

A mysterious door stands open, inviting a boy who’s been brutally bullied all his life to take a courageous step forward into the unknown. On the other side, he finds a hoard of priceless artifacts and a world as filled with magic as it is with monsters. The most shocking revelation, however, is that he can bring whatever he wants back with him when he returns to Earth. It won’t be long before this double life changes him forever... This light novel does not belong to me I am just sharing this all right belongs to the original owner and translater Currently there's only 13 volume that has been published or translated. Most of the chapter has a word count of 6k-10k this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Vol-09 Ch 1 – Earth Tourism

Part 1

"Um… are you sure this is okay?"

"Of course!"

After that, Master Usagi went back to the other world to recruit a person called the "Magic Saint" into our group.

In the first place, Master Usagi was on his way to tell the other Holy and their disciples that Night and the others had defeated Evil, and Iris-san was accompanying him.

On the way, they happened to meet up with Lexia-san and the others, which was how they heard about me from Kagurazaka-san, so they came to the Sage-san's house in the other world to confirm the truth. Just as I was fighting the Dragonias on Earth, they decided to join me.

So, now that the Dragonias had been defeated, he needed to return and explain the situation to the Holy, but Iris-san didn't go with him and stayed here.


"Heh! So this is Yuuya-sama's house, huh!"

"It's very different from our world… Mai, is this the way houses are generally built in this world?"

"Well, yes. Although there are a few things missing…"

It's not just Iris-san, but Lexia-san and others had also remained here.

It's not surprising that Kagurazaka-san, who was originally from Earth, was still here, but I wonder if it's okay for a princess like Lexia-san to be in a place like this?

I thought about Owen-san, one of Lexia-san's guards, who was not here at the moment.

Then, Iris-san said with a serious expression.

"In fact… Merl-san, was it? Considering what Yuuya-kun told me about her, I'm worried that this place will be targeted again. But right now, Yuuya is still damaged from the previous battle, and if that happens, we're worried about your current strength. That's why we stayed behind."

"I see…"

"That's right! So don't worry about it, Yuuya-sama!"

"…Well, I don't know what Lexia can do, but I'll help you in my own way."

"Hey, Luna! I'll do anything if I have to!"

"Thank you very much, everyone…"

I bowed my head towards Lexia-san and the others who said they were worried about me and would help me.

And then Merl-san, who was watching the situation, also bowed her head along with me.

(Me too… I'd like to thank you for your help as well.)

"Hey, raise your head! We're only helping you because we want to help Yuuya-kun. Even so… it's strange to look at Merl-san's outfit again. In addition to all of the things in your world that we don't have, there are also different designs and… different languages, so it's a little difficult to communicate with her…"

As Iris-san said this, I suddenly asked Merl-san.

"You know, Iris-san just said that it's hard for her to communicate with Merl-san because she doesn't understand your language. Isn't it possible to somehow communicate with her using Amelian's technology?"

(I didn't pay attention to it until now because it was working for Yuuya-san… Indeed, it should be possible. Please wait a moment.)

As Merl-san said this, she operated the terminal attached to her left hand, and after a while, an electronic sound played.

(…I have just sent the language information of my planet to everyone here. What do you think?)

Then, in response to Merl-san's words, not only Iris-san, Lexia-san and the others, but also Yuti, who had been with her until now, was surprised.

"Astonished. I can suddenly understand Merl's words now."

"This is… It's not like magic, and I didn't feel any magic at all…"

Lexia-san and Luna seemed to be surprised, but the most surprised one was Kagurazaka-san.

"No way, you can understand the language just by operating the terminal earlier? Isn't that insanely convenient! With that, I won't ever get a red mark on my English test again…!"


"Oh, i-it's nothing! Forget what you just heard!"


All I could do was nod to Kagurazaka-san, whose face had turned bright red as she told me that.

While we were having this conversation, Lexia-san, who had been looking around the inside of the house with great interest, raised her voice.

"Hey, hey, Yuuya-sama! I'd really like to see the world where you live!"


"Ara, I'm curious about that, too."


"Hey, Lexia. Don't bother Yuuya too much… Well, I'd be lying if I said it didn't interest me, though."

"Luna too…"

But, as Lexia-san said, I can understand why they are concerned about this world.

That's what happened with Yuti and Ouma-san, too…

Then Iris-san continued with a slightly serious expression.

"Of course, it's partly out of curiosity, but it's also to get an idea of the surroundings in case those people come back to attack you. Well, it seems that we were isolated in a strange space at that time, but it can't be like that every time, can it?"

"I-I see."

If she said that, I would think so, but… I didn't know the details either. I'm not a professional fighter myself, even if I got involved in various things lately and had to fight.

"I understand. I don't have a problem showing you around the Earth, but…"

"What's wrong?"

When I hesitated, Iris-san and the others tilted their heads.

But Kagurazaka-san, who understood what I was trying to say, spoke for me.

"Um… the problem is the way Lexia and the others are dressed, isn't it?"

"Eeh? O-our clothes?"

"Yes. No one on Earth dresses like a princess."

It's just as Kagurazaka-san said.

Although Lexia-san was wearing an outfit that was a bit more comfortable to move around in, it still looked like a princess dress, and Luna's outfit was not as flashy as a dress, but it looked like it could be considered cosplay.

And Iris-san, too, not only had on her the same kind of cosplay as Luna, but she also had a magnificent sword hanging from her waist.

"Besides… Lexia-san and the others may be able to change their outfits, but Iris-san's sword is definitely no good…"

"Eeeh? What do you mean by no sword? What are you going to do if you get attacked in that condition?"

