

A mysterious door stands open, inviting a boy who’s been brutally bullied all his life to take a courageous step forward into the unknown. On the other side, he finds a hoard of priceless artifacts and a world as filled with magic as it is with monsters. The most shocking revelation, however, is that he can bring whatever he wants back with him when he returns to Earth. It won’t be long before this double life changes him forever... This light novel does not belong to me I am just sharing this all right belongs to the original owner and translater Currently there's only 13 volume that has been published or translated. Most of the chapter has a word count of 6k-10k this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Vol-11 Ch 2 – Nittei Academy

Part 1

I was kidnapped all of a sudden by a group of strangers in black clothes and stuffed into a car before I had time to resist, as I did not expect to be in such a situation on Earth… and especially in Japan, and I could not use my power as I did in the other world.

When I finally understood that I was involved in an abnormal situation, I immediately tried to leave the place, but…

"──Good day to you, Yuuya Tenjou-san."


I turned my head toward the voice that called me unexpectedly.

Then, there was a girl in a school uniform from somewhere sitting there, sipping tea gracefully.

I was taken aback by the situation, but I quickly came to my senses and asked her in caution.

"Um… who are you…?"

"I am the student council president of Nittei Academy, and my name is Mirei Kamiyama."

"Nittei Academy…"

The name was vaguely familiar to me.

While Ousei Academy is famous among the public as a super elite school, Nittei Academy could be perceived by the public as a school attended by many super-rich people.

How could someone from such a school do such a thing…?

"This may seem a little harsh, but we have no intention of harming Yuuya-san."

"Then what is it that you want?"

I asked this. Kamiyama-san put down her tea and looked straight at me.

"I'll be straight to the point. Yuuya Tenjou, would you like to come to our Nittei Academy?"


I was surprised at the unexpected words, and Kamiyama-san continued.

"Our Nittei Academy and Ousei Academy have a somewhat close relationship and have been rivals with each other. However, in recent years, people have begun to say that Nittei Academy is inferior to Ousei Academy."


"Therefore, we were beginning to work to restore even a little bit of dignity to Nittei Academy… Yuuya-san, you have just transferred to Ousei Academy."

After saying that, Kamiyama-san picked up some documents and began to read them.

"The more I look into it, the more mysterious your background is. However, from what I have seen in the videos of your performance at the athletic festival and ball game competitions, your ability is immeasurable. I had no idea that such talent existed in Japan."


"The gap between your school and ours has widened even more now that you have joined Ousei Academy. Therefore, we are thinking of closing the gap with Ousei Academy by bringing you, the cause of the gap, to our Nittei Academy. If a student with as much talent as Yuuya-san comes to Nittei Academy, it will be an easy task."

"I-I see?"

I understood what she was saying, but I couldn't imagine I'm that big of a deal, and more importantly, the scale of the story was so large…

I didn't know much about Nittei Academy in the first place, so I didn't even know that it was in a rivalry with Ousei Academy.


"Um… I'm sorry about that. I'm happy you think so highly of me, but I have no intention of leaving Ousei Academy at all."

Kaori encouraged me to transfer, and that's why I am where I am today. Besides, I really enjoy my life at Ousei Academy and can't imagine leaving.

That's why I firmly refused…

"Fufu… well, even if I suddenly offer you something like this, I'm sure you won't immediately agree to it. So, I thought I would invite Yuuya-san to the Nittei Academy once."


"Now, we've arrived."


I was not paying attention to what was going on outside because I was conversing with Kamiyama-san, but when I looked outside the car, before I knew it, we had arrived in front of a strange and huge gate.

Its size is much bigger than the main gate of Ousei Academy…!

"This is the Nittei Academy. I will now show Yuuya-san around."

The car entered the grounds, leaving me stunned by the sheer size of the place.

"Now, this way."

We got out of the car at the parking lot and walked to the site.

I was astonished by the size of the grounds. First of all, the parking lot was as large as any theme park.

There were gorgeous flowerbeds, a huge fountain, and, of course, a few students riding horses in the distance. Ugh, there are even horses…?

