
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
193 Chs

Chapter 47 -  Chimera

Chapter 47 - Chimera


My head is pounding.

'Where is this?'

Cold air was emanating from the stone floor that was touching her cheek.

When I came to my senses, I stretched out my hand to touch the floor, but my arm didn't move the way I wanted.

When I turned my head to check, my arms were tucked behind my back and tied tightly with a rope.

He immediately lifted his head from the floor and looked around.

'What Jeto said was true.'

Around me, young women were huddled in a corner, shivering, tied to ropes like me.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and then I saw two men coming down the room.

"Looking at it, the horns got bigger, didn't they?"

"Oh, really?"

They flirted with such conversations and came this way.

One had a right arm with unnatural green skin, and the other had a... Horn on the top of his head.


I understand that chimera targeting humans is illegal.

'Looking at the green skin and bulging muscles, that looks like an orc's arm... What are those horns...?'

In any case, they were openly wearing non-human monsters on their body parts.

"I approached to kidnap the bitch I brought earlier, but he stood up fast?! Was this the first time the horns reacted like this?"

A man with a horn on his head stroked his horn with both hands and made a fuss about him.

Eventually, he finds me coming to his senses and laughs in a mean voice.

"It's this year. I'm already awake, cluck cluck..."

"No, she's still a virgin with that body...? You bastard, didn't you bring a noble?"

The gaze of the man with the orc arm pierced my chest, and I was terrified.

"Hey, dude, I've memorized all the faces of the aristocrats around me. Even if you're an aristocrat on a trip, would you walk the streets alone at night without a single knight?"

The man with the horns tapped the man with the orc arm on the shoulder and said.

Soon the man with the orc arm nodded to him, and he agreed.

"Hey... Look at this, this. I'm still getting a response. Hehe..."


A man with horns sat down in front of me, bent his knees, and pointed at his horns with both of his fingers.

"I wish I was a weird monster like a fucking unicorn... What is an orc, an orc..."

The man with the arm of an orc turned his right arm, the orc's arm, and grumbled.

'Is that horn a unicorn's horn...'

They had a chimera with a unicorn horn.

Under the circumstances, it seemed to be to offer the blood of a virgin that vampires like the most.

"Hey, but didn't the boss tell you never to touch women?"

"Yes. At most, there is no meaning in selecting and bringing her a virgin. If 'Barsium' drinks her blood and finds out that she is not a virgin, we are all finished."

"So that's what I'm talking about..."

A man with an orc's arm approached me, spitting out meaningful words with his mouth raised in an insidious manner.

"...Isn't it okay to touch a breast? Look at that size... Hehe..."

Finally, a man with an orc arm drooled and tried to reach for my chest.

'I'm out of my mind.'

I had no intention of letting those dirty, ugly hands touch my chest.

The rope could have been untied long ago.

Right before his hand touched my chest, I untied the rope and was thinking of giving it a blow.

It was then.

Suddenly, a man wearing a unicorn's horn grabs his arm and stops him.

"야이 미친 새끼야! 뿔 반응 온 거 보면 몰라? 압도적인 처녀 그 자체라고 이년은! 니가 가슴을 만지작거려서 조금이라도 더럽혀지면? 피가 맛이 없어지겠지. 여태 너같은 새끼들이 여자를 건드려서 내 뿔 It's not the first time I've experienced this weakening..."

A man with an orc arm grabs his arm and jerks his head to glare at the man with horns.

"Fuck... I'm going to touch you just a little bit...!"

At that moment, the man with the arm of an orc punches the man with horns in the face.

ㅡ Puck!!

The orc's arm on the man's right side must have been an orc's arm, but the man's body with horns flew off and crashed into the wall.


The man with the arm of an orc turns his head to look at me.

Hee hee...!"

The eyes of the guy who was drooling and laughing madly were stuck in my chest.

'I have to untie the rope now.'

I was able to deal with them with just my bare fists.

My grandfather said that a swordsman should consider all situations, and he taught me martial arts to some extent.

The moment his green arms start to turn towards me and I try to untie the rope.



The sound of something being cut is heard, and soon a bright red line forms on the neck of the man with the arm of an orc who lets out a stupid sound.

"Kkeuk... Kuk..."

Drops of blood form on the red line, and soon the guy's head falls.

I could feel the shock of the women trembling behind me as his neck fell. But none of them screamed.

'This is... Zeto's...'

Soon after, a sound of hasty footsteps is heard from the side of the stairs.

A man with a white bandage around his eyes approaches me urgently and cuts off the ropes tying my wrists.

Zeto's sword was stained with blood.

If that was a similar principle to swordsmanship, there would be no blood coming out.

The more you know, the more you can't figure out the principle of swordsmanship.

"It's late because I came in quietly... I'm sorry."

Jetto handed me my sword from his waist and apologized to me in a sincere voice.

"...It's okay. Nothing happened."

Maybe I've been vaguely feeling it since the absurd things he said to me became the truth.