"Um… our world isn't as dangerous as yours, so there's no need to carry weapons around…"

It's not a completely safe place, of course, but still, compared to other worlds, Japan's security was much better. It's not like there are monsters out there that would kill you for no reason.

When Iris-san and the others heard what Kagurazaka-san and I had said, they looked incredulous and surprised.

"No way… I can't believe we're in a world where we don't need to carry any weapons…"

"That's a little hard to believe…"

"But now that you mention it, I understand a little more. When I first came to this world and investigated the surroundings a little, I thought that no one gave off as strong a presence as you did, but it's not that you were special; it's just that this world itself is peaceful, so there was no strong presence…"

"W-wait! Then we can not look around your world?"

"H-hmm… To be honest, I don't know what will happen to Lexia and the others since you'll probably stand out, but… as long as you change your clothes, it'll be a little better, right?"

Kagurazaka-san said with an indescribable expression on her face; it is true that Lexia-san and the others would stand out…

Lexia-san had the elegance of a princess, and Luna and Iris-san each had a different aura.

"If that's the case, then… Mai! Can you prepare the clothes of this world for us?"


"If we do that, then we can take a look around Yuuya-sama's world, right? So, please!"

Kagurazaka-san was confused when she was asked to do so, but overpowered by Lexia-san's pleading gaze and Iris-san and Luna's expectant gaze, she nodded.

"I-I understand! But I don't know anything about fashion, so don't complain about what I bought you!"

"Thank you, Mai! Of course!"

Lexia-san was overjoyed and hugged Kagurazaka-san.

"Good grief… Then I need to find out your clothing size… Wait, you, get out of this room."


I nodded to Kagurazaka-san's words and hurriedly left the room.


──How did this happen?

"Well then, Yuuya-kun! You're still recovering, so take it easy and get some rest!"

"Yuuya-sama! Please wait for my homemade cooking!"

"…Yuuya, don't worry. It's not just me this time, but Iris-sama will also be present. The two of us will be able to control Lexia… Sorry, that might be impossible…"

"Don't just give up like that!"

Currently, the situation was that Kagurazaka-san, who measured each size, had just left to go shopping to prepare clothes for Lexia-san and the others to tour the Earth together.

If I were to buy clothes for the three of them suddenly, I would have to spend a fair amount of money, but since I could use the features of the [Door to the Other World] to exchange items I had acquired in the other world for cash, I managed to prepare the money.

So, when Kagurazaka-san went out to buy clothes for the three of them, to my surprise, Iris-san offered to do the housework for me.

"Yuuya-kun, It's my role as a master to take care of my apprentice! You should get some rest and let this Onee-san take care of you for now!"

It was true that I was still exhausted from the battle with Drade, the commander of the Dragonia aliens, so I was grateful for the offer. But as expected, I felt bad and tried to refuse.

But then Lexia-san raised her voice.

"Iris-sama, please wait! In that case, I'll take care of Yuuya-sama! Yes, first of all, let's have a home-cooked meal…!"

"Ara, that's exactly what I'll do. I've had Yuuya-kun eat my cooking before, and of course, he said it was delicious."

"What did you say? I've never cooked for Yuuya-sama before! Let me cook for him this time!"

Inspired by Iris-san's words and seeing Lexia-san's motivation, Luna also raised her voice in panic.

"W-wait! If Lexia is going to do it, then I'm going to do it too! I don't know what will happen if you leave it to this girl alone! …W-well, I want to take care of Yuuya, too…"

When I was really grateful that all of them… wanting to do something for me, I suddenly heard a lovely sound.

When I looked towards the sound, I saw that Yuti was looking at us with a straight face.

"Hungry. I want a good meal."

"Right. I'm hungry too."

Ouma-san, who had been sleeping disinterestedly until now, sighed and said so, and the three of them began to cook in earnest.

I led them to the kitchen of my house, and everything there was strange to them.

"T-this is… You can start a fire just by turning the knob, and you can also adjust the heat!?"

"This one produces water just by twisting it! And it even has hot water!"

"W-what is this box… it's cold inside!"

"B-but I don't feel any magic in any of them… Could it be that they're working without magic?"

The three of them were amazed by the stove, water supply, and refrigerator, respectively.

For me, it's all very common, but from the point of view of people from the other world, I guess it's all fresh and strange. I was also surprised when I saw magic for the first time, after all.

Merl-san, who was standing next to me watching the three of them amazed by the things in the house, muttered to herself.

(Interesting… to be surprised by this level of science and technology when they have so much power…)

"I think it's because the type of technology is different from that of the other world."

Of course, Merl-san and the others' technology was out of the norm in comparison.

As I was thinking about this, Iris-san, who seemed to have some idea of what was going on in the kitchen and was wearing an apron from the house, started to cook.

"There are plenty of spices; I can make anything with this. Well then ─── [Twilight Slash]!"


Lexia-san and Luna were surprised to see Iris-san generously using her skill as a Sword Saint in cooking. But without paying attention to these two, she continued to use her skills one after another to prepare the food.

(…Really, how can she use that much swordsmanship in her cooking…?)

Merl-san. I don't understand that either.

Lexia-san was impressed with the way Iris-san handled the ingredients with her amazing sword skills as always, but she quickly came to her senses.

"Hah!? I can't stay like this! I have to get started too… Eii!"



The moment Lexia-san swung the knife and brought it down with great force, the knife passed right between Merl-san and me in a flash.

We both turned around fearfully to see the knife sticking out of the wall.

"Ara? Where did the knife go?"

I asked fearfully, overhearing the innocent voice of Lexia-san.

"Um… Lexia-san? Since then, have you learned how to cook…?"

"Of course, I learned how to cook! But there's something strange. I don't know why the chefs at the castle don't want me to cook for them. Well, I guess they're afraid of me because I'm so good!"

