
Chapter #11 Dungeon Master(N)

Unlike the first floor, the second floor seems kind of bright. It might be because of the crystals around here that light up the whole dungeon. Also, the crystals give off this uncomfortable mana; it must be the mana I sensed earlier.

"Hey Nephy, what kind of crystal is this?"


*Answer: This crystal is called 'Imet Crystal'.

"..." There was silence for a while.

"Just that?!!!" This crappy, useless system.

"Master, if you want, I can explain it to you," Ascillia started to talk, perhaps having overheard the conversation between me and Nephy.

"Yeah, sure. It would be a big help. At least I still have Ascillia."

"'Imet Crystal,' a crystal that can absorb mana from those who touch it. Since it is bright, people normally use it to make a torch. This crystal also has high-quality sturdiness that people usually use to make swords. But, as far as I know, finding this crystal is like a one-in-a-million chance. You sure are a lucky person, master."

"Thanks, Ascillia."

"My pleasure."

The phrase "one in a million" somehow shocked me. I'm pretty sure this is expensive, and I must have found this crystal because of my luck stats. But, it has high sturdiness, so it must be very hard to break.

"All right, since you said so..." I walked to the nearby crystal.

"Oi Kuri, did Ascillia say something to you?" She sure knows a lot.

"Yeah, kinda."

"What do you want to do? The crystal is hard to break... didn't Ascillia tell you that?"

"She did tell me... but yeah, I want to see for myself how hard it is."

Well, he always gives me surprises, so I will just let him be.

I clenched my fist, pulled it back a bit as I was ready to send out a punch.

[God Enhancement times 10]


It was, after all, I dare say a good punch. But still, I only left a small crack on it.

"Jeez, so it's really hard to break, huh? After all, I was kinda disappointed that I could not get the crystal."

"Well, normally, you humans always use this pickaxe, it's green in color if I remember. It has kind of powerful stats to even break this crystal," Airi explained as she looked at the crack that I made on the crystal.

"What kind of stats are that?"

"Hmm..." Airi was thinking as she put her hand on her chin. "Well, I forgot."

"Do you know anything? Ascillia, Nephy?"


*System: Yes, both of them said simultaneously.

"Airi perhaps knows it, but she seems to forget about it."

*Answer: The stats needed to at least break the crystal, my host needs at least +300 Tough.

"Tough?" I thought. I remember this one, but I can only do +50 Tough, and the max stats I can put right now is 4, so all of it makes them +200 Tough.

I wonder who makes the pickaxe they were talking about; it must be legendary or might be a higher rank forger.

Well, since there's nothing I can do about it, I'll just dive deeper inside this dungeon.




A sound of monsters could be heard from behind. I don't remember meeting these monsters along my way; how could they appear behind me?

"Hey, Kuri. Want me to take care of those?" She seems pissed with the annoying sounds coming from the monsters.

I could feel them, around 10 of them? I could not see what they look like; the mana in this dungeon seems to protect them from letting me see their form.

They were above all of us, crawling on the dungeon's wall. "No need."

"All right, here I come." I aimed my finger at one of them. "Thunder Chain." The skill hit the first monster that I aimed... but it was supposed to hit the other monsters around it. I wonder why it didn't.

The monster that was struck by my thunder falls to the ground a bit far from us. It was a wolf-like monster, with six red eyes of different sizes, about two times the size of the wolf in my previous life.

I had read the monster book inside Susuki's shelf before.

"This is an A-Rank monster, 'High Wolf.'" If I would say it myself, they are annoying; their speed is what makes them annoying. Not only that, normally, a monster with high speed is weak. Somehow this wolf has high defense, as if their fur were made of steel.

The second 'High Wolf' started to approach me. It is fast, I thought. To cast a spell would seem like a huge suicide here. But, I have practiced close-combat fights before.

Just using my 'God Enhancement.'

Here you go! I punched that wolf on its head, and it came flying into the air.

It works. Now I know why 'Thunder Chain' did not hit the other wolf. When I punched that wolf just now, there seemed to be a flow of mana wrapping around its body, making my attack weak.