The other students were moving around the grounds in gorgeous carriages as I walked along with Kamiyama-san. W-what's that…

The carriages, reminiscent of the noble culture of medieval Europe, drove through the grounds, and in what appeared to be a garden, students with butlers and maids waiting behind them were enjoying an elegant tea time. T-this is Japan, right…?

The scene was so unrealistic that I couldn't help but think, "I wonder if I can make the maids and butlers work at our school festival."

Even Ousei Academy was an unknown world to me, but this Nittei Academy was a place that went even further.

Kamiyama-san noticed my confused state and explained it to me.

"Those are the horses and carriages provided for the students. As you can see, the grounds of Nittei Gakuen are very large, so the students basically use some kind of vehicle to get around.


I was no longer at a loss for words.

The school's facilities were equipped with luxurious amenities that I have never seen before, and I was amazed from beginning to end.

After seeing all the facilities, I was finally guided to the student council room.

"How was it? This Nittei Academy… would you like to attend?"

Kamiyama-san asked me as if she already knew the answer.


"I'm sorry. I know this school is great, but I do not intend to transfer from Ousei Academy."


Kamiyama-san's eyes widened at my words.

Indeed, the facilities at Nittei Academy were amazing.

Ousei Academy also incorporated advanced technology in its classes and other activities, but the facilities here were more expensive.

Of course, studying on your own was a prerequisite, but you could do much more in an environment like this.

Still, I did not want to leave Ousei Academy.

I liked everyone at the school, including Kaori.

"So, I'm sorry."

I bowed again, and Kamiyama-san shook her head as if she didn't understand.

"T-that's impossible… Oh, perhaps you're worried about how you'll be treated when you move in? In that case, you don't need to worry. We will pay for your transfer and tuition fees, and if you are too far from home, we will even provide you with a student dormitory for free! Therefore…"

"No, that doesn't change my mind."

Kamiyama-san put on a bitter face as if she realized that nothing she would say would make me change my mind.

"Kuh… T-this can't be…"

"Um, now that we've talked, I think I'll excuse myself here."

As I was about to get up from my seat and leave the place, Kamiyama-san seemed to have an idea and opened her mouth.

"T-that's right! How about we have a match?"


As I was taken aback by this sudden proposal, Kamiyama-san continued.

"It seems that Yuuya-san thinks that Ousei Academy is such an excellent place. You must think you are in a wonderful environment. But after all, that's just a school for commoners… it can't be any better than this school!"

Kamiyama-san's unabashed assertion made me feel a little peeved.

The reason was that she has clearly ridiculed Ousei Academy… and everyone else involved.

"…Even Ousei Academy has many great things to offer!"

When I mentioned this, Kamiyama-san smiled as if she had been waiting for this. 

"Then, isn't it obvious that you can win against the students who are spending their time in our school's facilities?"


I don't know what to do; I can't understand what she's talking about at all.

Then Kamiyama-san smiled with a relaxed smile.

"So, I want you to compete with the students who are the pride and joy of our school."


"Yes. It's a little after school now, and there are a lot of clubs in action. So, Yuuya-san, I want you to compete with our school's athletic club."


"I told you, didn't I? If Ousei Academy is so superior, Yuuya-san should be able to exercise in a better environment than our students… If Yuuya-san loses to our students, it will prove that Ousei Academy's facilities are not that great. That's why I don't believe that an extraordinary person like Yuuya-san will be able to grow in such an environment. So, for Yuuya-san's sake, I will have you compete with the athletic department that our school prides itself on."


I tried to get her to stop somehow, but she wouldn't listen to me; she just called the butler and started to prepare.

I was no longer pushed through the messed-up logic and was taken on a tour of the athletic club by Kamiyama-san.


The first place Kamiyama-san took me to was the baseball club. The baseball club had its own baseball field and quite a few members.

"Now, this is our baseball club. The contest is simple. If you can get a hit on even one pitch thrown by the baseball team's pitcher, Yuuya-san will win."

"Hmph. I don't know who you are, but… you'll have to struggle for it at best, won't you?"

"N-no, I mean, I'd like to go home…"

My words were futile; before I knew it, I was handed a helmet and bat that had been prepared for me, and I had nowhere to run.

I had no choice but to stand in the batter's box and get ready to bat.

