
I DARE YOU TO LOVE ME (by gabryyyte)

A girl meets an awfully rude man which devilish looks. In an attempt to make her ex jealous she gives the man her first kiss, grabbing his attention.

Gabryyyte · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Closed off

Arthemia woke me up again the same as last time sitting on top of me, I looked around it was still my room. I pushed her off trying to get more air.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" I lashed out on her.

"I felt weird about your nightmares, so when you fell asleep I got in the bed to wake you up if it happened again."

I just laid back down, rubbing my eyes and not trying to hold them closed for too long to not see the image in my head again. She just got under the blanket and rolled over for me to face her back.

"What are you doing, go back to your room."

She pretended not to hear me and just kept on laying, I couldn't bother to take her myself so I just fell asleep again.

I got woken up by the door slamming against the wall. I jumped up and prepared to fight but all that I saw was Arthemia, rushing over with a plate.

"Good morning! I decided to make up to you by making the best pancakes in the whole world."

"Well, all that I can say is that I didn't expect that at all." I rushed her over to bring the plate for me. She put it on my lap and sat down on the floor waiting for me to try.

"You know what?" I said almost putting the peace of a pancake in my mouth, but quickly I put it back down. "I'm not hungry." Handed her the plate, she just pouted her lips and took the plate left, slamming the door again. She is cute when she's mad.


I rushed to Margaret with tears in my eyes. She hugged me and asked what happened.

"He's just an asshole, I try to help him I try to be nice but he just pushed me off literally and figuratively! I hate him!"

"Listen to me, he's a tough nut to crack and you don't hate him…"

"I do!" I yelled into her.

"You don't sweetheart, if you'd hate him you wouldn't be here crying about his coldness towards you. If you feel pain because of what he did it means you cared about something he didn't, give it time."

He already had a lot of time.

Margaret just shook her head and hugged me again.

"I'll talk to him if that will make you feel better."

"Yes, thank you." Was all that I could mutter up, until I rushed back into my room to call Mark to tell him his plan failed.

He has been waiting for me to facetime him.

"That asshole, I can't believe he just shoved the plate back into my face after everything I went though."

"Wow! He for reals has too many walls up. Do you know how to break a wall, Arthemia?" I looked at the camera all confused.


Mark nodded.

"You take a hammer and just hammer the wall down."

Mark laughed at my explanation for a solid minute.

"Great thinking but I don't think it will work with this man. You'll have to remove every single brick by hand. This will take time, a lot of time. But trust me if you can do it, you will not regret it. He needs to be able to trust you, and you know yourself trust doesn't come easily. What you have to do now is just spend time with him, not more just spend time like you would have before Wednesday, the thing is not to push your luck, because you will get rejected and go back crying to me. Just try having a conversation or two with him, get to know him more that should help too. When he gets used to the amount you talk and he doesn't try to push you away, then increase the amount of time you spend talking to him. The most important thing is keep doing it and don't give up, make it a routine for him to be with you."

I just stared at him with my mouth wide open, that's the best advice I have heard.

"Process it. Bye queen, you can do this." He winks and points at himself. "This man has a date so got to go, talk to you later." And Mark hung up.