In other words, my magic would be weakened when I use it on them.

"What a troublesome wolf. If it were other people who met them, it would be insta-death. But, 'Right now your opponent is me!'" I raised my voice as I teleported one by one behind those wolves.

Blood was stained on both my hands and face.

"Fyuh," I said while wiping my sweat.

I used magic to remove the blood that stained my body. I never knew killing an A-Rank monster would raise my level by a lot.

I then picked up the 'High Wolf' corpses and put them inside my storage magic. That would be my income for now.

"Ugh... why use your physicals rather than your magic?"

"There is a flow of mana on their body -"

"Yeah, I realized that the magic I have seen you use so far could penetrate that flow of mana. Why don't you use them?"

I stopped walking. "Wait, what?! Which kind of magic is that?"

"Didn't you realize your thunder something magic one-hit that monster?"

Well, when she says that, it really does. Wait! How dumb have I become? The thunder didn't go to the other wolf because of the mana flow, but it was effective if I use it to fight one on one with a wolf.

It's true; the second wolf I need to fight using my physical abilities, but the others are easier using magic.

Hmmm, I must have become an idiot because of a certain someone.


"Aa Achooo!" Susuki suddenly sneezed.

"Brother, did you catch a cold?"

"I don't think so," he said as he wiped his nose.

After a long walk, we met various kinds of monsters, ranging from B to A-rank. My level went up significantly after defeating many of them.

Until we reached the end of the dungeon, there was a really big door, similar to the one on the first floor, but it had a sign above it.

'Dungeon Master.' What the hell is that?

"This is the dungeon master's room. That means this floor is the last floor," explained Airi.

"Hmmm." I slowly pushed the big door. For a normal human, I can say it needs at least the strength of ten men to push this, as it's hard to open. For me, I can push it with ease.

"What the hell is this?" I thought after feeling such an ominous aura that came from inside the door.

Airi flinched. Her eyes somehow showed that inside this room is dangerous.

"Kuri, this might be a bit challenging for you." Airi was smiling as if she met a fun strong opponent.

We then entered the room, and a few seconds after that, the door closed by itself.

Inside, it was dark. Suddenly, the torches on the wall one by one lit up, illuminating the whole room.

There was a skeleton wearing a robe sitting on a throne in the middle of two statues, each about nine meters tall. The skeleton seemed to not be moving. One of the statues was holding an axe, while the other was holding a spear.

I do have a bad feeling about this. Without realizing, sweat flowed from my head until it reached my chin.

I want to do the dungeon all by myself; that's what I told Ascillia and Airi earlier. So, as usual, Airi sits at the dungeon door.

I saw there's an orb on the skeleton's right hand.

As I try to approach it, 10 meters away from the skeleton, suddenly the two statues' eyes were glowing. Their bodies were moving and aimed each weapon at me.

From their stats, the strength was kind of decent, somehow the defense and HP were above normal.

I pulled out my 'Hydra Staff' as that would boost my stats. Interesting, after getting reincarnated, I haven't done anything but fight. Somehow my heart keeps pounding. It was not fear; it was... fun.

The two statues slowly walked towards me.

I flickered behind one of the statues that were holding an axe, my 'Hydra Staff' connected with its body, ready to launch an attack.


A newborn god, capable of using a lot of high-stage magic. I know he is interesting; he knows how to use his gear. But that's all. If he thinks he is already powerful, he is wrong. But this guy never overestimates himself. He always keeps improving, but the only way he can improve his fighting skills is when he meets a formidable opponent. I thought as I closed my eyes.


My 'Hydra Staff' was connected to its body. Here, feel my attack.

"Hell fir--" When I was about to launch my attack, my body told me to move as far as I can from where I was. In a second, I canceled my magic and flickered back in front of those statues.

Are you kidding me?! If I was late by only a second, my head would be already split from my body. The statue's movement was fast, although it only hit my afterimage... its speed was no joke. This level is far higher than the Disastrous Goblin even the corrupted version is no match for this.

This is bad, I thought. Somehow at that time, I didn't realize that I was smiling.

"That idiot, he is enjoying the fight," thought Airi.

