
I got a farmland in apocalyptic

I got a farmland in apocalyptic world

deepak_Joshi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Humanoid mutant and first companion Red serpent

Deepjoshi: What's this system? How in the world do I have a poison-resistance passive ability when I'm a space-type hunter? It's a poison-type hunter class ability, so how do I have a poison resistance passive ability that doesn't even make sense?

System: Passive abilities can be awakened by any user, and they are nonclass abilities. Passive abilities can be any kind because they are not class-specific; rather, they are dependent only on the user's physical state to activate new abilities.

Following that, he slaughtered hundreds of S-class mutants and ventured far into the Red River. There, he suddenly saw a large, 100-foot-tall snake that resembled an anaconda; it was black, but its eye pupils were yellow, giving it an imposing and icy appearance.

Deepjoshi decided it was foolish to battle the snake on the water, so he teleported back to the land. However, the snake followed him and attacked him with poison balls after he had reached the land.

Surprised by the unexpected attack, Deepjoshi counterattacked with a void vacuum before the serpent wrapped Deepjoshi in its coils and began to tighten its body, Deepjoshi could feel the hardness of its skin.

He realized one thing: if it managed to trap Deepjoshi in its death trap, he would undoubtedly suffer severe damage.

He somehow walked out of the snake's death trap by using a space vacuum to control the air pressure precisely.

He knows that he must have a brilliant idea if he wants to kill that enormous snake.

Deepjoshi: Hold on, why am I even afraid? I am far too strong for that serpent.

Using his ability to summon Heaven's drop, Deepjoshi created four drops of light particles, pouring ten thousand into each, and unleashed them towards the serpent, the Boss Mutant. The result was a massive explosion that was ten thousand times larger than a nuclear explosion.

then Deepjoshi believed he had killed the serpent and conquered the southwest region immediately after that it took on humanoid form from the smoke.

System: Since the serpent has already assumed a humanoid form, the host must move extremely cautiously.

Deepjoshi: It's already humanoid, which means that if I kill it, I'll get much better energy crystals.

Deepjoshi was approached by the humanoid serpent at lightning speed. Deepjoshi was redy to draw his sword, But the serpent attempted to poison Deepjoshi by using its nail. But Deepjoshi unleashed a lightning-draw attack with all of his might, seriously harming the humanoid mutant.

Deepjoshi took this opportunity and used his void slash on the serpent, it took a lot of damage and collapsed to the ground. Just as he was about to kill it with his last blow, the serpent begged for its life.

Red River Serpent: I can do anything for you, my lord, so please spare my lowly life.

Deepjoshi: Keeping you alive won't benefit me in any way, but killing you will grant me access to S+class energy crystals.

Please, lord, spare me. If you do, I will be your devoted servant or your ride for the rest of my life.

Deepjoshi: thought, it would look cool and intimidating if I rode a 100-foot snake. Hold on, how can I be sure you will remain loyal to me if I spare you and accept you as my raid?

Serpent: You can have soul contact with me, my lord, and I will be obligated to you forever.

Deepjoshi: hey system is there anything like that??

System: Yes, there is, but be warned: if you make any soul contracts, they will be bound to your soul and cannot be separated, and if that red serpent tries to betray you, it will be killed on the spot.

Deepjoshi: Okay, I'll accept your soul contract.

Red Serpent: Indeed, my lord. It called forth its energy crystal core and instructed him to apply a drop of blood to it to activate the soul contract.

Deepjoshi, who did not believe the red serpent, inquired it about the system.

Deepjoshi: system Is there a problem with the contract? I'm referring to the sole contract method.

System: The sole contract method is safe to use, so I didn't think there was any issue with it.

then Deepjoshi applied a drop of blood to the energy core of the serpent the energy core and the red serpent vanished.

All of a sudden a system notification came out.


Congratulations host for contacting Red Serpent with the bloodline of the void-swallowing Serpent and gaining level 2000.

Deepjoshi got confused about his level and asked to the system why his level had increased to level 2000. when he is only at level 1704?

System: When you place a drop of blood on its energy crystal, it awakens its bloodline, the world serpent, but due to your space bloodline, it has evolved into a void swallowing serpent, and given you experience points.

Deepjoshi: How will my contract work if its energy core is destroyed, I wonder?

System: To form the contract, you must first destroy its crystal core with blood drops.

Deepjoshi: What kind of rules are these? How can it maintain its mana and stay alive without an energy crystal?

System: When a mutant or monster makes a contract with a human, it does not require its crystal core because it transfers all of its energy to its master and can manage mana through its body in the same way that humans do. So why would it need it when it can manage mana through its own body?

Deepjoshi: If I understand correctly, you are saying that when they first made contact with humans, they didn't require an energy crystal and then gave all of the experience gained from it to its master.

System: yes you are correct.

Deepjoshi: but where is the serpent I can't see it.

System: it was in your left arm.

Deepjoshi: what?? Where I can't see it.

System: You just need to give it a name before it will appear in front of you. You can also check its status to gain a better understanding of it.

Deepjoshi: oh right I can simply check its status., system gives it a name, naga, and shows me it'statuss


Name: naga

Bloodline: void-swallowing serpent.

Level: 2100 (humanoid)

Attack power: 2500

Agility: 2600

Resistance: 2400

Mana: 3000 (because of the contract it has mana:60000)

Active Ability: poison ball, wrap, teleportation, fly, swallow, counterattack x. Summoning.

Passive ability: poison, space aura, summon, poison resistance, water attack resistance, fire resistance.

Deejoshi was taken aback and exclaimed, "What the hell, it's stronger than me?"