
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
193 Chs

Chapter 179 - 179. Hi Jetto. (Complete)

A stench wafting through the cool breeze of the forest.

I can't forget it even if I want to forget it... A fishy and disgusting smell.

The blood of the demons gradually grew thicker as the distance got closer.

It wasn't long after he moved his steps like that that he noticed lumps of flesh from demons scattered in a bizarre manner all over the forest.

'It hasn't been that long.'

What stood out as a bonus was the traces of lightning striking the floor.

I wondered if it was the magic of an ugly disciple, so I bent down and examined the traces more closely.

'This... Isn't magic.'

Fortunately, it wasn't the disciple's magic.

There was no reverberation of mana left at all.

I couldn't be sure of that.

I immediately moved my legs.

I had a bad feeling.

It was because, as they got closer to their destination, they could feel the scent of human blood, not that of demons.

That's how I clear the bush, and before long it's in my eyes.

A forest that has become a mess. On one side, I could see their faces I was looking for.

What was in his eyes was the ugly students, a boy with dark hair lying against a tree and a girl with platinum hair holding him tightly.


'It's not the ugly disciples... Should I say the ugly teachers?'

...Things weren't so good.


The forest was silent.

They looked so peaceful in the warm sunlight, but there was a puddle of red, thick liquid on the floor.

The boy's arms, which had bandages around his eyes, had been ripped off, and irreversible damage was visible in his abdomen.

"Cadet Zeto..."

Until the last moment when the fire of life went out.

The boy was laughing.

"This is not the level of getting lost, is it?"

I murmured and closed my eyes, then opened them and looked around.

Even so, he never imagined that he would end up like this.

The person I looked at, the person I observed was not the kind of person who would end up in a place like this.

However, after looking away, I could immediately figure out the reason.


It was a demon that was presumed to have battled with him.

A black horned demon.

The problem was that 'wings' had sprouted from his back.

If it's black horns, I don't know, but if it's wings, it's a different story. It was absolutely not a level of enemy that a single academy cadet could deal with.

But for some reason, the head of the severed demon tribe rolling on the ground and his white long hair were familiar to me.

'Is this a joke of fate?'

I quietly spilled arsenic because I was stupid.

Will there be any more bad luck like this?

I couldn't even dare to predict that the guy who couldn't finish the war in the past would take the life of a disciple.

I was very angry at the fire that I couldn't put out.

Not me, but my precious disciple.

I swallowed the bitterness and at the same time faintly admired the cruel sight that was hard to describe.

It wasn't something to be happy about.

Still, there was admiration.

His talent and efforts that enabled him to become friends with winged demons at such an early age.

I was genuinely amazed.

The admiration soon turned to bitter regret.

If only a little bit to him.

What if we were given a little more time?

No matter how geniuses live short lives, isn't this too cruel?

In the end, I couldn't fulfill my duty as an instructor.

I had to protect my precious disciple and the hope of mankind... But I couldn't.

As I stared at him with a calm face from afar, the last images of my comrades and close friends who lost their lives on the battlefield at an early age flash past.

After being friends, is this time a disciple?

He was the worst colleague and instructor.

That was me now

Aside from that... I knew it wasn't the time to sit around lamenting.

I slowly approached them.


Only then did the platinum-haired girl, noticing my presence, slowly stand up.

"Instructor Edward...?"

With her head down and her body shaking, she said in a hoarse voice.

Her voice conveyed emotions familiar to me.

Sadness, despair, hopelessness.

And a deep-seated sense of loss.

Whatever it was, I thought it wasn't the kind of emotions that the tender girl in front of me should feel.

At least, I hoped that the disciples would not have to go through this... But the wind was put to shame and they suffered loss at an early stage.

Yes or now

It was still a cruel world.

The harsh reality caught the ankles of those who had to look ahead and move toward the future.

Soon, Eisel lifted her head.

She couldn't fathom how much she had cried, her eyes reddened, and she opened her mouth, contorting her face.

"Instructor, Jeto... What will Jetto do now...?"

"...We'll have to hold a funeral. I know there's no specific connection, so I think we should go back to the academy and talk..."

Then, blurring the end of her words, she checked Aisel's condition.


At the sound of a funeral, Eisel's mouth shut tight. As her tears fell on Zeto's chest, she seemed unable to recover from her shock.

It will hurt.

It would have been very painful.

She could tell just by looking at her trembling body.

Eisel had her heart completely broken.

I should have asked how this happened and the circumstances of the current situation... But, of course, it was not the time.

She shouldn't have disturbed her over this.

Eisel, who was sobbing, asked me while looking at Jeto, who was smiling at her.

"Instructor... For a moment... Just for a moment... Can you give me some time..."


"The place I was supposed to go with Jeto... There is a place I need to go... This time, I must show him... The scenery I have to show..."

Eisel was unable to connect her words any longer as her tears burst out incessantly.

In response, I smiled bitterly and stroked her hair.

"...Let's do that. I'm sure Cadet Jetto would have missed it too. Leave the complicated problems to me... Come on, go with Cadet Jetto."


