
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
193 Chs

Chapter 61 - Rich

Two thickly-clad men struggled to move their feet in the snowy mountain, where it was difficult to see because the snow was falling so hard.

ㅡ Podeudeuk.

At that time, the man who was walking ahead stopped him and turned around to look at the man who was following him and opened his mouth.

"Hey, newcomer. Why did you choose Fallwin? Do you have a grudge against demons like the others?"

The man said as he brushed his beard off his eyes.

A relatively younger-looking man following him smiles bitterly.

"There is no one in Fallwyn who has no ties to demons."

"Sniff. Well, the ones who are still left here are probably the only ones who are anxious to see the black blood."

The man who was ahead answered that, then turned his back and started to step on his eyes again.

"...Are your parents dead?"


The man who followed his question gave a fairly dry answer.

"Where did you say you were from?"

"It's a town called Palaquebus."

"If it's Palaquebus... It's pretty close here... Then I joined the reconnaissance team for no reason. I'd have seen it with my eyes."

"I said I knew a little bit about the surrounding geography..."

"Heh, you stupid guy... If you acted like you didn't know how to do it properly, you could have lost time standing on the wall over there rubbing your hands."

He snorted, then lifted his head and looked at the restless eyes, lamenting.

The young man who was watching him from behind starts to ask if he had any questions.

"I heard that the captain also participated in the war."

"It did."

"Then have you seen the black blood that was said to come this time?"

"...I happened to pass by and saw them a few times. I'm not really close with them. By the way, young people these days have a lot of interest in black blood."

"It's strong and... Cool, isn't it, haha."

In response to the young man's answer, Jojang begins to recall the war that happened 10 years ago.

It was a time when there were no long beards like now.

"At first, I thought that even the cadets who had no blood on their heads would be brought to war... But they deserved that nickname."

"Did you really have black blood all over your body?"

"Don't talk."

The captain turned his head and said.

The sight of the three returning with no focus on their eyes and covered in black blood, no matter how many hours they had fought, was still clearly etched in his memory.

It was while they were having that conversation.


A huge airship passes over the snowy mountains with a roar.

This time, it was the airship of Innocence Academy, which was to visit Falluwin.

"Airship... Come to think of it, it looks like the newcomers were left to take care of the trip from the academy this time. Thanks to that, would you be busy going back to the fortress?"

"I was wondering if I could share a few words with black blooded people... But I'm worried that I won't have time for that."

"Heh... I heard that the three of them are going somewhere separately because they are close friends with the Commander.

"...Thanks for the good information, Captain."

The young man smiles at the leader's kindness.

"Let's work together."

The captain left those words and silently stepped on his thick eyes.

A young man also follows in his footsteps.

Then, in the eyes of a young man, there is a huge block of ice on the mountainside.

"By the way, Captain, what is that big chunk of ice?"

I wonder if it didn't make sense that the ice would rise like that no matter how much snow fell.

The young man pointed to the ice and asked the captain.

Then the captain turned his head and followed the direction the young man pointed, and then opened his mouth.

"That's... A grave."

"A grave? Whose grave is it?"

"Rich. Have you heard of Rich?"

"If it's a lich..."

"It can be seen as one of the destinations for foolish warlocks. That's the tomb of a guy who roamed the North decades ago."

"...Why did you kill him that way?"

"Well. At that time, I guess there weren't any people around who could handle divine power. If it wasn't for divine power, it would be quite difficult to kill a lich. How easy would it be to kill someone who was already dead again?"

"But he died in the end."

"...Even if there was no paladin, there was 'Aisin'. If you approach that ice, you can see the lich. It's a bit strange to use it for a lich, but it looks like it was frozen alive."

In response to the leader's reply, the young man drools and nods as if he finally understood.

One of the 4 elements of the continent.

The Aisin family of water handled not only water magic but also ice magic freely.

The ice that was created when the Aisin family killed the lich still maintained its shape.

The leader looked at the silently nodding young man and clicked his tongue.

