
I Can Talk to the Essence of Everything

Liam is a typical spoon-fed rich guy who tossed it all out the window. Well, he wasn't exactly specific as he could control the world… that is if he wanted to do that. He was more into adventure and learning. You could call him the curious cat, as his curiosity brought him a lot of trouble. He is the only person who can see and interact with the condensed forms of matter. He calls them Avatars of the World, but they call him a World Reader. It's a name they didn't come up with; instead, they knew what he was without any idea what it meant. They also felt the need to protect the child of the worlds, which brought them the Worlds Readers anger as he didn't like being protected to this extent. The trouble came searching for him, and that trouble would come at him every time… Fortunately, Liam decides to explore the trouble that one seed brought him, as it seems he has no other choice. He lands on a new planet and decides to learn more about it. Then, finally, starting to feel excited by all the strangeness and meeting some terrifying things and humans with strange kinds of social hierarchy. At least he won't be bored anymore, is what he thinks. '**' There will be a tiny mention of a system later, but that is just a small part. And that would happen after he completes an assignment he does not know about. **** Art, not mine. I don't know the artist either. Sorry. If the artist finds this and doesn't like that I'm using it, please let me know, and I'll take it down.

JayKin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
205 Chs

To see the twins

The next three days passed slowly as Liam watched over the kids and their progress. The two brothers, Karu and Jin, were developing nicely. Their channels were beginning to take subtle form. Yong-sun already had them, but the channels seemed to be blocked, and these little playful games were helping him. But, of course, they weren't just playing those games all the time. Liam had arranged a teacher for them. The kids had to sit down at a table and learn letters and numbers twice a day. It was easy for them as the younger they were when they started, the better.

There was a surprise on one of those days as the dark-haired Royal also sat with them to learn things. It turned out that she didn't know how to read or right either. After all, she had been very young when she had been taken.