I don't know how this happened, but I hope I'll be able to go home when this is over…

While thinking about this and waiting for the pitcher to throw the ball, the other guy smiled wryly at me.

"Hmph… Sorry, but your bat will never touch my ball──!"

With that said, the ball was thrown, and it flew straight at me.

A closer inspection of the ball confirmed that it was spinning beautifully.

Perhaps because I had fought so many opponents in the past, I was able to predict how the ball would move based on its rotation, and based on that prediction; I swung the bat at the right time.

The bat struck the ball perfectly, and the ball flew away with tremendous momentum.

The ball's momentum did not stop, and when I noticed it, it disappeared like a star in the sky beyond my sight.


"U-uh… Is this the end…?"

"! N-not yet!"

Part 2

After the game with the baseball team, I was taken to the soccer field, where the soccer team was waiting for me. As if they had already heard the story, just like the baseball team,

"Now we're going to have a penalty kick showdown!"

The penalty shootout was a three-round game, with me and one of the soccer players going head-to-head, each taking turns as keeper, with the winner scoring the most goals.

And, of course, the ace student of the soccer team came to the fore.

"Heh! Don't get carried away just because you beat the baseball team, okay? You're done here!"

With these words, we began our showdown.

I was the first to kick the ball as the attacker, but as I watched the opposing goalkeeper, I somehow understood where the keeper's attention was focused. This sense, too, must have been acquired through various battles.

And by using the "Weakness Detection" skill, I can aim my shot at the point where the opponent is weak and make a more reliable decision.

Remembering my training with Master Usagi, I kicked the ball.

The ball flew in the direction the keeper was most concerned about.

"Heh! I knew you'd come there!"

As soon as the keeper turned his body in that direction, as if he had been waiting for it, the ball took an unbelievable arc and changed course to the point that the keeper had been most afraid of.

And just like that, the ball rattled the goal net.


It was a spur-of-the-moment performance, but the ball moved just as I had imagined thanks to the physical control I had acquired through my various experiences.

"I-it was a fluke! I'll score next anyway!"

We switched sides, and as soon as I was set up as keeper, the other player kicked the ball as hard as he could.

However, I could guess which course the ball was going to take from the movement of his body and the way he looked at me, so I easily succeeded in blocking his shot.

"N-no way…"

After that, all my shots scored, and all my opponent's shots were blocked, so my victory was confirmed.

I felt bad for my opponent, but I couldn't lose for the honor of Ousei Academy either.

However, now that I had won this way, Kamiyama-san would have no complaints.

"L-let me go home this time──"

"N-not yeeetttt!"


Kamiyama-san still did not accept defeat, and after that, I was forced to face off against various other sports clubs.

But in every match, I continued to fight using the experience I gained in the other world, I was finally able to defeat all the sports clubs.

"N-no way… this can't be possible…"

"N-now, you're not complaining about me being at Ousei Academy, are you?"

As I was inwardly freaking out about what I would do if I were told it wasn't over yet, Kamiyama-san raised her voice again as if she had just thought of something.

"T-that's right! The battle up to this point has only been a contest of physical ability! However, since the main task of a student is to study, don't you think the best way to do that is to compete in a contest of academic ability?"


Don't tell me that we will compete in studies this time?

It is true that in previous contests, I was able to make use of my experience in other worlds and my improved physical abilities, but this is not the case with studying.

Although I review my classes every day, there are certain subjects that I am not good at, and my grades are not at the top of the class.

As I was wondering what to do, I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"──That's enough, Kamiyama-san."

"What? Oh, you are…!"


I looked at the owner of the voice, and there was Kaori!

She looked at me and smiled, then immediately tightened her expression and turned to Kamiyama-san.

"I am Kaori Houjou, an executive member of the student council of Ousei Academy and daughter of the school's headmaster. I received a call from a student of our school and have come to pick up Yuuya-san."


Surely Kaori came because Ryo and the others had informed her that I had been kidnapped!

Then, Kamiyama-san, who had been upset for a moment, immediately became calm and smiled fearlessly.

"Ara, I see. But we are recruiting him now. So can you please stay out of it? You have no right to stop us from recruiting him, do you?"

