
I became the Sister of the Heroine

A young teenager Elysia is reincarnated into a particularly novel that was recommended by her close friend. She discover that she was a mere side character in the novel and become as the stepsister of the heroine, Olivia. Elysia, who become as the only legitimate daughter of the famous and rich Duchy family of Evergreen, only wanted to live a normal and peaceful life with a lot of money. Her only ambition is to leave the Evergreen estate, not to be part of the plot of the novel, and to be a wealthy woman into a faraway land without any worries. Join and watch Elysia uncover the secret of the world to become free of the plot in order for her to reach her ultimate ambition!

Cale_Zynex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

「 Chapter 0.5 - Mysterious Girl 」

It'a been a few days since I came here and I think I probably can manage to survive here in this world even though I still miss my parents very much.... I wonder how they are doing now....Hmm.... Let's just continue, the world here is filled with magic and mecha which is a bit different from my past life.

The year here is same to the earth year in my past life so I guess that I am very grateful for that since I can still celebrate my parents birthday even though we aren't exactly in the same world right now but I still can't help it.

As I was staying here, I manage to get amused by magic and I think magic is amazing and with it, I can easily do anything I want just by using my mana and spells like teleporting to a place you want, crushing things, or even jumping higher than buildings or houses.

Mecha are really cool too and it is efficient to use when you don't have enough mana to fly around or teleport to the place you want to go however the only disadvantage of this is that Mecha can be really difficult to learn especially if you are only a beginner and doesn't know more about it like me.

I do have a thought in my mind on what will happen if I play something interesting here in this world, like playing as the innocent and kind daughter but actually a deep money lover and is lust for power.... Well I think it would be kind of cool but I guess I wouldn't fit me much.... Or am I?

Well I do have a major objective in this world and it is to become the richest person in this world and live with a life without any worries about the upcoming plot of this novel.... Though I fear that I kinda forget about the plot a little bit so...

"I'm Screwed."

Well I do have a triumph card and it is to just to ran away from the plot and act clueless at all..... That will help me, right?

Oh and by the way, when I was walking around the garden, I saw a mysterious boy and girl whispering about something and they just ran away when I walk towards them which made me thought to myself: 'Am I not that good looking?'

The Duke is a very caring and serious guy which according to the family legacy that every member of the Evergreen family shall learn and excel in both in swordmanship and magic so I receive daily training from the Duke.

When I was training with the Duke, I always watch and study his movement which I find it amusing to see that people here also can put on their magic into their sword attack especially in boosting their speed and strength although it might take up a small amount of your mana which can easily make you exhausted if you don't have enough mana to handle it.

Due to magic, people can easily lift something without even trying and if you try to attack something with a sword then it might be possible for you to easily cut it into half or pieces. Even if I jump just one time while carrying heavy things, I can jump higher than a building just by flexing my muscle and using my magic.

People here can also get job such as being a knight or an adventurer since monsters such as goblins, dragons, or any dangerous creatures exist in this world that you can hunt down or fight with.

Well I guess being a wealthy person and an adventurer is not quite bad since hunting can give me extra prrofit and more money if I hunt high level monsters.

So with that are the summary of the thing I found out and now, I had to deal with the real problem.

"Well, you're late.... Training supposed to begin at 7:00 in the morning but you came here 8:00."

When I heard his cold and deep voice, I was a bit nervous since today is another day of traning so I look up and I saw him wearing his daily training clothes while holding a sword in his hand.

This is Duke Cedric Evergreen who is the current duke of the Evergreen family and the brother of the past Queen of the Davenport Kingdom who was the first wife of the king who died during childbirth of the first prince so it makes the first prince related to the Evergreen family and also my cousin.

If we base Elysia looks on who she resemble the most then I would say that she looks a lot like her dad with his short black hair that is push into the back of his head and a pair of red eyes that is the same as Elysia.

"I'm sorry, Dad."

I lower my head as I was nervous face him like who would not be nervous facing someone I didn't knew until the last few days?!!..... Well but when he heard me say this, I heard a soft chuckle coming from him and I can't help but look up to face him and be confuse.

"I'm just kidding, there is no practice this day since we will be attending Duke Valemere banquet for his daughter 8th birthday."

I was at first but I just nodded my head and I went to my room to change my clothes..... I supposed that I should ask my personal maid to help me change some clothes but I can handle it myself.... Well I'm not really comfortable making someone do somethings I want and I am fine doing things my own.

Once I reach my room I heard a knock on my door and when I opened the door, I saw my personal maid named Shelly standing outside my door holding a clothes that is very elegant for me.

"My lady, the Duke ask me to deliver this new clothes for you... He said that you should wear this at the banquet."

"Ah, Is this the clothes that I asked my father to buy?"

"Yes, My lady."

"Very well then thank you for this and to your hardwork, Shelly."

Shelly handed to me the pair of clothes into my arm and I observe it carefully..... Well I'm not really comfortable wearing dresses so I made a drastic decision which is... I beg for the Duke to give comfortable clothes rather than dresses and I was quite surprise that he agree to me so easily.

Upon receiving the clothes, Shelly leave the room immediately to give me some privacy while I put on my clothes and I can't help but admire the face of Elysia as everything I wore seems to be making Elysia so good looking.... Well.... I'm just saying the truth so I hope this doesn't make me a narcissistic now.

