
I created my own system

WSA 2024 ENTRY NOVEL---- My talent can be said above average but for my family I am useless. Six years after the incident that I caused I accidentally created a system. Now I wonder if I will fail again....with my new power I will make sure my cute little older brother, sister and especially my Father will pay the price of creating a monster.... Me --Please send some power stones and your reviews are warmly accepted... thank you By the way, a dicord sever has been made! Please join so we can talk more. For the link please check the author's note in Chapter 181 above. If by any chance the link doesn't work please comment it down, thank you!

LAZYHEAD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
230 Chs

Chapter 8: Low sense of danger

"Hoo...I wanna eat" he could only say as he looked at himself.

His hair is dishevelled but surprisingly he didn't receive any physical injury. He was only pale due to losing too much mana but other than that he was fine.


Then he remembered his nano armor no scratch could be seen on its smooth black surface.

"I should have tested the effects of this"

He muttered then he checked his chanting bracelets.

Chanting bracelets are similar to wands and staff they exist to help witches and wizards chant spells and minimize their mana consumption.

"It seems like it isn't broken yet" he said feeling relieved then he spoke to Jeremiah.

"How many scrolls do I have left?"

[Currently, you have 20 remaining scrolls creator]

"Hmm?..." He pondered then he spoke.

"I wonder if I can go back and fight the General rank alpha"

"Master I don't recommend that the sheer power of his attack shattered the barrier you created for three months"

"Oh right he did that"

"Master seriously " Bulan exasperatedly said fearing that his master might return to the forest.

"Jeremiah, is there a way for you to mask our scent?"

[I can Creator but I could only do so for a couple of minutes]

"That's good enough"

"Master I don't like what you are about to do"

"Trust me Bulan as long we prepared enough even a General rank beast will definitely fall"

Bulan has no choice he has to obey his master even though he knows it's a suicide decision.

The boy merely snapped his fingers and twenty scrolls appeared from his space ring.

"Let's see how should utilize these twenty scrolls"

"Jeremiah, where's the alpha?"

[He is back to his den inside the inner layer of the forest]

"I see well I should set up the plan to kill him...hmm...if I am not mistaken his mana should be at 130 .. he is worth killing"

Apollo pondered then he looked through the twenty scrolls floating in front of him.

"Right I should use this instead" he grinned feeling excited.

While this transpires a spirit quietly observes them, Ifrit the fire demon spirit.

"Should I stop him or report this to Master?" The spirit began to think nevertheless he continued to watch over the boy.

"Alright, Bulan since we have fully recovered let's go back then!"

The spirit wolf could only sigh he really couldn't say no to his master.

"Should I amend some parts of our contract to stop his suicidal action?" He thought while looking at Apollo's excited face.

Seeing that refreshing he could just think "Nah it's rare to see that smile let's just leave it as it is"

Apollo like what he did before came inside the forest with Bulan.

"Master we have been marked by the alpha as soon as we enter the outer layer he will feel sense us" warned Bulan but his master wasn't the slightest bothered by it.

"Don't worry he won't sense anything"

The spirit wolf doesn't know what his master is up to but he still goes along with it. Entering the forest they came across the corpse of other magical beasts that weren't able to flee them.

"Jeremiah could get their essence?"

[Unfortunately, no Creator they had been dead for quite some time now their mana already returned to the world]

"That's unfortunate" Then he urged Bulan to travel more he had to pick a perfect place to execute his plan.

"We need a perfect area to set up the traps"

[Creator you only have 5 minutes before the alpha sense you]

"Thank you Jeremiah thanks for the update"

"By the way, I would like you to do something for me"

[What is it, Creator]

"Well let's see..."

Deep inside the inner layer of the forest lies the den of the ivory wolves and among all the wolves their alpha stood at the peak. As the afternoon breeze lightly touches his fur he lets himself bask in the warm light from the sun just then he smells the blood of his children. Anger filled the eyes of the alpha as he felt the scent was familiar.

"The human cub" he thought in his mind as he growled loudly scaring most of his children.

"I will make sure that human cub learns his lesson"

He said as he ran towards the source of the scent.

Dust kicked off due to the alpha's speed however he wasn't paying attention to that instead, his instincts were telling him to go back.