"Tsk, is it scary? Do you think the black magician who died twice decades ago will come back to life?"

"There's really no way the captain will survive. I was just curious."

"I hit it with a hammer as a joke, but it didn't budge. I thought it was Aisin.

"Yes. I'll be sure to remember it."

After answering the leader's words concisely, the young man immediately takes out a map from his backpack and scans it.

When the captain looked forward again, the young man stopped looking at the map and turned to his block of ice.

'The commander is away...? And with black blood?'

A young man who obtained good information has a fishy smile.

The young man already knew what that block of ice was and the existence of the lich.

He even knew how to break the ice and wake the lich.

I was just trying to wait for the right time.

'For the sake of the drunk Helgenas.'

A young man recites such words to himself.

What purpose did he come to Polwyn?

Why is he trying to wake up the lich?

...Why is he, a human being, worshiping demons and demons?

No one in Fallwyn knew this.


The airship arrived safely in the North without any special incident.

In the middle of a conversation with Eisel, the conversation was cut off with the airship's horn announcing the arrival.

Her conversation with her was like the last time, but she used to feel cozy after having such a conversation.

Soon after, I got off the airship and stepped on the snow-covered ground.

Yuri and Eisel, who got off after me, approached me.

As Edward said, the North was emitting bitter cold.

First of all, it was snowing.

But it was close to heavy snow, so it wasn't a very nice view.

At first, I couldn't see very well.

On the other side, along with the towering castle walls, the fortress 'Polewyn' was faintly visible.

There was not enough space to land inside the fort, so the airship landed on a large flat area near the fort.

Then, Lucia, excited to see her eyes, runs around among her students, and Amon snatches her by the scruff of her neck.

[It snows every time you come to the North. Is this going to stop...]

Sierra no longer had to cling to me, so she was floating in the air, looking down at me.

Blistering snow was passing through her body.

Listening to Sierra's words, it seems that she also visited the North in her lifetime.


Yuri, who was standing next to him, exhaled hot breath.

Eisel, who could be seen behind the glass, maintained a sullen expression as usual, but her nose turned a little red, perhaps because her regressor could not help being cold.

The cadets who got off the airship waited for a while near the airship.

Each of the cadets was wearing thick clothes, but most of them were shivering from the cold.

Among them, there were also those who bumped into each other.

Fortunately, there was a 'veil of night'.

As a coat, the veil of night was faithfully fulfilling its role of blocking the cold air.

It wasn't the cold of the North in mind, but anyway, it was excellent in terms of items and clothes.

At the end of the time of patience, the number of people was all over, and the cadets were able to walk towards the fortress.

"Jetto, no matter how much you think about it, isn't it better to be hot? Like a sauna then."

While walking along with the cadets moving in a row, Yuri spoke to her.

When she tried to answer Yuri's words, Eisel, who was quietly walking down the street, responded first.


"Yeah, I went to the sauna with Zeto yesterday."

"The two of you went to the sauna together...?"

"No, Kaen went too."


"Yeah, the previous fight with Zeto..."

Eisel's doubts were growing while she was talking with Yuri.

I had no time to intervene in their conversation.

"That... It was a bit embarrassing... But it was quite a fun experience. It would have been nice if Eisel had come along too, should I have called...?"

"Okay. I don't like sweating."

"I-I see... I'm not the type to like it that much either..."

In the end, the conversation between the two ended with Eisel's firm answer.

Yuri was a little taken aback by Eisel's knife-like answer.

'Let's forget about the sauna...'

After that, whenever she looked at Yuri, the image of her wearing a towel kept messing with her head.

I didn't say anything and somehow cleared my mind and walked down the street.

In the meantime, I kept feeling a strange energy, so I glanced over...


...Eisel was staring at me.

There was no emotion of any kind on her face.

She just stared at me with her eyes wide open.

'Are you angry...?'

I wonder if Eisel wanted to go to the sauna too.

I couldn't tell if the chill that was now creeping into my body was the chill in her gaze or the northern cold.