After I change my clothes I went outside to see the Duke waiting for me and it seems like we are going to ride his new mecha which this will be my first time riding one in the first place.

"You look more adorable wearing that clothes haha... Well I also brought one same to me so we can have a father and daughter matching clothes at the party."

Upon hearing this, I was a bit embarrass when I realize that we have the same clothing style and color but I was a bit happy to experience the same fatherly love even in this world.

After a while, we arriave at the banquet and we become the center of attention by all the nobles gather inside the party as I thought to myself: 'Will the Villainess attend this party too? Wait.... What is the name of the Villainess again... Oh I'm really screwed!'

"I'll go and talk to the other nobles first so behave and go talk to the other child aswell."

The Duke said that to me before he walk away to greet the other nobles and I was left all alone but as he walk away, many noble children walk towards me with admiration from their eyes and they gather around me.

"You are Lady Elysia, right?"

"It's an honor to meet the Duke Evergreen's daughter!"

"Can we become friends?"

It was a bit uncomfortable and stressful being gather around by a bunch of nobles children and I want to escape from them but I can't since they might misunderstand that and it my reputation will be in danger so I might as well pretend to be friendly with them.


After a few minutes, I managed to get away from all the noble children and it was very tiring to talk and greet many people everywhere so I'm feeling a bit exhausted already..... How can Elysia and the other noble children manage to keep up with this things?!


I went near the table and I was very happy to see many sweets and foods that are put on the table but it such a shame that many people gathered here as so absored on talking to each other that they didn't notice this beautiful and tasty sweets as I thought to myself: 'If only I am allowed to bring home all of this delicious sweets.'

I take one cupcake from the container and I took a bite from it and just as I thought.

'It's so delicious!!!'

While I was absored by eating all this delicious sweets something caught my attention as I saw a young girl with a beautiful blue hair sneak outside the banquet and I was a bit curious on where she was heading so I stop myself my eating and I silently follow her.

"Where the hell am I? Hmmm.... This place is amazing."

Upon arriving to the place, I was a bit amuse by the looks of this place and it seems to be a garden but this might be the most beautiful garden that I've ever set my foot from so their gardener must be pretty professional with his or her job.

As I was walking to examine the garden further more I saw the same young blue haired girl sitting peaceful near the fontaine and I was mesmerized by her cuteness but I stop myself as I remember that I have a mind of a teenager so being mesmerized by a literal child in this life is a big no.

I walked towards her and she seems to heard my footsteps slowly getting near her so she quickly looked towards my direction and she seems to be a bit surpise to see me as I thought to myself nervously: 'She won't think that I am a creep, won't she?'

"Lady Elysia?!"

I soften my tone to make her know that I am not here to bring harm to her so I quickly walk towards her and I just stand still to make her calm down a bit but..... What's her name again? Well... I doesn't matter, I guess, but I have a gut feeling that I seems to see her somewhere.

"Lady Elysia, What are you doing at a place like this?"

"Ummmm..... I just want to have a change of pace since I don't really like crowded place... Um, Can I sit down next to you?"

When she heard my request she just nodded her head so I sat down next to her and she seems to be a bit shy and scared that I think it's a bit a shame when she always hangs her head down despite her beautiful and cute face.

Perhaps my status as the popular daughter of the famous Duke makes her be sacred of me or is it just because of my face as I thought to myself: 'Damn, Am I really that not good looking infront of some people's eyes? Like this is the third time this week that someone act like this towards me.'

"You know, you have such a very beautiful blue hair and deep two pairs of blue eye that it's making me remind the oceans."

Just when I finished my sentence I realize what I just said and i was flustered and nervous that I blurted those words without thinking..... Ah crap.... She won't think that I am creep or something, right?

"Um... That was.... Uh."

The girl looks at me with a surprise look on her face that it seems like I can see her eyes lighten a bit but it might be just my imagination.

Looking at her again, she's truly beautiful with her blue hair, her skin that is white as snow, and her deep blue eyes that shines like diamond and makes me remind of the ocean as I thought to myself: 'She's so beautiful that she looks like she is the main character from a romance novel.... Wait, this world is a romance novel but she might be a bit more outstanding than the heroine... I'm sorry Olivia but I'm telling the truth!'

"Do you really mean that?"


"I mean..... Do you really think my hair and eye color suit me?"

I look at her with a confuse look on my face as her question caught me off guard but I paid no attention to it so as quickly answer her question.

"Ofcourse, why did you ask me that simple question?"


Before she could answer, we were starled by the sudden voices coming near the garden and it sounds like father.

"So your name is Elysia? Huh..... Then we will meet again.... My Elysia."

When she said that, I can't help but notice how her whole personality and the air arround her suddenly change that my mind is telling me to not get associated with her but there some strange feeling inside me that want me to stay.

Just when I was about to ask her on what she meant, she quickly dissappear but I can still remember the smile on her face when she said that and I can't help feel confuse and also uncomfortable as I thought to myself; 'What a mysterious girl.'

Just who is she and why does she seems..... Familiar?

After a few minutes of thinking without answer, I return back inside the ball and the girl still remained mysterious for me.