
I chose to be the Villain myself.

A MC, deeply dissatisfied with his life, is reincarnated into a world where a goddess has summoned 100 souls to save her dying planet. These souls are promised a return to Earth five years in the past after defeating the demon overlord. However, the MC strongly opposes this return, even with the promise of a five-year rewind. He instead decides to become a villain, preventing the heroes from killing the demon overlord. His goal is to ensure the demon overlord remains alive so he can stay in this new world and enjoy his overpowered abilities. However, he must also prevent the demon overlord from destroying the planet, ensuring a peaceful and long-lasting second life.

RaiNFleX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

chapter 1: an Ordinary Life and a Twisted wish

Somewhere on Earth, there's an average man in every aspect, and he'll be our main character (MC). He's 21 years old, living with a typical family. His father has high expectations of him, pressuring him throughout childhood to be a disciplined student. This pressure wasn't exactly out of love, but rather a demand for perfection.

The MC's mother is supportive but also selfish, often dumping chores on him to run her small store. Her greed pushed him to do a lot more than his share, and she took advantage of him to keep the family afloat. His younger brother, five years his junior, is your typical sibling—sometimes helpful, often annoying, but mostly average, just like the rest of the family.

Their financial situation isn't bad, but they aren't well off either. The father earns minimum wage, while the mother's small store helps make ends meet. This has been the balance for years, but things were never fair for the MC. He's always had high grades, consistently above 90, yet his father took it for granted, never rewarding his hard work. In fact, if his grades fell below 84, his father would punish him.

On top of academic pressure, the MC wasn't allowed to hang out with friends or stay out late. He was expected to work at the store after school and do most of the chores around the house. His mother, driven by greed, even planned for him to run the store during the day while she handled the night shift. She didn't see it as unfair but rather her way of generating income without putting in extra effort.

Eventually, the MC had enough. He began to cut classes, letting his grades slip to just passing levels. His rebellion didn't stop there—he started stealing from the store, eating the goods, and taking money, making sure the store ran out of stock. To his relief, the store eventually went bankrupt. Despite the hardship that followed, he felt free, as he was never compensated for his work in the first place.

Some may ask if he ever tried to negotiate payment, and the answer is yes, but his parents never saw it his way. His mother believed his "payment" was the food on the table, while his father saw it as his duty to help the family, something to prepare him for adulthood.

By the time he was 16, the MC's rebellion paid off. His father lost interest in pushing him when his grades hovered around 84, and with the store running low on stock, his workload was lightened. Two years later, the store completely shut down, and while his grades improved to the low 90s, he continued cutting classes, satisfied with his average performance.

Now, at 21, he's content with his life, even if his family is barely scraping by. His father's minimum wage is the only income, but the MC doesn't care. He has his phone, internet, and books to keep him entertained. He loves reading novels and manhua, which bring some color to his otherwise gray life.

He knows his actions aren't right, but he doesn't want to be taken advantage of anymore. His parents wanted a perfect child, someone who would follow orders without expecting anything in return. That's why he rebelled. It was the only way to stop them from using him.

As time went on, the MC became secretly unhinged. Although his parents showed him affection, it always came with burdens and expectations that weighed heavily on his soul. His only escape from the constant pressure was indulging in manhua and novels. But as the years passed, his tastes grew darker. What started as wholesome romance gradually shifted to R18, then to stories filled with gore and violence. He craved twisted tales of dominance and submission, even delving into the controversial realms of NTR. The line between "good" and "bad" stories blurred, and he no longer sought fun but something unique, something thrilling.

He explored every genre, even those a typical reader wouldn't touch. Despite the disturbing content, he still wanted some realism in his stories, so he skipped the ones with overpowered MCs who brute-forced their way through every problem. Those bored him. His hunger for something fresh, something real, drove him deeper into the darkest corners of storytelling.

Though he had found a way to pass the time, the MC was far from satisfied. In fact, he was deeply dissatisfied with his life. He often daydreamed about living in another world—one far from the monotony of his existence.

One day, while running a chore, the MC found himself walking to the market to buy ingredients for the family dinner. It was a busy street, with people milling about, and only slow vehicles were allowed to pass. His thoughts wandered.

'If I want to be reincarnated, it won't happen here. Trucks move so damn slow that I'd probably survive with just a few scrapes if I got hit.' He scoffed, frustrated at the thought of being stuck in this world with no hope of escape. The chance of dying from a "raging truck-kun" was laughably low in this area.

He kicked a piece of trash as he walked, bitterness creeping into his mind. 'God, demon, or whoever you are! Just take me away from this place already!' He cursed silently, picturing his father—the person he despised the most.

And then, as if the universe had heard him, a speeding truck appeared out of nowhere! It was hurtling down the road at 90 km/h, an impossible speed for such a crowded street. Normally, no vehicle could go faster than 30 km/h with so many pedestrians.

But this wasn't just any truck. It was Truck-kun, the legendary vehicle known for delivering souls to another world.

'Wow, what's that? A speeding truck? F**k! This is my chance!' The MC's heart raced as he calculated the truck's path. In that moment, he spotted a little girl standing in the truck's way. She was about to be hit if she didn't move.

"Move away, little girl!" he shouted, sprinting toward her. His mind worked quickly: if they both died, the reincarnation chance might get shared. No, he wanted it all to himself. He had to save her.

With a swift push, he knocked the girl to safety, making sure she wasn't harmed. He wanted Truck-kun to claim only his soul, not hers.

The next moment, the truck hit him—hard.

As his vision blurred and his life faded, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. He had saved the girl. Even if he didn't get isekai'd, at least he had done a good deed in the end.

With his last breath, he whispered, "I saved a girl... even if I don't get isekai'd... I still did something good."

And just like that, his life on Earth ended.

This story might follow the same path as many "teleported to another world" tales, but I hope it still holds your interest. I'm a new writer, so I don't have much experience, and the content might feel generic at times. I'm also using an AI to help me with the grammar, but don’t worry, the plot is mine. Please give my story a chance.

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