
I can respawn in the zombie apocalypse

Zane was abandoned by his parents after they told him to wait outside and they would be back. Turns out they never came back to him and after that, he had to fend for in self. After that incident, he decided not to trust anyone again as they may break his trust. As soon as he was about to make a comeback in life the apocalypse started and he was bitten as soon as a few minutes after it started but he had a cheat. He could RESPAWN and he will use this ability to survive in this wasteland.

ItsJezziA · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Getting the second ability

After Zane absorbed the crystal and got his points in mana he decided to put the rest of his skill points into strength and agility.

"Let me put 2 points in strength and 2 points in agility."

Level 3

XP: 25/100

Hp: 100

Str: 14

Agi: 12

Vit: 10

Mana: 0

Average humans have 10 in every stat

Stat points: 0

Skills: Respawn (passive)

"The feeling of gaining strength is so satisfying."

"Bang Bang Bang!"

After hearing someone shooting a gun Zane quickly looked through the window and saw a group of survivors shooting at the zombies.

They started running towards the building he was staying at and came inside as they began talking.

"What level are you now?" A girl in the group said

"I'm level 2 now and I'm halfway to level 3." A boy in the group said

"We need to find a place to stay as the noise alerted the zombies." The leader of the group said

As they were passing by Zane's door a girl noticed footprints by the door and alerted the group of this.

"Is anyone in there?" The leader shouted while knocking on the door

"Is this guy stupid? Why is he shouting like that while knowing zombies are around every corner?" Zane said

Zane didn't reply and hoped that they would leave but then they shot the lock and kicked open the door.


The door quickly flew open as they saw Zane inside the room and charged in pointing the gun at him.

"Give us all your supplies and drop your weapon." The leader quickly said

They quickly scanned the room and saw Zane's bag behind him and ordered him to open it. Seeing this Zane quickly charged at them but they saw this and quickly shot him.

"Is this guy stupid? Why would he charge at us like that?" The leader said while laughing

"Let us take all of his stuff and leave quickly." The girl said as she opened Zane's bag

They quickly walked over Zane's body and began to take the supplies out of his bag.

"Would you like to respawn?"


Zane quickly respawned right over his corpse as he quickly attacked the person with the gun and killed him with one hit to the head.

"You have leveled up and have been awarded 3 stat points."

He then quickly switched to the only other male in the group and quickly killed him. He then turned to the girls as they started begging him to spare them.

"Please don't kill us we were forced to do it!"

"Yeah, they forced us to attack you it wasn't our fault!"

But Zane ignored all of their pleas and quickly killed both of them.

"You have leveled up and have been awarded 3 stat points."


Level 5

XP: 125/400

Hp: 100

Str: 12

Agi: 10

Vit: 10

Mana: 0

Average humans have 10 in every stat

Stat points: 6

Skills: Respawn (passive), Ability ready to be unlocked!

Before Zane could place his stat points he quickly ran across the street killing 5 zombies in the process and getting to another building across the street with his supplies.

He then laid down to rest as it was getting late but before he went to sleep he quickly checked his status as he saw that he unlocked another ability.


Level 5

XP: 250/400

Hp: 100

Str: 12

Agi: 10

Vit: 10

Mana: 0

Average humans have 10 in every stat

Stat points: 6

Skills: Respawn (passive), Ability ready to be unlocked!

"System, how do I unlock the ability?"

"You simply have to say unlock ability host."

"Unlock ability!"

Level 5

XP: 125/400

Hp: 100

Str: 12

Agi: 10

Vit: 10

Mana: 0

Average humans have 10 in every stat

Stat points: 6

Skills: Respawn (passive), Weapon Mastery (passive)

As he unlocked the ability he suddenly received an influx of information about how to use any weapon. He was lacking combat experience and this ability was exactly what he needed to make up for it.

He decided that he would test this ability out in the morning and sleep for now as he was extremely tired.

He was excited as to what he could do the next day he went to sleep excited for what would happen tomorrow as he was enjoying himself in this apocalypse.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. :)

ItsJezziAcreators' thoughts