"…Sorry, Yuuya. I can't stop it…!"

"Hey, Luna!"

If you give up right there, I'm in big trouble!

If Luna can't do it, then I will…! I tried to help her, but Lexia-san was stubborn and would not let me help her.

"Yuuya-sama! I have to do this myself! Besides, you didn't let me cook last time either… This is where I have to show you my skills!"

"Ara, so you cook too, Lexia-chan? Alright, let's see which one of us can win Yuuya-kun's stomach!"


If you say such an incendiary thing───.

"Yuuya-sama's stomach… Yes, I'm in for that match! I'm not going to lose to Iris-sama!"

"I'm not going to go easy on you just because you're a princess, you know?"

"As you wish!"

Sure enough, Lexia-san, inspired by Iris-san's words, started cooking with even more enthusiasm!

"Luna! I want you to stop those two──"

When I looked at Lexia-san and the others, I turned my gaze to the last resort, Luna, who also had a motivating look on her face.

"Fufufu… Well, if that's the case, I won't hold back either!"


"'Yuuya! I'll be cooking for you too, so you can look forward to it!"


Luna, who I thought was going to be helping with stopping Lexia-san, had now declared that she will cook too!

Moreover, just like Iris-san, she throws the ingredients into the air and cuts them up with her favorite weapon, the thread.

"[Unparalleled Dance]!"



The ingredients danced around them, and sometimes the utensils flew through the air as the three of them cooked.



Merl-san and I quietly left the kitchen.

Part 2

Sensing danger, I left the kitchen and played with Night and the others to relieve my fatigue. Then, for some reason, Lexia-san, who had black scorch marks all over her body, came to me with a smile.

"Yuuya-sama, it's ready!"

"Err… are those scorch marks…?"

"Oh, this? Don't worry! It was just a little mistake!"

A little…?

I was too afraid to ask what happened next, but I didn't hear any explosions, so I guess it wasn't too disastrous.

Behind Lexia-san, Luna turns white as if she has run out of steam, but she must be okay. Let's just hope so…!

"Ah, I have prepared for Night and the others as well, so don't worry about it!"




Night looked somewhat bewildered, as did I. Akatsuki seemed to have realized something from Lexia-san's appearance and now wore a peaceful expression like a bodhisattva.

Ciel is twisting his head curiously as if he still doesn't understand… W-well, I guess it's okay…!

"Fuwaahh… It's finally done, huh….? Good grief, to make me wait so long…"

"Limit. My stomach won't stop rumbling."

Ouma-san and Yuti seemed to be unconcerned about Lexia-san's condition from the start. It's amazing…

Merl-san and I looked at each other, made up our minds, and moved to the dining table.

Then, Iris-san had prepared all the dishes and was waiting for us.

Originally, my grandfather and grandmother lived in this house together, but since my grandmother passed away, my grandfather had been living alone.

I used to come and visit them often, and my grandpa had bought this big table for me to have dinner with him. At the time, I thought the table was too big for the two of us, but my grandpa had taken the trouble to prepare it for me in case my friends came to stay some time.

Thanks to this, we were able to have a large group of people around the table: me and Yuti, plus Iris-san, Lexia-san, Luna, and Merl-san.

Incidentally, Ouma-san and Night and the others have their own plates and luncheon mats, which they always use to eat their meals.

"Oh, you've come."

"I'm sorry you had to go through all this…"

"No problem! I already told you, right? It's the master's role to take care of the apprentices. But Lexia-chan's cooking was so creative that it made things difficult."

Iris-san told me with a distant look in her eyes, perhaps remembering the time of cooking. U-um, what kind of cooking did you do to make that Sword Saint say that much, Lexia-san…!

Well, Iris-san's cooking method is also quite unique.

As I took my seat, Iris-san and Lexia-san's eyes lit up brightly.

"Yuuya-kun, can I sit next to you?"

"Yuuya-sama! Excuse me for sitting next to you!"


I was surprised by the words that were said at the same time, but Lexia-san and Iris-san faced each other with smiles on their faces. But even though they should be smiling at each other, their appearance was somehow frightening.

"Lexia-chan? I think you should give up your seat here to me, Yuuya-kun's master."

"No, no, Iris-sama. I'm very close to Yuuya-sama and even asked him to marry me! I'll sit next to him here."

"No, wait a minute. If Lexia and Iris-sama can't decide, I'll be the one to take──."

"No! I won't even give it to Luna!"

"W-wait a moment! D-d-did you just say marriage? Yu-Yuuya-kun! What the heck does that mean?"


The situation was so chaotic that I was taken aback because I didn't expect it to come crashing down on me.

It's true that when I first met Lexia-san, she asked me to marry her out of the blue, but I guess that was like a suspension bridge effect, and now we're friends… or it should be.

In the first place, there was no way that an ordinary person like me could be matched with a princess like Lexia-san.

"N-no way… B-but, when I look at the way Yuuya-kun is acting, I think your proposal ended in failure, don't you think so?"


"Fufu, it seems I got it right, doesn't it? By the way, I've seen Yuuya-kun naked before!"



The way you said it! That's going to cause a huge misunderstanding!

After being trained by Iris-san, Iris-san herself gave me a massage, and I'm pretty sure I was only naked on the top half of my body at that time…

But it was really just my upper body! And it's not like I'm the one who offered it!

Lexia-san and Luna shouted in astonishment at Iris-san's tone-deaf remark, and Merl-san also widened her eyes.

When I hurriedly tried to clear up the misunderstanding, Lexia-san looked at me with tears in her eyes.



"──That's not fair! I want to see Yuuya-sama naked too!"


That's a horrible thing to say!

When I was no longer in the mood to eat, Yuti sat down next to me with an unconcerned look on her face.