Well, if I can't get any closer to the statue, range magic would do.

I aimed my staff at them. I have learned wind magic, where I can produce oxygen. Using fire magic will take a lot of oxygen in this room, I guess Airi would be fine, as my current best magic is a fire type.

This statue's defense, I can say it's not made of stone, but perhaps, it is made of... metal. I could say thunder magic would work for them. Somehow, whoever made these statues sure knows its weakness, as I can see he put a lot of strong flow mana that wraps around the statues' body. My current thunder magic is not strong enough to penetrate through that mana flow.

I'll go with this one then, "Hell-Fireball." I used a lot of mana to make it as big as the statue's size. This skill is high-tier magic; it could destroy any defense magic that touches it. That's why this is the best choice I have right now.

The 'Hell-Fireball' rushed really fast towards both statues.

The explosion was really terrifying, as it shook the whole dungeon room.

The dust around the statue covered them, so I could not tell if they were alive or dead.

A red light appeared from the dust; it was the eyes of the statue. I saw a small crack on both of the statues. That much attack only did that?! Whoever made this statue should take both the axe and the sword and put it on his ass to know what a pain in the ass really feels like.

Well, I should care about myself right now as the statue that holding the sword rushes towards me. It swung it, but I evaded all of them. I took a few steps behind, but the other statues were already behind me ready to attack, damn no other way. I blocked the axe attack using my staff.

Fortunately, there's no sign of breaking on my staff.

I was cornered as my body came flying after blocking that one hit. Blood came out of my mouth.

What the hell... is there a way that I could use to defeat those two. No, if I must think, this is to make me stronger, how can I save the village if I can't defeat these two? Think, think... think.

I slowly stand up, picked up my staff.

This might use a lot of mana, but...

"God Enhancement."

God enhancement might boost my stats, but to use it, it needs mana, so it is not useful to boost it on mana. I will just enhance my agility to make more speed.

I flickered around the statues and put some stones on the ground, then flickered again until I make a circle made by the stone.

This should be enough I guess; I enter the circle to make sure the statues follow me and didn't go out of this circle.

I make dozens of clones to distract them. "I guess that's enough."

I jumped to the outside of the circle and put my hand on one of the magic stones that I put on the ground.

This is one special magic stone that I already enhance magic inside one of each stone, so when I put mana inside this one...

The other stones around the circle will activate too.

It makes a barrier that traps the statues inside it; all my clones almost die, and only a few left. After all, they are only used to distract the enemy, but yeah, this is the magic that I prepare to destroy a strong enemy.

Fyuh.. The statues started to realize that they were trapped inside a barrier. It hit the barrier as hard as it could after killing all my clones, but nothing happened. Of course, after all... I already put a lot of mana for each of the magic stone, to destroy it, they need the same amount of attack as the mana that I put inside the magic stone.

This is really good; although their HP and defense are high, their attack is not that great.

"Nephy, how long does this barrier hold?"


*Answer: 6 minutes.

All right. I pulled out one magic stone from my storage magic; I put one strong spell inside it then threw it to the inside of the barrier.

Gas suddenly came out from the magic stone.

All right, let me let you taste the magic that I prepared. The gas started to fill inside the barrier.

What's he going to do? A gas, and he seems to want to use such a powerful spell; I wonder what kind of spell that he wants to use using his current low mana. Airi was a bit excited to see the growth of Kuro.

*Chuckled* "Now! Taste the ultimate skill!"

I raised my hand as a magic circle appeared from it, ready to launch the spell that I want to use.

"Here it comes; I wonder what terrifying magic will you use, Kuri." Airi started to smile. She has high expectations of this Kuro so-called 'ultimate skill.'

"Noorrrrrmallll Fire!" A small-sized fire appears from Kuro's hand as he throws it to the inside of the barrier.

Airi was stunned. The whole room was silent.

"Whhaa- what? With the shit half-ass intro?! Only normal fire?!" Thought Airi. She screamed inside her mind. The fact, the ultimate-skill Kuro released really made Airi disappointed. After all, she was expecting some powerful magic.

*To be continued...*

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