Eisel nodded her head, wiping away her tears.

It's just that the schedule is slightly delayed.

I decided to grant Aisel's wish for now.

She agreed to help her 'goodbye'.

This was also my role as an instructor in my opinion.

Eisel raises Jeto's body, which had been drooping against a tree.

Eisel carrying Jeto on his back.

She immediately took her steps as if possessed.

I looked at their backs like that, then stretched out my hand towards them and let mana flow.

Soon, Jeto's body, which was full of wounds, regained its usual appearance. The missing left arm also reappeared, and the hole in the abdomen disappeared without a trace.

Then, the bloody stains on their clothes were washed away.


Jetto, who was cradled on Eisel's back, seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

...That should be enough.

Fantasy for them.



The gentle sound of the shallow waves crashing into your ears.


I had my eyes on the sea, on Belleshanas.

"Yes, Zeto."

I spoke softly to Jeto, who was lying on my lap.


"This is Veleshanas. How is it?"


Jeto had no answer.

His mouth was firmly shut and would not open.

'It's a cool feeling.'

But for some reason, it seemed that his voice, his answer, was being heard.

"Isn't it? The sea is very shiny because it captures the sunlight."

I stroked Jeto's hair and replied calmly.


"Mmm... It's so shiny. It's blinding."

'It's a difficult expression for me to understand.'

Knock knock.

If it was Jetto, he would have put a bandage on his eye.

"...I see. I guess so. Yes."

Soon, the tears that had been pooling fell down and ran down Zeto's cheeks.

'...Miss Eisel, are you crying...?'

"It's just... Because the sea is so pretty... It's so pretty that tears come out."

I gave him a rough look and turned his head.

Just in time, I see two young men and women clattering along the beach.

"You look happy..."

'Sorry. I'm so tired right now...'

"...No, that's probably the case. I'm more sorry."

I had to laugh

I had to give him a happy smile.

I couldn't.

"I'm sorry... Jeto... I'm sorry I'm late...?"

'Are you okay. It's not too late. I'm so happy right now.'

I stroked the cheek of Jeto who was comforting me.

Hot tears fall down the back of his hand.

'So please don't cry.'

"Yeah... I won't cry."

I caught my breath, barely stopped crying, and slowly explained everything I was feeling.

How warm is the sunshine of Belleshanas.

What about the mysterious color of the emerald-colored sea?

How pretty is the pink sky at sunset.

What are the people on the beach doing?

I was able to finish the explanation safely while laughing and chatting at Jeto's jokes.

Before we knew it, we melted into the scenery of the beach and were laughing and whispering sweet words to each other like good lovers.

'...It's a beautiful place. Belleshanas.'


'Well, Miss Eisel is the most beautiful.'

"...Thank you."

'I thought it was just empty words, right?'

"...That's right, Zeto is..."

Because I can't see ahead.

"I don't know if I'm pretty."


"Why are you laughing?"

'Don't go anywhere and say that. I'm sure you'll be criticized.'


'Miss Eisel is more beautiful than the sea in Belleshanas.'


'Because it's pretty.'

Jetto gave a short answer in a determined voice.


Laughter leaked out during the bash.

It wasn't the first time I'd heard it.

It's not this episode, but I remember hearing from Jeto in the previous episode.

It was definitely at that time.

As I retraced my past memories, I grabbed Jeto's hand and brought it to my face.

"This is the nose..."

'Look at that. It's because this sharp nose is unusual.'

"...These are the lips."

'Well, there's nothing more to say.'

"...This... These are the eyes..."

I stuttered as I looked out one of my eyes. It was because his voice was hoarse.

'...Miss Eisel, didn't you decide not to cry?'

"Yeah... I did..."

Everything was the same as before, but this time the warmth of his touch was not felt.

Jetto's hand, which was groping for my eyes, was too cold.


'Yes, I'm listening.'

"...Shall we go back?"

'Already? I'm sorry...'

I shook my head at the continued voice of Zeto.

"Ugh, let's go back... Everyone will be waiting for Zeto."

'...Should I go back?'

"Yeah, now I have to let Zeto go."

'...But I want to be with Miss Aisel more.'

Uncharacteristically, Jetto was swarming like a child.

Well... It wasn't Zeto.

Because it was all my delusion.

I knew.

What I don't want to do is send Jeto.

Not being able to let him go

Because it was me, not Zeto.

Actually, there are many things I want to say.

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.

I'm sorry I couldn't change my fate.

How much do you know about me

Since when have you been paying attention?



I hugged Jeto, who didn't answer.

It gave warmth to his cold body.

"...Love you."


There were still a lot of things I wanted to ask and feelings I wanted to convey.

"I love you... So much..."

But in one word.

It contains everything that needs to be conveyed to Jeto.

My greed ends here.

Now I had to tie a knot.

It was really time to let him go.

"...So let's go back now."

To where you were

To where you should be

Finally, he said his final farewell to Jeto.

"Hello, Jetto."

This is the last time.

To not go back any further.

'Cause I don't even deserve it


That day, late at night.

News of Zeto's death reaches Innocence Academy.