"Pointless. Hurry up and eat."

"I don't want to be bothered by your petty squabbles. How long do you intend to leave us here?"


Overwhelmed by the presence of not only Yuti but also a slightly irritated Ouma-san, Iris-san, Lexia-san, and Luna sat down on the empty seat quietly.

Seeing this, Merl-san also sat down at the last available seat, and we finally began to eat…

"Here, Yuuya-kun?"

"U-um… Iris-san?"

For some reason, Iris-san offered me a spoon with an amazing smile. The spoon was topped with a dish that Iris-san had made this time.

"Um… I can eat it myself…"

"No! You have not yet recovered your strength, right? So, be quiet and let me take care of you."

"It's not that serious."

I'm not so tired that I can't eat by myself, regardless of how exhausted I am. But Iris-san ignored my words and offered me a spoonful.

"Don't worry about that; just eat."

"What do you mean?"

"Yuuya-sama! You have to eat the food I made too!"

"Eeh? Uhh?"

This time, Lexia-san also offered me a spoon, but what was on it was a mysterious purple object that I couldn't figure out how it was cooked. Moreover, the food on the spoon looked like magma, with bubbles bursting out of it, even though the spoon that was held close to me was filled with cold air. What kind of cooking did you really do?

As I was puzzled in a different way from Iris-san's offer, a third spoon was offered to me from another direction.


"…Eat up. I've made it for you."

Luna's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she held out the spoon.

As the three spoons approached me, I was confused as to what to do, and Merl-san, who was watching the scene, muttered.

(This planet… no, is it the culture of the world beyond that door? It's very interesting that you would offer a piece of your food… to another person."

"Delicious. It's delicious."

Looking at Yuti and Merl-san, who were going at their own pace, I felt a lot of envy, but I kept thinking desperately about how I could get out of this situation.


"Err… what the heck happened while I went shopping?"

"…There were various things. Various things…"

Kagurazaka-san looked at me with a puzzled expression as I finished eating Iris-san's homemade meal, and instead of resting my body, I was mentally exhausted.

This may be the first time I've ever had a meal that exhausted me to this extent…

By the way, Kagurazaka-san's meal was also prepared for her while she was out shopping, and when she finished eating it, we finally got to see the clothes she had bought.

"I think I've bought clothes that will suit everyone, so check them out for yourself."

"So these are clothes from the other world!"

"This is amazing… It feels different from linen and silk… The design of the clothes is also very different from our world."

"Yes. What can I say…? It doesn't look very comfortable to move around in, though."

Lexia-san and the others held the clothes that Kagurazaka-san had bought in their hands and observed them with great interest.

Speaking of which, there are no clothes made of chemical fiber in the other world, and in this world, you don't have to worry about being attacked by monsters, so most of the clothes are made with the priority of design rather than ease of movement.

But even so, some Earth clothes are easier to move in than they look, and there are also clothes like jerseys and gym uniforms that are designed for movement, so I guess it's hard to say.

Well, the purpose of this trip was to allow Lexia-san and the others to go sightseeing normally, so I asked Kagurazaka-san to prepare some fashionable clothes that were common on Earth.

"I'll try it on right away!"


When Lexia-san said that, she suddenly started to take off her clothes!

"W-wait, Lexia! Don't change your clothes while he is still here!"

"Eh? Why not?"

For some reason, when Kagurazaka-san desperately tried to stop her, Lexia-san had a strange expression on her face.

Luna pressed her forehead in response to Lexia-san's actions.

"This fool… Mai, forgive her. Lexia is royalty, you know. She doesn't have much of a sense of shame about it, probably because she's used to having people take her clothes off for her."

"Ah… well, even nobles have similar customs, but not all of them, you know? I don't know if Lexia-chan is special or if it's her father's education policy, but I think she hasn't learned these things properly yet."

Kagurazaka-san's eyes widened at Luna and Iris-san's explanation.

Considering how her father, Arnold-sama, doted on Lexia-san, I think Iris-san's words were not a lie.

"T-the other world, or rather the royal family, is amazing… but that's not the point! Because bad things are still bad things. You too, don't just sit there and do nothing, get out of here right now!"


With Kagurazaka-san's words, I left the room as if I had been shot.

After spending some time interacting with Night and the others, Kagurazaka-san gave me permission to come back.


"What do you think, Yuuya-sama?"

"I don't know what to say… I feel strange because I'm not used to wearing normal clothes, but it's surprisingly easy to move around."

"Yes. It's easier to move than I thought… I think I can handle an enemy attack in this."

In contrast to her usual gorgeous dress, Lexia-san has the air of a secluded young lady, and Luna is wearing a skirt instead of her usual pants.

And Iris-san wore a shirt with a large opening at the chest, giving her the air of a mature woman.

All of them were wearing Earth clothes in a very fashionable way. I-it's amazing…

"…I know I picked it out myself, but doesn't it look too good on everyone? It's on a level that most celebrities can't compete with."

As Kagurazaka-san said, each of them had their own unique atmosphere and an overwhelming aura comparable to that of the top model Miu-san.

As I was being pressured by the three of them, Lexia-san came close to me.

"So, what do you think?"

"Y-yes. I think it looks great on everyone…"

I thought so from the bottom of my heart, but I was too embarrassed to praise them face to face, so I managed to squeeze it out, and Lexia-san gave me a slightly dissatisfied look.

"Mmm… I would like to hear some more from you, but… oh well! More importantly, let's go see the world where Yuuya-sama lives as soon as possible!"


"Ah! It's not fair, Lexia-chan! Yuuya-kun belongs to me, his master!"

"No! He belongs to me!"

"I don't belong to anyone!"

