
I became the Capra demon

After dying alone on the street Mick, a.k.a. Michal, returned as a NPC demon. Not just any demon, but the boss, Capra Demon. What will he do now?

Bhargab_Das_3742 · Videojogos
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2 Chs


Mick's perspective:

Goat skull, 4 eyes, human body, and 2 pet undead dogs.

If all that wasn't enough to convince me the 2 large weapons on the ground, and the room sure did.

I am now the Capra demon in Dark Souls. The boss know for killing all the players at least once with it's interesting boss fight design. And for a good chunk of players this boss was & is impossible to beat without exploiting the bug that lets you kill the boss without entering the room.

I was one of those players.

My character's strength build which couldn't even mid-roll was the perfect pray for this boss.

As I was lost in thoughts while staring at my reflection a bark interrupter me.

When I turned around I saw the two undead dogs looking at me worried. They were seated as the looked at me.

I reached to pet one of them with some hesitation. The dog sniffed my hand and then let me pet him.

"Good boy!" I said as I petted him. But when I saw the other dog getting jealous I petted him too.

"I will name you 'Archer' and you 'Bullet'. You are named after my father's 2 hunting dogs."

The dogs kept staring so I kept talking.

" I only saw them as a child so I don't remember them well, the one thing I do remember about them is their loyalty.

They once fought against a pack of wolves to protect my father and Bullet died from his injuries that day. As for Arrow, he lived to be 14 and died of old age."

I hope they will be just as loyal.

A few moments later I left the dogs alone and looked at the fog wall.

I touch it only to find its just as solid as a brick wall if not more.I knew I couldn't go though it but that isn't the only way out.

I then looked at the open space above the wall. Its a few feet taller then me but I can easily climb it with my demon strength. However, we have a problem.

The dogs. They can't jump that high.

After some thought I grabbed one of the weapons from the ground and swung that hunk of metal at he door splitting it in two. I then grabbed the broken door and empty wooden barrels to create a makeshift ramp for the dogs.

The ramp was only strong enough to carry the weight of the dogs so I climbed the gate the usual way.

On the other side I encountered more dogs but they weren't friendly like Arrow and Bullet.

I immediately regret now bringing my weapon when the dogs started attacking.As I was trying not to get bitten by the two dogs, Arrow and Bullet jumped down the wall and bit the two dogs by the neck.

But Bullet's grip slipped and they started to fight.I decided to help Bullet by kicking the other dog and launching it down the staircase.

With one down only the Arrow's opponent remains. But Arrow didn't needed any help, he's jaw held the other dog in place with not sign of letting it go.After Bullet stepped in the two of them ripped it apart.

After that fight I grabbed my Demon Great Machetes but carrying them is not easy. Without a holster it feels like carrying two 5 kg dumbbells off-center.I carry them regardless. Survival comes before comfort after-all.

I decided to go towards the depths because that path has less enemies.I told Arrow and Bullet to stay because I didn't want to risk hurting them fighting the Hollow Thieves.

As I walked down the stairs I saw the 1st Hollow Thief. But he isn't alone.

There is another thief hiding behind the corner.

If I had walked straight towards the 1st thief then this guy would had stabbed me in the back just like in the game.

So,I ran at the 1st thief full speed and then jump kicked it. Not the double leg but the jumping side kick.

Even though that thief blocked with his tiny shield he was launched 6 feet away. And as he was getting back up I swung my Machetes down at him.

He was crushed instead of cut, which makes sense considering how dull the Machetes are.

Now for the thief which didn't get the chance to get by back.I looked at him and pointed with my Machete to his shield.

"Try parrying this."I then swung both my Machetes down at him.

Surprisingly, he stepped to the side dodging the weapon away from him and then parried the one closer to him. He did all that very quickly and then he jumped at me to perform the signature attack.

Luckily I managed to pull him off my back before he sliced my neck.

After which I just crushed his head with my foot.

"That was too close. I shouldn't get over-confident ever again."I said to myself and then called my dogs.

After petting them for following my commands I said, "I should make you two stronger so that you two can help me fight."

Should I now go to the depths?