
I got a farmland in apocalyptic

I got a farmland in apocalyptic world

deepak_Joshi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Clearing a Dungeon solo 2

When he threw a small stone toward the cave after discovering it, they turned hostile all of a sudden.

"What? I made a mistake now!" (they managed to pull off a Deepjoshi impression), what do I do? Hold on a moment. What fear do I now have? I have a higher status than that little fry, and I can quickly dispatch them with my sword.

{Rainbow sword status}

Name: Rainbow Sword

Attack: 2x to the user's strength status

 current 10


Ability: "Quickdraw (it evolved from the instant draw and gives 5 extra damage). (Free tip: with a lightning-fast attack, your opponents don't have a chance to know how they died.) current damage: 15

"What? A sword's'sbility can also evolve! It's crazy".

Oh, right, I have to kill that big wolf. Its blue color and its dark black eyes, despite being white, give it an unusual appearance. It's frightening.

Deepjoshi used his sword's "quick draw" ability to teleport backward and attack the boss wolf, dealing it fatal damage. However, the boss wolf became even angrier and began ordering his minions to attack me, so I used my "teledraw" ability once more., to strike the boss monster in the back, but this time it didn't work since he moved his minions back to dodge a lethal blow. His cunning made me smile, so I teleported to the top of the cave, used my ability to create a small portal in front of his throat, and then used my sword to stab it with all of my force. The boss wolf died at that moment, and his minions turned, but the boss did not drop anything because his minions were still alive. After that, I used the teledraw combo to kill every wolf, and all of a sudden, the blue wolf's body began to drop loot. The most surprising thing was that he discovered a skill book."Slash" Sadly it was for the transformation class i cannot learn it..,

After that, once again, a familiar sound came out., in my brain

You all know that.


Congratulations, host, for clearing the dungeon on your own!



Class: space type

Experience percentage: 40%/100%

Level: 11





Skills: portal, teleportation, storage, collection,

(Collect: as the name implies, it will automatically collect your loot when you kill a monster.)

Passive skill: mana regeneration, connect

(Connect: You can move freely between planet N.O.Z. and Earth.)

Deepjoshi: It's insane that I can travel freely between Earth and planet NONZ. Are you referring to this surprise, Mona?

System: Indeed, but our freedom of movement is limited to the earth. On the planet Noz, our freedom of movement is limited to a single acre on a tiny, deserted island. Fortunately, we can expand our territory by using the "Cristal Core's energy."

Deepjoshi: However, it's quite difficult to locate Cristal Cores."

System: Once you enter the yellow D-class dungeon, you will find Cristal cores, even though they are now difficult to locate.

Deepjoshi exclaimed, "Oh, I see," and he used his power to instantly gather all of the treasure that the monsters had dropped into his storage capacity. (The storage capacity functions similarly to the game's storage feature; everything is automatically arranged in chronological order, and time stops inside the storage area to prevent any item from being damaged.) Practically anything can be stored.

system took in some of the energy from the dungeon's core; Deepjoshi then crushed the core, which resulted in the creation of a tiny door once Deepjoshi left the dungeon.

Following his escape from the dungeon, he noticed a large group of guild members in front of him. One of the guild members went up to him and said,

guild member: "Hello," my name is Subash, and I am from Alke Guild. Can we talk for a second?

Deepjoshi: Yes, but I am not interested in joining any guild, and thank you for asking.!

Many guild members then came up to him, but he turned them all down and said, "I don't want to join the guild." He used his teleportation ability to go to the Hunter Association and exchange some cash for "hpoints." He gave everything back, took skill books, and received an additional 500 hit points from the Hunter Association.

He then proceeded toward the trading market, which looked like an illegal market but it was entirely legitimate. He noticed a large building in the trading market's streets, so he approached it out of curiosity and discovered that it was the auction house.

When he attempted to enter the auction house, two bodyguards stopped him and informed him that he needed an auction card in order to enter.

Declaring he was new, Deepjoshi explained that he had found a skill book in the dungeon and wished to trade it for a better price.

Bodyguards: You must register at the Hunter Association for the auction house, sir.

After expressing his gratitude to the guards, Deepjoshi teleported back to the Hunter Association and approached Mira at reception once more, stating that had come for the auction house card.

An hour later, Mira made him an auction card with a smile. After expressing his gratitude to Mira, he teleported to the auction house.

"He showed his auction card to the guards and entered the auction house.".

The auction house was very lively, and there were hundreds of hunters trading every kind of skill book and hpoint.

He was searching for a guide here at first because he was lost and had no prior knowledge of the auction house.

He went to the front desk and asked for information about the auction house without making any noise. Once he had the information, he discovered that trading could be done virtually and then with real money.

He placed an advertisement for a skill book in the holo market, but no one owns a space-type skill book—they are more uncommon than any other kind. Upon failing to receive any trades, he adjusted it to 400 Hpoints. He eventually got contracted and exchanged his skill book for 400 "hpoints," Now he currently has 11050 hpoints in total.

And he went home and met his mother, and told her everything about his adventures except for Mona and Planet N.O.Z., and after dinner, he went to his bedroom and shut the doors.

He inquired about the n.o.z. planet with Mona (the system), and then used his portal ability to teleport to the planet N.O.Z.

{note it's just explanation., (Portal and teleportation only work for planet N.O.Z. (farmland) because of the connect passive ability; they usually do not teleport to another dimension; they're only working on one dimension, and planet N.O.Z. is located in another dimension, so it's only working because of the connect passive ability; it's only allowed for planet Noz and cannot help to travel to another dimension.)}