
Chapter 1 – Encounter

"I need food," I, Nate Wole, a young noble boy with brown hair and sapphire blue eyes, said while enduring the heat of the sun above me, "when it will be dark soon?"

I only had a tree shade as my cover against the sun.

It's been a week ever since my parents kicked me out and exiled me from the kingdom of Langton just because I am a weak magic user, and I ran out of food quickly.

I can't even go to the nearest town marketplace because I had no money.

That selfish brat. Hertzel.

Fine then, I'll live my own life far away, without all of you meddling in me.

I thought these words as I was desperate under the shade of a tree.

Oh, I wished for a decent life instead.

So, I'm now waiting for night time to come so I could sleep.

Later, night came and I was warming by the campfire I made using sticks.

They were everywhere, I thought.

"Maybe I can eat them," I continued thinking.

I then disregarded that idea almost immediately and said to myself, "No, that would be gross and bitter."

I then let out a big sigh of desperation and began to think how long I would survive without food or water.

I know this place as the Wooda Lowlands, which were dangerous at night.

Then, as I toiled on my suffering, I heard some rustling coming from one of the bushes nearby. Curious, I put aside my suffering and went to check it out. But then, suddenly, as I went closer towards it, a sword came out pointing at me. A bit frightened, I backed away a bit, and a human, dressed in strange clothing, came out the bush with a hostile look on his face.

"Woah, who are you?" I asked him.

That young man didn't say anything at all, and kept on going closer to me while pointing his weapon at me.

"W-What did I do?" I stammered at him as I kept on backing away.

I then turned around and tried to make a run for it, only to encounter a spear pointing at me near a tree.

I then backed away again, and a female human, dressed in the similar clothing as the young man did came out with the same hostile look on her face.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

But then, suddenly, something struck me in the left arm. In pain, I held my left arm and collapsed to the ground. I then looked at it, only to see that it was an arrow that shot my left arm. And then, I started to vomit blood.

"Is that arrow poisonous or something?" I thought in despair.

Then, as the two humans approach me with their weapons, I decided to succumb to my injury and die because I had nothing at all and had nothing to do in my life since I lost everything.

So, I lay down on the ground and looked at the bright full moon, before closing my eyes and died.

Then, my last moments ended with a sound of a stab.

This is it. This is my end.

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