
I DARE YOU TO LOVE ME (by gabryyyte)

A girl meets an awfully rude man which devilish looks. In an attempt to make her ex jealous she gives the man her first kiss, grabbing his attention.

Gabryyyte · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


I went to take a shower, it felt refreshing. I thought about a way to get his attention, it's not that I cared about it I just couldn't bear being ignored. I wanted to know the truth but realized that I can just get it at the end where he will need to tell me or I would just figure it out throughout these dreadful six months.

My mother arrived shortly after. Rhett insisted on talking to her first. It didn't take them long, after a couple minutes my mom came into my bedroom carrying some of my bags, Peur brought the rest of them shortly after. We sat on my bed and talked for a bit. Of course the first thing I asked of her was if I could return home in which she just replied shaking her head. I didn't bother asking again after that.

"I hope you're nice to Mr. Wolferstern, you know he's an attractive fella, if you could just give it a try you'll like him."

"Did he make you say that when you went into his office." I remarked.

"Dear… of course not it was just business stuff your father wanted me to tell him."

After that I just couldn't look or even talk to her. I felt disgusted in their presence.

My mother said her goodbyes saying she didn't want to disturb us any further.

I was unpacking my things that were brought to me until I heard footsteps outside the door. Then a soft knock followed them and Rhett opened the door.

"I have a couple of rules I want to go over with you."

He didn't fully walk into the room just leaned on the door frame. He looked nice in sweatpants and a jumper.

I didn't say anything just sat on the bed.

"First rule: no smoking and drinking in the house. Second…" I cut him off.


"Those are the rules." He remarked aggravatedly.

"Who made the rules?" I didn't even drink or smoke but I didn't want to follow any of his rules.

"I did."

"Then why can't you tell me why?"

He rolled his eyes and stood up.

"My house- my rules. You have no power here and you will do as I say. You are only nineteen too; you should know that's illegal. Now don't interrupt me and just listen. I don't have time for your bullshit." He stopped for a moment to look at me. I was still sitting on the bed crossing my hands in defeat. Then leaned on the door frame again. "Second rule: no talking to me while we dine." I didn't dare to differ with him this time; he didn't look pleased this morning when I tried to talk to him. "Third rule: since a couple of my colleagues have noticed that you moved, a rumor has spread."

"What rumor?" I cut him off again.

He cleared his throat and continued:

"That we are dating. So from now on you will be attending galas and parties as my date pretending that we are in a relationship. Understood?"

I opened my mouth to tell him exactly what I thought about his little rules but i decided to get on his good side, that way I could get closer to him and make him pay for this mess.

"Yes, I understand." I nodded and looked down at my feet.

"Good girl." He just said and before I could mutter a word to him, closed the door.

I punched the bed and screamed cuss words into the pillow almost crying on how much I hated that man. He even dared to come to me and make some rules, dumb, stupid rules.

I heard something beep in the bag mother brought earlier. I pulled out my phone, fully charged. Finally. I thought to myself and hugged the phone. Another beep. Now I was concerned, who could this be? I opened my phone. Tens of messages flashed on the screen and they were all from Kevin. I opened them and all I could read was:

"Why did you kiss him?"

"We're still dating!"

"You're not breaking up with me."

"Princess, answer me…"


"Why did you father say you aren't living with them anymore?"

"Princess I love you, answer please."

And many more like this I just started to feel sick reading them. I muted him and checked for other messages. There was one more. It was from an unknown number. Sent yesterday and it only said:

"Hey this is Mark from the ball. Glad I met your cousin, he gave the number. If you ever want to hang out with me, text me. I had a pleasant time with you, hope it's mutual."

There were butterflies in my stomach; his words sounded so genuine, so real and nice not like mister date here. I shot a quick reply.

"Hey sorry, just noticed your message. I had a great time too and as soon as I'll be free we could totally hang out. A lot of weird things are happening at the moment so I'm busy right now. I'll tell you all about it when we meet." My finger hovering over the sent button, I have re-read the message at least seven times now, trying to find errors or grammar mistakes, but i just thought- fuck it, and sent the message.

It took Mark not even a minute to reply:

"I'm glad that our feelings are mutual. Can't wait for the meeting, it's a plan then."

I smiled and hugged the phone, acting like a complete teenager talking with her crush for the first time. I put the phone on the nightstand and fell asleep thinking that today might have not been so bad.

I woke up a huge smile ready to face the day. I eve thought that I should try and speak to the café man. Try and get on his good side. I decided not to reply to Kevin, I didn't want any trouble or any dramas with him. Having my clothes got me in an even better mood, I decided to wear a yellow day dress, it was quite hot inside so I didn't want many layers on. I got out of my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen, I had an idea where it was now, but still I wanted to say hello to Peur. I rushed to his room and knocked.

"Come in."

I slowly opened the door. Peur was hunched over at a small desk near his bed writing something, once I walked in he closed the notebook and stood up to greet me.

"Sorry for bothering you, I just wanted to say good morning to you." I waved.

He smiled, scratched his head and nervously said:

"Good morning to you too! You know you look great today, yellow suits you."

I smiled and thanked him for the compliment and left for the dining room. I was starving again. I only ate breakfast yesterday.

I walked into the dining room, didn't bother to say hello to the man. Sitting down I looked over today's menu that had already presented itself on the table. Mr. Wolfestern looked me up and down then not saying anything back at his phone. I pouted my lips and quietly to myself muttered:


He must have heard me because a little smile made itself shown for a split second.