
My First Encounter With Olivia

In the morning at the Everglen residence, I was in the training room, engaged in my routine exercises. My new training objectives were focusing on concentration through recitation and improving physical fitness.

"Huft, that seems to be enough."

After finishing a shorter training session than usual, I hurriedly left the training room and went to my room.

The reason for shortening my training session was that today marked my birthday. However, there was an even more significant reason to attend than just the occasion of my birth.

'Today is also the day I meet Olivia'

As previously scheduled, today also marks the day of my engagement discussion with Olivia.

'Haaaaaa, the thought of me meeting the main heroine of the original story makes me uneasy'

How could I calm down when contemplating how to behave in front of her? As the first daughter of the Astralia family, her strength is truly formidable. Moreover, she carries herself with the utmost dignity befitting a high-class noble.

While my mind buzzed with various thoughts, I reached my room. Hastily, I cleaned myself and donned my attire. Once dressed, I approached the large mirror that reflected my image.


It's not that I'm narcissistic or anything, but what I saw in the mirror was a face that, if surveyed, 9 out of 10 people would likely describe as "this man is handsome."

After indulging in a moment of self-admiration, I decided it was time to leave the room.

"Can you please adjust the decorations a bit more on the mansion side?"

"Ah, sure."

"And you, can you take this to the Hall room?"

Outside, the scene was bustling with servants who were diligently preparing for the birthday ball.

They appeared busy, moving back and forth, with particular attention paid to the elderly man who served as the family butler, Albert. Despite his advanced age, his dignified stature, transparent glasses, and impeccable posture exuded the timeless charm of a true butler.

Feeling a twinge of sympathy for Albert, I decided to approach him to offer a friendly greeting.

"Hello, Albert."

"Ah, young master, congratulations on your 16th birthday."

"Mhmm, thank you, Albert. I'm also truly grateful for all your hard work for this family."

Well, when someone in a position of authority expresses appreciation and kindness, it certainly contributes to being a good boss.

"Ah, such noble words. Knowing that you're grateful for me is truly a gift," Albert responded, his voice choked with emotion, tears welling in his eyes like a proud parent witnessing their child's growth.

"Ahahaha, then Albert, I'll head over there. Good luck with everything."

"Of course, may blessings find you, young master."

With that, I departed, strolling through the mansion. As I glanced around at the servants diligently working, I spotted one whom I recognized.

Her vibrant green hair, though facing away from me, left no doubt in my mind as to her identity.

'Ah it's Selena'

"Hello, Selena. What do you have there?"

As I approached her, I noticed that she was pushing a large trolley filled with numerous wooden barrels of wine.

"Young master... I'm transporting this wine for the event. I'm also responsible for ensuring it's served to the guests,"

Selena replied, her voice faint, and her emerald eyes lacking their usual spark.

'She seems exhausted. Well, it wouldn't hurt to offer some help.'

"Here, let me take that."

"Ah, there's no need, young master. I can manage."

"It's no trouble. Let me help you."

I took the large trolley from her grasp with determination. Selena initially resisted but eventually relented as I insisted.

After assisting Selena, I wandered around the mansion once more. There was still plenty of time before the main event.

Walking towards the garden, I spotted Kadita and Merlin engaged in their training routine. It seemed they had already begun their session.

My proposal from last night involves two elements. Firstly, Merlin will serve as Kadita's instructor in mastering control over the 'Sukma' within her body.

"Uncle Merlin, Kadita, how are you?"

"Ah, young master, congratulations on your 16th birthday. May blessings always surround you."

The one who answered first was Merlin; as usual, he bowed his head lightly while answering.

'Seriously, can't he at least answer correctly? He didn't even mention how he's doing.'

I turned my attention to Kadita, who had her face turned away, seemingly avoiding eye contact.

'Hmm, her face is red. Was last night's incident embarrassing for her?'

"Kadita, how are you?"

"...Yeah, I'm feeling very good today."

Her face, resembling a ripe tomato, finally turned towards my gaze. It seemed like she was making a concerted effort to do so.

"I'm glad to hear that. It's important to take care of your health, especially since you'll be accompanying me to entertain other guests later, right, Mrs. Everglen?"

"Uh, y-yeah," Kadita stammered, her gaze dropping to the ground, her face now completely flushed.

'Hmm, did I tease her too much?'

My proposal consisted of two elements: firstly, having Merlin become Kadita's tutor, and secondly, integrating Kadita into the Everglen family.

I came to realize the importance of bringing Kadita to the academy for several reasons. Firstly, as the wise saying goes, 'Having a strong partner is more beneficial than not having one.' Kadita, being a formidable character in the original story, would serve as an excellent protector for me. Having her by my side during my time at the academy would undoubtedly be advantageous.

To achieve that goal, one of the few viable options was to integrate Kadita into the Everglen family. This was necessary because admission to the Althoria Academy mandated noble status.

'Well it looks like I should stop for now'

"Alright, there's no need to rush. I'll attend to my other tasks for now. See you later, Kadita."

"Y-Yeah, see you later, Fawwaz."

Walking down the hall, I encountered my parents, who appeared to be searching for me.

"Fawwaz, congratulations on your birthday,"

Both of them greeted me with warm smiles, their excitement palpable, especially Isabella, whose red eyes seemed particularly energized today.

"Thank you for your kind words, Mother and Father," I answered them with a warm smile too.

"Fawwaz, regarding the gift we discussed last week, have you made a decision?" Isabella asked eagerly.

"Hmm, actually, I think Mom accepted my proposal as a gift."

"No, no. Adopting Kadita was also my wish. After hearing about her past, I couldn't resist making her my daughter. After all, I like that girl too."

"Hmm, if Mom talks like that..."

'Well, there is something I want, an artifact.'

"... I have a request."'


Standing in the courtyard of the expansive mansion, I positioned myself at the entrance, anticipating the arrival of a significant guest. Despite my reluctance, my parents had insisted that I greet this important visitor alone.

As I gazed out over the expansive courtyard, my thoughts wandered through the events of the week since inhabiting Fawwaz's body.

'Wait, didn't I accomplish a lot of significant achievements this week?'

Starting from the destruction of the Slavery Organization to defeating Reinhardt, one of the main villains in the original story, and rescuing Kadita, who held a similar status to Reinhardt.

'Isn't this the same as me helping the protagonist? You owe me a lot, Ivan.'

As I observed the opulent horse-drawn carriage pulling into the mansion, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

The carriage, covered in gold, displayed a symbol of two crossed swords under a gray flower.


'... She's arrived'

The nervousness came over me. Facing Kadita and Olivia were two different things. As a viewer of the series 'Dawnfall,' Olivia's character was in high demand. Although I'm not the type of person who likes one character too much, meeting the main heroine in real life made me nervous.


The carriage door swung open before me, revealing a young woman with long gray hair that contrasted beautifully against her milky white skin. Her lips were small and pink, and her cheeks held a subtle blush. Donned in a predominantly gray dress with black at the waist, she showcased elegant collarbones, presenting the image of a perfect noblegirl.

'She's really beautiful'

Unaware of Olivia, who had gracefully dismounted from her carriage, she greeted me with an alluring yet graceful voice.

"Hello, young master of the Everglen family. I'm Olivia Van Astralia, here by invitation. Pleased to meet you." She greeted me with a graceful smile adorning her cheeks.































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