"Geez… I wonder if this is going to be okay…"

While Luna sighed behind my back, Lexia-san and Iris-san took my arm, and we went out of the Earth's house.

Part 3


"There really is no magic at all…"

"No one even carries a weapon…"

As soon as they left the house, Lexia-san and the others were stunned as they looked at the people and the streets on the way.

For your information, Night and Merl-san did not come with us on this sightseeing trip. I thought that Ouma-san would come along with us, but he seemed to be staying at home because it was too noisy with Lexia-san and the others around.

Yuti was also staying at home to do some training, probably because she received a request from Merl-san, and Merl-san will accompany her in her training. I wanted to train too, but Iris-san had stopped me from doing so…

To be honest, the fight with Drade was so close that I was impatient to restart my training right away, but the fatigue from the battle hadn't worn off yet, and I was told that pushing too hard now would have the opposite effect.

If that's the case, I think it would be better for me to stay home and relax… but the momentum of Lexia-san and Iris-san pushed me over the edge, and I decided to go with them. Fortunately, Kagurazaka-san is also coming along, so even if something happens, it will be possible to deal with it to some extent.



"Whoa! W-what the heck is that group?"

"Are they celebrities…?"

"But I've never seen such a beautiful group of people."

──Lexia-san and the others were very conspicuous.

When people on the street saw Lexia-san and the others, they would stare at them with wide eyes.

Some of them were so fascinated with us that they turned around and almost bumped into other people, making us feel on edge.

Then Lexia-san tilted her head in response to the stares.

"Isn't that strange? Thanks to Mai, we should feel comfortable with our appearance, so why are people looking at us like this?"

"Surely… the people of this world wouldn't know that Lexia is a princess."

"It's not like they know I'm a Sword Saint either… so I'm not sure."

"…You really don't get it, do you?"

"Oh, hahaha…"

I could only smile bitterly in response to Kagurazaka-san's tired tone.

The people in the surroundings were in a buzz because of the appearance of the three of them, who were not surprised to be called celebrities. But it was because Lexia-san and the others, who did not know the concept of celebrities, did not understand.

There may be stage actors and the like in the other world, but since there is no TV or movies like on Earth, there must be a big difference like that.

As I continued sightseeing while thinking about this, We were suddenly approached by a voice.

"U-um! May I have a moment of your time?"


When we turned toward the voice, there was a woman there.

The woman seemed to be looking at Lexia-san and the others, and although Luna and Iris-san looked slightly alarmed at the contact from an unknown person, the woman did not notice.

And Lexia-san, who was approached, lightly restrained Luna and spoke to her with a smile.

"No problem. What can I do for you?"


The woman admired the elegant smile on Lexia-san's face.

As I looked around and wondered who the woman was, I suddenly realized something.

…Eh? Do Lexia-san and the others understand Japanese?

Thinking about it, I usually casually talk with Lexia-san and the others, but without the [Language Comprehension] skill, I would not be able to understand them… 

However, when I think back on it now, Yuti, Kaori, and even Kagurazaka-san were having very normal conversations with their counterparts in the other world. What's really going on here?

It's possible that when Kagurazaka-san was summoned, something that allowed her to learn languages was incorporated into her magic.

However, Kaori and Yuti could carry out conversations themselves even in a situation where they didn't have any special skills.

I wonder if the language learning function was attached to the basic feature of the [Door to Another World]?

If so, it's so strange that they couldn't understand Merl-san's words… Or is it because the worlds that are connected are the other world and the Earth, and it is set to learn only the language of those two?

I didn't realize this until recently… It might be a good idea to look into the [Door to Another World] more. Rather, it was wrong that I didn't look into it properly until now.

The woman who was admiring Lexia-san's smile quickly came to her senses as I was thinking about the door again and took out something from her bag.

"I'm from 'Star Production'…"


The woman who approached us was a scout for an entertainment agency! The buzz around us grew louder at the sight of us.

"H-hey, 'Star Productions' is…"

"It's an agency that has very famous celebrities, right?"

"Yes, yes! The model Miu is very popular these days, isn't she?"

"It's not real, is it? Scouting on the street nowadays is suspicious, isn't it…?"

"Real or fake, if they look like that, it's no wonder they were scouted…"

It seemed that the agency of the woman who approached us was from the same agency that Miu-san belonged to.

Then I noticed that Kagurazaka-san was stunned.

"Kagurazaka-san? Are you okay?"

"Ha! I'm not okay! It's that Star Production, you know!?"

"I-I heard it's some kind of amazing place."

"Why are you so calm? Star Production is one of the most popular entertainment agencies in Japan, and all the actresses and actors belonging to them are top class, you know?"

I didn't know that Miu-san belonged to such a great agency…

I'm not familiar with the entertainment industry, so I can't say for sure, but from the looks of Kagurazaka-san, there are probably actors and actresses I know who are from there.

As Kagurazaka-san's momentum was getting the better of her, the scout lady didn't try to solicit her enthusiastically on the spot but instead handed over her business card and simply told Lexia-san to contact her if she was interested, and then left.

Then, Lexia-san looked at the business card in her hand, and her eyes widened.

"Lexia-san, what happened?"

"This card… the material it's made of and the printing… it's made with incredible technology, right…?"

"Is that where you're surprised?"

If it's a business card from a famous agency, it's likely to be made from high-quality paper.


"Phew, I'm really tired."

After that, Lexia-san and the others went for a very long walk in the streets near my house.

From my point of view and Kagurazaka-san's point of view, it was refreshing to see how surprised they were by the cars and traffic lights, which were not particularly unusual.

We decided to take a short break, so we stopped at a nearby park. Children were playing in the park, and there was a little food stall nearby, which smelled good.