...So it's all my misunderstanding and it could have been a delusion.

After Zeto handed me the sword, I drew it and approached the man with the horns who was lying on the wall.

Judging by the look in his eyes, he seemed to have already accepted his death.


I was able to track down Kaen and find out their home base.

It was a situation where he secretly infiltrated the base and came to the prison to hand over the sword to Kaen.

Strangely, the prison door was open, so I quickly came down the stairs, and saw someone drooling and approaching Kaen.

Originally, I remember guarding the entrance of the prison, but didn't come all the way inside.

Yeokcheon still consumed too much mana.

Besides, it wasn't good to rely too much on inversion.

'It would be better not to use the reverse spring today.'

This practical experience was important to me.

"To be able to die at the hands of a perfect maiden... Hehe..."


Kaen's sword pierced the heart of the unicorn-horned creature.


Before long, blood gushed out from the area of ​​his left chest.

'After becoming a chimera, even the mind becomes similar to that monster.'

As I stared at that figure and pondered needlessly, Kaen approached me, spraying blood on her sword, and opened her mouth with her face flushed.

"S-it's useless, so don't worry about it!"

I nodded her head to Kaen and calmly relayed the situation to the people in the prison.

"It won't take too long... I'll definitely be back."

There were quite a lot of people, so it was impossible to send them to a safe place at once with two people.

It seemed prudent to clear the place completely and send them out.

I had a conversation with Kaen as we got out of the prison.

The area around the prison had already been cleared. The corpses of those who had been cut down without a single scream could be seen all over the aisle.

"Could all of them here be 'Chimera'...?"

As Kaen glanced at her corpse as she walked down the aisle, she asked me softly.

"...At least he doesn't seem like an ordinary human."

"I, and... I found out the name of the vampire that has a connection with them."

As Kaen stopped walking, she suddenly grabbed my arm and said with a serious look.

Is it because I realized that what I said was the truth? She was cooperating very diligently.

"What's the vampire's name?"

"...Barsium. It's obvious, but it's the first name I've heard."


I repeated the name of the vampire for no reason.


It was the name of the vampire who led this criminal organization full of chimeras that combined humans and monsters.

Since it was he who turned the bastards here into chimeras, I think he must have abilities related to this.

However, since he had never shown himself in the game, he had no intention of dealing with him at all.

Barsium is a high-ranking vampire.

There were things that were not easy opponents, and it didn't happen that Barsium found out that this place had been robbed and attacked the player in the game.

It was a simple thing.

All I had to do was kill all the enemies here.

As for the women who were imprisoned, even Barsium has no way of figuring out who was there.

So there will be no witnesses left here.

Kaen and I walked down the aisle and stood at the top of the stairs.

"Now, if you go up here, they will gather. If the battle seems too much for you, you can drop it in the middle. You've done your part well enough."

"Hey, are you here now? Tell me if there's anyone else you need to keep alive."

Kaen snorted at my words and said in a determined voice.

"I don't think there's any need to dig out more information. I think we'll just have to sort this out."

As soon as I finish my words, Kaen goes up the stairs first.

As she follows her up to her stairs, her giant hall is filled with monster body parts of stars.

"...What are those?"

"Why are they out of prison?"

"Hey, call the kids!"

When they found me and Kaen holding swords, they knew things weren't right.

Kaen and I returned their questions with the blades of our swords.

Blood starts to spurt out from everywhere, and the screams of the enemies resonate throughout the hall.

I ask Kaen as I slash at the guy with the gremlin nose on the front.

"Are the other class C cadets fighting as well as Miss Kaen?"

Kaen, who was on the other side, was trampling them with quick movements.

Fortunately, Kaen did not bring out the Sword Master's swordsmanship. It was just as she had seen in the game that she would not use the Sword Master's swordsmanship unless it was an opponent that was difficult to defeat.

Dodging the attack, Kaen slid to the ground and cut across the ankles of her enemies.

"...Then do the other class A cadets also use ridiculous, bizarre swordsmanship like you?"

Soon Kaen got up from her seat and responded to my words.

Both of them were not ordinary, so I decided to move on in moderation.


"Save me, save me!!"

Soon after, she hears the pained groans of the men whose ankles were cut off.

"What's the matter?!"

Suddenly, a giant came out from the second floor of the hall and shouted loudly.

The skin of the giant gargoyle, which looked hard even at first glance, was standing on the second floor railing, and a large, long double-edged ax was propped up on his shoulder.

"...What else is that?"

Kaen slashed the enemy's head with ease, found the giant, and murmured.

"Boss! These bastards are not normal guys...!"

The guy who shouted while looking at the big guy's throat was cut by my sword, and his shout didn't last until the end.

I can't remember his name, but I'm pretty sure he's the head of this organization.

"I will deal with him."

I said to Kaen, scattering the blood from the sword onto the floor.

Even if the other guys didn't know, he couldn't yield the boss' experience to Kaen.