something, Master. Yes, a lot of things. Now I know what to sell. You can open the shop now. No, not right now; I'll return to my world and decide what to sell and bring it here. How am I going to get them here, by the way? Master the ring, and it will store anything you want. but it needs to be scanned; the ring also does it. so you don't have to worry. Does everyone have a ring like me? No, I don't think so. but they do have other stuff that they used to bring here. Okay, I'll be back here within a couple of hours. Master, please do come back; don't leave me alone here like the formal master. I will not look after the shop. Okay, okay, Master?

I did not say anything to her. I just smile at her, and she also smiles back at me. I was surprised that she could show this much emotion. I touched the ring and came back to my home on Earth. I was in the same place when I left for the MTC. I didn't waste time; I got ready to go out, but then I realized it was already midnight, so I called it a night and said we'll go tomorrow.

I also inform the fairy. So she won't bother me the following day. The next morning, I woke up and immediately got ready to go to the nearest computer shop.

I want to buy a lot of memory cards. My plan is to basically download technology information from the internet that the general public can see. and I will sell them to buy a higher level of technology. With those technologies, I will build a company that will help me in the future. Pretty simple.

I bought a lot of small memory cards and started filling them up with technological data. Last night I did find out that I can transfer data to a person's mind with my ring. But I have to sell that data or buy it in the MTC. If not, it will not work in other places. I nearly copied over four hundred pieces of technological data. It also cost me a lot of time, and I don't even know how the hell I am going to pay my rent next month. but let's go all out.

After one day of copying the data, I was tired and fell asleep beside my computer. The next morning, eat breakfast. I was excited because it would be the day I changed my life. I touch my ring and get to the shop, and immediately after I hear the crying voice of the fairy. Master, why didn't you return? I thought you had died. Die, whatever the hell you are thinking. Alright, stop crying; today we will be opening the shop.

I took out all of the memory cards. master, What is this stuff? It looks like old-school memory cards. "Old school, this thing cost me all of my money; at least show some respect," I scolded her in my mind. Yes, but it will work, am I right? Yes, master, you are right. Wow, everything is low-tech. It is because we are in a place where only stone-age and middle-aged people are running around. That's also kind of right, master. We need to earn more and more XP so we can become the biggest shop in the Multiversal Trading Center.

Yes, you are right, and what are we to do? We need to work hard. Yes, master, I am ready. Holy crap, she is cute. I set up everything and took the sign of our shop, "The Rising Star," from the front row shop and hung it beside the door. After that, I got inside the shop and waited; even after an hour had passed, no one came inside our shop. I was so scared because I had invested a lot of money in it. But at that moment, my luck shined, and a customer came in. I welcome him; he was an old man wearing a middle-aged priest's rope.

long white bears. Sir, what can I do for you? I ask the old man. Do you know how to farm a large amount of food? Yes, I know, but the question is what you will exchange for it. I can pay you with a universal coin. If you want, do you have anything that can interest me? Rather than universal coins, I don't have anything. ""Anything valuable that you can exchange, I have asked him again." On his finger was a ring. He took out a gold bar from his pocket. Obviously, it was a storage ring. I asked him, "I am sorry, but do you have permission to enter the Multiversal Trading Center?" Yes, this coin is. Is he showing me a gold coin?

So you enter here with this gold coin. Yes, so what was that? ho... This is my storage ring. In this storage ring, I can store a lot of stuff. How much stuff can we store in a storage ring? a lot like a mountain. Like a mountain, you are joking with me, old man, right? No, I am not the answer in anger. Ok, that's fine. I am sorry; now, can you exchange it for this ring? No, I cannot, as the old man says. So what do you want to exchange for it? I have gold, okay? I took out a small memory card, and on that memory card, I saved data about farming.

But I did not store data about fertilizer. But in order to farm, you do need fertilizer. I didn't put anything about fertilizer on that memory card. Call me anything; I don't care. if he wants to trade for farming. I will give him the exact same thing. I give him a memory card about farming. The old man was surprised and said, "What will I do with it?" You don't have to do anything. I will use my shop authorization to put the memory data into your mind. You do believe the system right? Yes, I do the old man says. Now let's talk about the price. I scanned the memory card, and he also took out a pile of gold. Now I was surprised; I didn't see that much gold in the same place. It was a mountain.

But the analysis system told me that my memory card would cost more than this much gold. I give a thumbs up in my heart to the system. But I also thought, "What the hell am I going to do with this much gold?" But the old man was even more surprised that that much gold would not help him buy the farming technology memory card. He looked at me. Do you have anything else? I only have this storage ring now. Ok, I do understand you. If you want, you can pay this much gold and come back later. The fairy was about to say something. but I give her a look.

The old man said yes, thank you. I will come back to pay you the ultimate price. Yeah, that's fine. I gave the old man the memory card and told him to use it with the entry permit that he used to come in here. he immediately understands how to use it. The old man smiled and left my shop. The fairy was angry at me, master; why did you let him go? He didn't pay all the money. I smiled at her; sometimes you need to be generous. I am pretty sure he is having a tough time. Anyhow, let's see how much money we get. Before I could count the money, the system started speaking in my mind, telling me that 10% of your sale money would be cut off for the system's operation.

What. Why not? That's a lot of money. But I saw a lot of gold go away in the blink of my eyes. Dam system. The system has detected that you have sold a technology for which you have been granted 100 XP. I did not hear the system. I started counting how much gold the old man left, and obviously, I was surprised there were almost ten tons of gold. This gold in US dollars almost 500 million dollars. For the time being, the question is how to sell this gold, but before that, I am rich now.