"It smells so good just now… What is that smell?"

"That's… a sweet food called crepes."


"It looks like there's a lot more to it than that…"

At a quick glance, I saw that there were more varieties of tapioca and kebabs than I expected. I wonder if there are always this many stalls here.

I finished my explanation, but Lexia-san and the others were all staring at the crepe stall.

"…um, would you like to try some?"

"""I want it!"""

A-amazing… I thought we just had lunch a while ago…!

I guess they have a different appetite for sweets.

When all three of them said that at the same time, we headed to the crepe stall.

"T-there are so many kinds of crepes…"

"But… we can't read the words here…"

"Eh? You're right… we do seem to understand the language, but why?"

As expected, Lexia-san and the others can not read the menu of the crepe stall, and they are confused.

I think it's fair to say that it's the [Doorway to Another World] that allows conversations to work. As for reading and writing, language skills are essential.

I explained the menu to the three of them as an interpreter, and they each decided on their own.

"Um… Lexia-san ordered a strawberry crepe, Luna ordered a chocolate banana crepe , Iris-san ordered a caramel crepe, and Kagurazaka-san ordered a berry crepe, right? I'll bring them to you, and you can all sit on an empty bench somewhere and wait."

I said this to Lexia-san and the others and waited alone for the crepes to be prepared.

Five minutes later.

I dexterously took the finished crepe and looked for Lexia-san and the others.

Then I was able to find them without any trouble, but I noticed that there was an unfamiliar group of men there.

…I wonder what it is; I have a bad feeling about this…

As I approached them with this in mind, sure enough, Lexia-san and the others were getting tangled up with the men.

"Hey, hey, come on! Just play with us a little."

"Yeah, yeah! It's definitely more fun to play with us than with that guy!"

"If he sees us, he'll back off gracefully!"

It seems that they are being seduced, and they all have troublesome expressions on their faces.

As I hurried to join them, one of the men in the group tried to grab Lexia-san's hand, perhaps having lost his nerve!

"Don't be like that… Hey, let's go together!"


The moment I tried to intervene between the men and Lexia-san, the men stopped moving as if they were tied to the spot.


"W-what the hell is this?"

"I-I can't move!"

"I-it hurts!"

When I looked closely, I could see strings wrapped around the men's bodies before long. Is this… Luna's work?

I had said that it was not allowed to carry weapons when touring the Earth, but if it were Luna's weapon, it certainly wouldn't normally be seen, and more importantly, since she was Lexia-san's escort, she couldn't really be without a weapon.

Then Luna stood in between Lexia-san and the men and let out a sigh.

"Sigh… how dare you interfere with the fun we were having here?"

"H-huh? W-what is this? Is this your doing?"

They were desperately trying to escape from Luna's thread, but the more they moved, the more the thread dug into their bodies.

"It hurts!"

"Why is it digging into me?"

I couldn't just sit here and watch, so I quickly joined them.

"E-excuse me! Are you okay?"

"Oh, Yuuya-sama! Of course, we're fine!"

"…Sure, you're fine, but Luna, you know, she was… hiding it, after all."

Kagurazaka-san let out a sigh of disbelief.

If possible, the two of us would have preferred it to end without any trouble, but it's hard to do that when so many outstanding people are together.

"Damn it! Let me go right now!"

I had a lot on my mind, but as I'm thinking about what to do about this situation, Luna, who had heard the men's words, told them with a look of disgust.

"You think I'm going to let you go quietly after you say that? You're going to stay like that for a while…"

"Luna-san, you should let them go."

"What? Iris-sama?"

Luna looked surprised at Iris-san's words.

"Sure, we can just leave them here and go, but we don't want them messing with the other girls again, do we? That's why I think we should ── make sure they understand what's going on here."


As Luna-san's cheeks twitched, it seemed as if she understood what Iris-san meant, and she released the men from their restraints.

"Huh! I can move!"

"Tch! If you think you can get away with this… don't joke with me!"


"It's okay."

The men who were able to move suddenly attacked Iris-san, and I tried to move to deal with them immediately, but Iris-san stopped me.

And then──.



When Iris-san unleashed a brilliant spinning kick at the nearest man, the other men were caught up in it and were blown away! The impact was so great that the men seemed to have been knocked unconscious by a single kick from Iris-san.

"They're so sloppy, aren't they? I wonder if we can just go about normally without any danger?"

While Kagurazaka-san and I were appalled by Iris-san's actions, Lexia-san and Luna nodded to Iris-san's words.

"I think so. I've seen a lot of things over the day, and I've learned a lot about the world that Yuuya lives in… and it really doesn't seem to be dangerous."

"Well, that's why we can go sightseeing with peace of mind, right? More importantly, let's eat the crepes that Yuuya-sama bought for us!"

With Lexia-san's words, each of them started to eat their crepes. Then, all three of them widened their eyes at the same time.

"T-this is… it's ridiculously delicious!"

"I've never tasted anything so delicious before!"

"…Even Lexia, a member of the royal family, said that. It must be a very expensive food… and there is no way that such delicious food can be easily obtained…"

Iris-san and Lexia-san were enjoying themselves without hesitation, but Luna seemed to have misunderstood something…

"Um… well, it's not something I eat that often, but crepes aren't particularly rare, you know?"

"Yeah… it's not like these crepes are particularly expensive either…"

As Kagurazaka-san and I explained, Lexia-san stared at the crepe in her hand in astonishment.

"That's… I never thought such delicious food could be so common… I've decided. I will live in this world!"


"Hey, Lexia! You're the princess of the Alceria Kingdom!"

"I can't resist it! I mean, I can get all these amazing things, and there are all sorts of other delicious things too! How can you not want to live in such a fascinating world?"

