
I became a troublesome hero.

someone abandoned and lifeless, receives an opportunity which he is not sure he wants. In this unknown world, will it become something new? what he does know is that he will have fun. AND IT WILL BE AMAZING! /Hello everyone! I am new to this and I would like to start in this great world. English is not my main language, so I hope you will be lenient and patient with me. Thanks and let's get started! To support me and give me motivation to continue writing. please join my patreon.com/Almus7w7

Almus7w7 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

What the hell…





[Welcome back Peter, the 'Will of Heaven' expects a lot from you. We wish you the best of luck.]


Inside a simple and common youth room. A 17-year-old teenager woke up from his bed with a scream. His complexion was pale and cold sweat ran down his body. His nervous gaze scanned everything around him in confusion.

"(Gasp) What…what was I…where the hell?"


A sudden pain gripped his head. His heartbeat was pounding furiously, and his senses like sight and hearing were superhumanly sensitive. However, not being used to this, his body and mind reacted in an alert and uncomfortable way.

"Ugh…really…what the hell is going on?"

The young man tried to assimilate everything that had happened with difficulty. From the unknown place he woke up from, to the strange and uncomfortable sensations in his body...

"Peter! What was that scream? Everything is alright?…."

A woman's worried cry sounded from outside the room. Not knowing what to do, Peter unconsciously responded...

"Everything is fine, Aunt May! It was just a bad dream, that's all!"

Strange….it was as if his body had automatically responded. He could be sure that he didn't recognize that woman's voice and yet...

"Is that so? Well, anyway, go downstairs to breakfast. You don't want to be late for school!" The woman's unknown voice sounded reprehensible but affectionate again.

Be quiet…

Peter just calmly waited sitting on his bed in silence. His emotions were calming down and his out of control senses were calming down as well.


After a short breath, Peter tried in a more calm way to analyze the whole situation.

"Okay….now where the hell am I exactly?" Peter asked as he got up from the bed and began to survey the unfamiliar room.

However, the moment his words left his mouth, Peter became excited and in great confusion began to wonder….

"W-wait…my voice…what happened to my voice?!"

Peter, in obvious panic, began to yell in confusion as he moved around the room until suddenly he found himself facing a large mirror.

"Oh no...Is this...this is me?" In the mirror was reflected the figure of a tall teenager, about 1.86 centimeters. Brown hair with a somewhat long and unruly hairstyle, but still quite cool. His features were delicate and at the same time strong, which gave him a somewhat androgynous appearance but quite pleasant and fresh to look at next to his white and healthy skin. His body was outlined with strong and compact muscles that looked pretty good even on his lean and strong frame. And finally, what Peter loved the most, was his sky-blue eyes. These along with his appearance gave him a fresh and honest look along with a charming charisma. Even if he is not the most handsome and muscular guy, he is definitely the type of appearance that you will feel comfortable with.

"This is not possible...W-Who is this guy and what am I doing here?"

However, although the whole situation was incredibly strange, Peter managed to calm down and he soon tried to remember what was the last thing he was doing before waking up here.

"Okay…remember, what was the last thing I was doing? With some difficulty, Peter managed to review the facts. Yesterday, Peter continued his day by traveling in his old car around the city. His life boiled down to traveling and living out of his car while he looked for odd jobs, staying in motels, fake credit cards, fighting alongside thugs, you know….that kind of life. However, yesterday as Peter was leaving a small supermarket, on the ground in front of him was a strange and beautiful necklace as white as snow. It had two rows of white ropes that looked like small tree branches, and in the center was an exotic stone the size of a walnut that gave off the color of the rainbow.

At that time, Peter liked the necklace very much and after waiting a while to see if the owner would come back for it, Peter finally took it with him and placed it in his jacket pocket. Finally at night, on the side of the road Peter parked his car to the side and got ready to sleep...

And that was it

"I see…so it's the necklace isn't it?"