"Me?.. running away from a kid?.. nonsense!" He arrogantly thought increasing his speed. Soon he reached the outer layer of the forest and there following his scent he saw the same child that run away just a few hours ago.

"Mischievous human cub"

He began to howl releasing a powerful wind attack. Typically he would scare his prey with a powerful growl however his instincts are telling him to run away. However, his pride as an alpha keeps him from doing so.

The wind attack devastated everything it ran into until it hit the body of a child. For a moment the alpha ivory wolf thought that it was all over however the boy was safe.

A smirked escape from the boy's lips gaining the wrath of the beast. This time he incorporated his wind element to gain a speed that will kill his prey immediately.


Before the alpha could reach the boy something painful suddenly hit him making him kneel.

"Activate" the beast heard the speak and then the ground lit up.

Utilizing the wind he tried to get out of the range of the magic circle however something suddenly hit him.

"What was that!?"

On the boy's hand was a gun that his too big for his body strangely he could lift it.

"Damn it!" Due to him being distracted, he was caught up with the magic circle beneath him. At that moment he felt so weak his body went down extremely fast.

"What's this?"

"Black magic" The boy spoke as if reading his mind.

It was a spell Apollo once saw inside the forbidden library.

The spell Ut detraham te, a black magic spell Apollo modify. This spell creates a massive field that weakens the enemy for a couple of minutes.

"Jeremiah his stats"


Type: Ivory wolf

Status: Confused

Rank: General

Level: 15

Strength: 130 (-50

Agility: 120 (-50)

Dexterity: 100 (-50)

Endurance: 125(-50)

Stamina: 127(-50)

Defense: 130(-50)

Intelligence: 120-(50)

Mana: 130(-50)

Mana regeneration: 2 (-1) per second

Vitality: 200(-50)


Damage reduction (Active) (Rank B)- Can be used once every two minutes.

Wind Howl(Active) (Rank B)- Creates a powerful wind attack whenever you howl

Iron Pelt (Active) (Rank B) - Turns the hide or fur into iron for defense.

Commander Pack (Active) (Rank B)- Can command a legion of wolves under his pack.

Noise and scent tracking (Passive) (Rank B) - Can track anyone based on scent and sound]

"It's high his lowest stats are at least at 70 while mine is at 55"

[You are still at a disadvantage Creator you might die]

Jeremiah warns him however Apollo is dead serious about killing the alpha of the ivory wolf pack.

"After I killed this beast the balance of power inside the forest will be shifted" he thought.


The alpha growls loudly before releasing another powerful wind attack.

"Incoming!" Apollo playfully said as he took out his giant gun.


Dust kicked off and smoke filled the air as the two attacks smashed into each other creating a strong impact.

"Are you all right master?" Asked Bulan using his body as a shield from the impact.

"Yeah we're good" the boy could only reply like that.


The smoke suddenly blew away revealing the alpha right in front of them however the boy in front of him just smugly said.

"Down boy!"

The ground lit again and a strong gravity magic made him slow down.

"You are indeed an alpha"

Typically if a normal wolf were hit by this spell they would directly hit the ground unable to move

Bulan moved away as his master cast his spell. "Wind barrage!"

Apollo can multicast he can cast two different spells at the same time. He cast a wind spell on his left hand while fire at the right.

"Combination spell Firestorm!"

As he put his hand together the two spells blend creating a huge Fire stormy field blasting the face of the beast.

However, the beast activated his damage reduction and iron pelt skill causing no damage to him.

"Alright Bulan assist me I'm going melee"

"Yes, master!...wait melee you are a wiz.." Bulan wasn't able to finish what he wanted to say because his master alrighty jumped in front of the enemy.

"Master!" He could only shout while running towards him.

"Since I am here to test the effects of this nano armor let's go mano mano!"

His fist started to spark indicating his lightning spell was about to finish.

"Foolish human cub!"

To Apollo's surprise, the alpha's speed suddenly increases making him unable to dodge when he dashes towards him.

"Master!" Bulan shouted as he saw how the two-meter beast opened his mouth to bite Apollo's shoulder.

"No!" The spirit wolf went mad as he enforced himself with his wind however something halted his movements.

"Hahahahahaha!" It was his master Apollo hysterically laughing.

"I see this armor is good" The boy only smiled while looking at the beast in front of him.