"That's true, but…"

"Well, I'm afraid you can't, Lexia-chan, because you're royalty. Since I'm not royalty, maybe I'll live in this world? Of course, in Yuuya-kun's house!"

"H-hey, Iris-sama! I can't let you do that! Right, Yuuya-sama?"

"Even if you were to refuse me right there…"

As the three of them continued to talk at their own pace, Kagurazaka-san and I could only pray that nothing more would happen.

Part 4

While Yuuya and the others were sightseeing on Earth…

In the other world, Usagi was on his way to the place where the "Magic Saint " lived in order to help Merl.

Previously, Usagi and Iris had been traveling to the Magic Saint's place, but they ended up seeing Yuuya, so they postponed it.

As a result, he was once again pushing forward through the mountains against the powerful monsters of [Sky Mountain].



However, even the powerful monsters were powerless in front of Usagi and each of them was brought down with a single kick.

(Good grief… to live in such a troublesome place. I wish you would consider the people who are going to visit your home.)

Usagi went on, complaining about the "Magic Saint" who was not present.

However, after a certain amount of progress, he suddenly stopped.

(Well… this is where it starts.)

Unlike before, Usagi braced himself and took a step forward.

At that moment──.


A magic circle appears above Usagi's head, and a huge water spear emerges from it and tries to pierce through Usagi relentlessly. He jumped to avoid it, but as if his movements had been predicted, several magic circles appeared in other places, from which water spears were released one after another.

(The number of these traps… is why I hate this…)

Usagi nimbly dodged the magic while making a disgusted expression from the bottom of his heart facing the magic that came towards him.

Then, using a tree as a foothold, he gathered all his strength at once and gazed toward the mountain summit.

(It's too much trouble. I'm going to go through with this──!)

When he released all of his accumulated power at once, the trees and ground that Usagi had used as footholds flew apart from the impact.

The speed was incredible, and Usagi flew towards the top of the mountain like a single bullet.

More and more magic circles were added in an attempt to shoot down Usagi as he ran across the mountain, but they were unable to catch him.

In the end, the magic didn't hit Usagi until the end, and he reached the top of the mountain.

(I have arrived, huh?)

In front of Usagi's eyes, there stood a wooden house that gave off an atmosphere similar to that of Yuuya's house in the [Great Devil's Nest], and it was surrounded by a fence.

As Usagi approached the house without any particular hesitation, a figure appeared from the inside of the fence.

"Huh? Is someone here?"

"Huh? It looks like someone's here."

"Do you know Master?"

"You must know Master."

Then there were two girls looking around. Moreover, the girls had identical faces and were definitely twins.

Usagi was also faintly surprised, as she hadn't expected to find another human in the place where the "Magic Saint" lived but was quickly convinced.

(…Did he take a disciple too? Even though he was originally a misanthrope… I guess it's not completely impossible, huh?)

The twins' eyes widened when they finally saw Usagi as he headed towards the entrance while muttering this.

"Wow! Is that a rabbit?"

"Wow! It's a rabbit!"

The twins had not expected the visitor (?) to be a rabbit. They ran back toward the house, their eyes shining with excitement.

"Master! A rabbit is coming?"

"Master! A rabbit is coming!"

"──What's all the noise?"

Then another figure appeared from inside the house. The person had slightly different features from a normal human.

He had long blond hair, green eyes, and long pointed ears. His eyebrows were wrinkled, and he wore glasses, which suggested that he had a somewhat serious personality.

The guy who had just appeared seemed to be bothered by the twins but suddenly seemed to notice a presence at the entrance…

"Hmm? You are…"

(You look no different, Odis.)

The man Usagi addressed as Odis widened his eyes slightly, but his expression quickly changed to one of annoyance.

"…So, Usagi, huh? As you can see, I'm busy. Go back now."

(You don't look so busy, though.)

Odis let out a big sigh at Usagi, who didn't seem to be leaving.

"…Sigh. It's okay. So, what are you doing here? Did you encounter any Evil guy?"

(…You really don't know anything, do you…?)


The fact that Odis, who was the Magic Saint, was unaware of the fact that Evil had appeared in the first place made Usagi want to hold his head.

(…Evil had appeared. It's also the ultimate perfection.)

"Wha? What does that mean? I don't know anything about that!"

(That's because you're a shut-in…)

Usagi's head hurted more and more as Odis showed no signs of being offended. Then the twins, who were watching the exchange between the two, looked at each other.

"Is Master a shut-in?"

"Master is a shut-in."

"Shut up, you two."

Usagi also looked at the twins again and asked Odis.

(Are those humans your disciples?)

"Yes. That's because they have something special for a human."

(It's unusual, isn't it? I thought that if you were to take an apprentice, it would be an elf as well…)

"Hmm. It would be nothing more than a hassle to take on such a haughty bunch as my disciples."

(…Those words come straight back at you.)

Usagi let out a sigh of exasperation.

"It's not about that! I don't think we have time to talk here. The Evil has appeared, hasn't it? If that's the case, let the other Holy──."

(Didn't you hear? I told you they had appeared.)

"…What? What do you mean…?"

This is where Odis finally understood what Usagi was talking about, and he gave him a dubious look.

"Then what is it? That Evil has already been defeated?"



With the fact that it was so quickly admitted, Odis fell silent.

Then Usagi gave Odis some additional information.

(As I mentioned earlier, Evil has become the ultimate perfection.)

"That's it! I was curious. What is it? What is that ultimate perfection…?"

(It's just that. It means that it has taken in the other Evil and appeared as the one and only Evil that is complete.)

"Can such an existence really be defeated? Or is it possible that Evil was even weaker than we imagined?