Peter wasn't stupid, he could clearly tell that it was different than usual and any other day, it was the encounter with that strange necklace. So, finally with a clue, Peter set out to search high and low for the necklace in hopes of getting some answer. unfortunately there were no good results and the necklace was nowhere to be found.


"Come on Peter...what the hell do I do now?..."

"Peter! Breakfast is going to get cold. Are you coming?"

With the voice of Aunt May asking about him. Peter decided to just let things happen and follow the course of events. It's not like he had any clues or options other than that.

Yeah, for a loser like him to suddenly and strangely wake up in a new body like in a movie wasn't weird and scary enough. For some reason, he was surprisingly calm and nonchalant. It may have been his past life events and experience of his, or he may have to do with the mysterious necklace….who knows. Anyway, he'll just watch what the 'necklace' or whoever the hell is waiting for him...

"On my way!" And with that, Peter proceeded to get dressed and head downstairs.

Once May saw her beloved nephew, she greeted him "Good morning Peter! Come on, hurry up and eat, the food is getting…My God, Peter! What happened to you?!"


May approached with curiosity and concern, "Peter honey, why are you taller? What happened to your face? Everything is alright? and…." She kept asking questions until someone else came into the living room.

"May, what's wrong, is everything okay? Ah!" Peter's uncle, Ben Parker. He had arrived making the situation even more chaotic, as concerned questions from both uncles echoed through the house.

Peter just had a bitter smile as he wondered what the hell was going on. However Peter was able to deduce the situation, he could see that his apparent uncles were preoccupied with what appeared to be his appearance, so it was easy to put the facts together.

'Wait…uncles? May and Ben Parker? Peter? This is…don't tell me?!' Peter thought in amazement and disbelief.

'Did I just wake up as Peter Parker?! Spider Man?! ¡I can not believe it! However, the facts are in front of me…. Hell, I didn't realize before since I was also called Peter before all this. Really…what the hell is going on?'

While all this was happening, May and Ben became even more worried when they saw the pale and nervous face of her nephew.

"Peter! Honey, are you ok? ¿Do you need us to take you to a doctor? "Family love really was unique. His uncles didn't care about Peter becoming more beautiful, but they were worried about the sudden change in his body. In addition, for them Peter was always the most handsome boy.


Hearing the worried words of his uncles, Peter was pulled out of his thoughts by going over one last piece of information.

'Since they are apparently worried about my sudden change in body, ¿does that mean the spider bite has already happened? That seems to be the case…..and it also seems like it was between today and yesterday.'

"This..." Peter was thinking of some possible excuse that he could tell his uncles, when he suddenly thought of an excuse that he read in quite a few stories...

"Quiet! It's nothing, it's just puberty!" Yes, amazing excuse.

"Puberty?" Aunt May asked, clearly still suspicious of his nephew's words. She was just worried that Peter was involved in something dangerous or had consumed something bad.

Seeing that his uncles still totally believed him, Peter decided to continue "Yes, puberty! You know, physical changes in the body, humor is like a hurricane, that kind of thing."

"But Peter, you are already 17 years old. Hasn't that kind of stage already happened?" Asked Ben doubtfully.

Nervously Peter responded "You're wrong, Uncle Ben! You see, our biology teacher explained to us in a class that today's generation of young people are more likely to receive even more changes in the last stage of adolescence due to the difference in life between the times. Also, certain…" Peter babbled with great confidence at his poor handiwork, hoping to convince his uncles.

Listening to Peter, the doubts of May and Ben had already disappeared, but even so the concern was still present.

"Is that so... Well, we won't keep insisting anymore, but if you feel bad, tell us right away, okay?"

Peter nodded confidently and then moved to the table to eat his breakfast. After that, he picked up a worn backpack from his room and left for school with a dismissal from his uncles.

However, after walking aimlessly for a few moments, Peter wanted to pat his head.

"Wait! How the hell am I supposed to know where the school is?!" Peter wanted to beat himself up for his stupidity "(Haa)… Well, it's fine anyway, I have more important things to do compared to going to school right now.