"No. Yuuya-san is a student of Ousei Academy. Isn't that right?"

Kaori looked at me a little uneasily, but I nodded as best I could.

"Y-yeah. I don't want to transfer to Nittei Academy; I prefer Ousei Academy."

"…The person himself said so. Therefore, I will take Yuuya-san back as it is."

When Kaori told Kamiyama-san resolutely and was about to leave the place without any further explanation, Kamiyama-san raised her voice impatiently.

"W-wait a minute! Is your school able to provide a satisfactory environment for Yuuya-san?"


"It is true that Ousei Academy has an excellent educational environment. However, it is obvious that our academy's facilities are superior. And it's the perfect environment to nurture a talented person like Yuuya-san. This is not about individual needs. From the perspective of the national interest, don't you think it is necessary for Yuuya-san to be placed in an appropriate environment?"

N-national interest… What are you talking about? I'm just a mere student, you know…?

This is such a messed-up story. Of course, I can ignore it. I'm saying I'd rather be at Ousei Academy than anything else.

But for some reason, Kaori had a bitter look on her face.


"From my research, I found that Yuuya-san is not involved in any club activities at your school, and it seems that he cannot use his talents to the fullest. If that is the case, don't you think it would be better for him to fully exercise his talents at our school?"

"W-wait a minute! I'm not in the club of my own volition…"

"Yuuya-san, please shut up."


Are you ignoring my feelings…?

How can I get this person to give up…?

I'm the kind of person who can't do anything without everyone's help.

After Kamiyama-san and Kaori looked at each other for a while, Kamiyama-san suddenly smiled.

"…However, I am sure you will not be convinced by this sudden talk. So, why don't we have another match?"

"A match?"

As I prepared myself for another strange match, Kamiyama-san continued.

"Yes. You have a school festival coming up soon, right?"


"We are currently preparing for the school festival as well. And you know what? The dates of this year's school festival are the same as those of Ousei Academy… How about we have a school festival competition?"

"A school festival competition?"

"Yes. We will start advertising at the same time and compete to see who has more visitors on the day of the festival. If Ousei Academy wins this match, we will recognize the appeal of Ousei Academy and give up asking Yuuya-san to transfer to our school. However, if we win, Yuuya-san will be handed over to us."


"…Very well."


I look at her, not expecting Kaori to accept it.

Then Kamiyama-san smiled fearlessly.

"Fufu… Then, the negotiations were concluded. I'm looking forward to seeing the outcome of the match."

…And so, with the school festival competition decided, we left the Nittei Academy.


On the way home from Nittei Gakuen.

Kaori got in her car, and I joined her for a ride home.

There, I asked Kaori.

"Um… why did you accept that match? It all started because I couldn't say no firmly enough, but…"

"…I thought that Kamiyama-san had a point."


Kaori looked a little anxious.

I believe that Yuuya-san is a more amazing person than you think you are. Of course, my father and I want Yuuya-san to be free to do what he wants to do. However, as Kamiyama-san said, I also feel that Yuuya-san is not making the most of your overflowing talent…"


To be honest, I don't know if I'm that great or not.

After all, I was lucky enough to find the [Doorway to Another World], where I inherited the legacy of Sage-san and became the person I am today.

None of this is my power; it's just something I got by chance.

That's why it's not something that Kaori has to worry about, whether I make use of my power or not.



I'm not the grand person everyone thinks I am. But thanks to Kaori, I'm really enjoying my school life right now. I never thought I'd be able to have so much fun in high school, so… that's why, for me, it's not about what I can do; it's more important to be able to spend time with everyone!"


I told Kaori not to worry about weird stuff for me or anyone else, but this is how I really feel.

"W-well, anyway, Kamiyama-san was pretty pushy, too, and if that school festival competition makes her give up on this one, then I guess that's okay?"

"Yes, that's right… Sorry, I was just being a little weak-minded."

Kaori tightened her expression and smiled again.

"Still, I am very glad to hear you say so, Yuuya-san!"

"I am really grateful to you for inviting me to Ousei Academy at that time, too."

We thanked each other and laughed at each other because we thought it was so funny.

To be honest, I don't know how the school festival will turn out, but I hope to have a good time with everyone before the competition.