(No. It's more like the opposite. There's no way I could have defeated it, and neither could Iris.)


It was because Odis was well aware of Usagi's and Iris's skills as a Kicking Saint and a Sword Saint that he was taken aback by Usagi's words.

After hearing everything that was said up to this point, Odis realized that there were more things happening in the world outside of his house than he thought.

(Don't worry. I'll explain everything to you in detail. That's one of the reasons I came to see you, you know.)

"…Alright. Go inside. You two, prepare the tea."


When Odis invited him into the house, Usagi explained everything that had happened to him.

The fact that Usagi made Yuuya his disciple, and then Iris also became his master.

And the fact that Yuuya's family defeated the Evil instead…

He told him everything.

After listening to the story, Odis held his head, which was a complete change from the beginning.

"I've been studying magic for a while now…"

(Well, it's not something you'd believe, is it?)

"Of course, the Evil story is one thing, but as for me, I'm also surprised that Usagi and Iris took on an apprentice. Well… if he's not the kind of person who can inherit your skills, he won't be able to compete with the Evil…"

After convincing himself of this, Odis looked at Usagi again.

"So, you're here only to report that the Evil has been defeated?"

(Hmm? You're surprisingly calm. I thought you would be angrier, but…)

"Don't make fun of me. I didn't even know that the outside world was in such a state; I had no right to be angry. Although I'm not sure how your apprentice beat it…"

(Hmph… Well, at least we won't be fighting Evil in our generation ever again. More importantly, while it is true that reporting is one of the reasons why I came to see you, the original purpose is another.)

Usagi then explained in detail again about his apprentice Yuuya being from another world and about the alien invaders from outer space, the Dragonias, and Merl, another alien who had begged for help from their invasion.


"What the hell is that situation…!"

Odis held his head.

"It's not just that it's a different world, but that it's in space? How much more confusing can it get…!"

The twin disciples, who had never seen the Magic Saint distraught before, were wide-eyed at their master's appearance.

"Wow. Master is confused, isn't he?"

"Yes. Master is confused."

(…Well, I can't understand what is going on either. But it's also true that I actually saw them and fought them.)

For a while, Usagi ignored Odis, who could not seem to recover from his confusion and turned his gaze to the twins.

(So, what about you two?)

"Ah! We haven't introduced ourselves yet?"

"We didn't introduce ourselves!"

"I'm Ruri!

"I'm Rill!"

""It's nice to meet you!""

Ruri and Rill bowed together.

Both of them have green hair in side-tails, each tied on the opposite side.

Although there are some differences other than their appearance, such as how Ruri often speaks in the question form, it would be hard to tell them apart if you are not used to it.

While listening to the names of these two, Usagi was assessing their abilities.

(Fumu… Rather than saying that each person is complete, would it be correct to say that the two of them are one person?)

"Oh, you understand perfectly, don't you? We're only half a person when we're alone, but our master says that when we're together, we're one person."

"Well, I'd like to be called full-fledged when I'm alone…"

"…Hmm. Even with two, you're still only half as good, you idiot."


After recovering from his confusion, Odis said to them and faced Usagi again.

"I understand the situation for the moment. So what do you want from me?"

(It's not that difficult. I just need you to lend us a hand. As I said before, the alien is asking for our help. My apprentice is going to take care of it, and Iris and I will lend a hand with it. Thanks to my apprentice, we were able to defeat the Evil. We can say that we will repay that debt. However, as we found out after fighting the aliens, we are not strong enough to fight them alone. That's why I've come to ask for your help as well.)

"Cooperation, huh…? From what I've heard, that world and universe seem to be an environment where the power of science, not magic, has a strong influence. I'd be interested to see if there's any new magic technology out there that I haven't seen before…"

When Odis said that, Usagi suddenly remembered Yuuya's house.

(By the way, the house where my apprentice lives uses barrier magic that I've never seen before.)


(I've seen many of the magic you use, but it's even more powerful than that. It's a barrier that allows him to live safely in the [Great Devil's Nest], after all."


(Yeah. It's a ridiculous barrier that prevents any physical or magical attack. In fact, even the attacks of the ultimate perfection's Evil had no effect at all…)

"Wha!? That would be impossible without the magic of the legendary sage."

Hearing Usagi's words, Odis was once again stunned.

This is because the place where Odis and the others live is also a dangerous place, and the house where they live now has a magic barrier around it, just like Yuuya's house.

However, the barrier was not perfect, and sometimes monsters entered beyond the barrier.

Despite this, Odis could not imagine that Yuuya's house was completely protected from the threat of monsters by the barrier alone, even though it was located in the more dangerous area called the [Great Devil's Nest].

(And then, just as the barrier magic on the house, of course, the magic controlled by my apprentice who lives there is also non-standard and powerful. This is a great chance to meet such a man… Are you interested?)

Odis looked thoughtful for a while, but then he let out a sigh.

"Sigh… If you say so, I'll have to check."

When he said that, Odis straightened his posture.

"Alright. I'll help you fight this alien thing."

(Is that so?)

"And, is it okay to bring the twins?"


(That's fine, but… are you sure? The destination is an unknown universe, and it's also quite dangerous, you know?)

The twins, as well as Usagi, were surprised by Odis's words, and he nodded.

"I'm aware of that. But you want a fighting force, don't you? Then you can use my apprentice. One, or even two, would be of help."

""Master. That means that the two of us can be a full-fledged──.""

"Don't get carried away, fool."

Although Odis had said so, Usagi had intuitively sensed that the two of them would actually be able to help.

Usagi nodded while laughing at Odis's untruthful attitude.

(I understand. Then we'll head to my apprentice as soon as possible. Is that okay?)



──In this way, the "Magic Saint" and his disciple joined the group.