
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
193 Chs

Chapter 154 - 154. Zagoras and Ekis (4)

Skin ablaze with high-density divine power. A black horn that has become difficult to hide any longer due to irritation. The sticky magic that seeps out from behind the armor in the shape of a golden lion.

All of this indicated that Delion was a demon.


Ras, whose name is a demon, evaded Bernice's preemptive attack, thinking that even having a pathetic conversation was a waste of time, and glared at Bernice, the saintess, who was lowering her arms that she had leisurely raised from a distance. .


The one and only being who was chosen by Heneris, the main god, and is also called the representative of the main god.

Divine power and Magi are forces that can never be mixed, just like Heneris, the Goddess, and Helgenas, the Demon God.

That's why the existence of a saintess with an overwhelming amount of divine power could be said to be a living fear itself to other demons.

Ras Zago meets the saintess who only listened to her words for the first time.

Likewise, Zagoras felt 'fear' just like the other demons who put Bernice in front of her eyes.

So thought Zagoras.

He desperately shook his head.

He could vaguely feel it.

'There is no chance of winning in an all-out war.'

Zagoras once had a story he had heard from his subordinates about the Saint Bernice of this generation.

'Brother Delion, the saints of this generation can't use large-scale healing?'

It was Zagoras who had seen with his own eyes the large-scale healing of the previous saints during the previous war.

Because it was divine power, there was no need to heal demons, so that large-scale divine magic that scattered healing light all over the battlefield.

His healing power, which was on a different level from that of a priest, had the power to turn ordinary soldiers into beings similar to ghouls.

Obviously, at first, even the human soldiers couldn't adapt to the bizarre sight of sticking together even if their legs were cut off... Did you say that humans are animals of adaptation?

Before long, a wave of madness that forgot the word death came rushing towards the demons.

The result is of course.

Demon tribe's defeat.

Zagoras still couldn't understand how he lived on that battlefield.

In any case, most of the battlefields where the saintess took part were large-scale battles, so the demons could not avoid a big blow.

In the end, the elite of the elites carefully selected by the corps commander formed an assassination unit and succeeded in assassinating her saintess, but in the process, all the elites who went out to assassinate her were annihilated. It was supposed to be a very honorable death, but the damage on both sides had grown out of control for a long time, and in the end, humans and demons had no choice but to make a truce.

'What? The saintess couldn't use her large-scale healing... Is such a half-penny saintess the saintess of this generation?'

A saintess unable to perform large-scale healing that can change the game for her battlefield. It was a very strange thing.

However, it could not be good news for the demons.

Zagoras thought that he had obtained information that his staff would like after a long time, but he had to smile bitterly at the words of his subordinate.

'...Instead, large-scale bombing is possible.'


'Hmm, I think it's the feeling of divine power pouring from the sky. Anyway, she says she's a saint who specializes in combat rather than healing. I heard that specialized abilities change depending on the era... Does Heneris have war in mind? At least I hope there will be no war until I die...'

'Haha... You mean bombing... That, is that accurate information?'

'I don't know. I heard it from a priest I know.'

Massive nova bombardment.

In Zagoras' mind, an irresistible ray of light pours down indiscriminately from the sky of the battlefield to the demon's army.

She looked far more dangerous than the saintess from before.

It was the moment when the information that would raise the corners of the staff's mouth turned into information that would rot his head.

In the case of large-scale healing, he inevitably required many soldiers in order to fully demonstrate its power.

If there are only soldiers, the damage of allies is significantly reduced and the immortal army that can inflict great damage to the enemy is completed.

However, the marching speed is slow because you have to lead a lot of soldiers. Obviously, the power is strong, but the ankle is caught.

The fact that it was quick to detect and easy to deal with was also a downside.

However, nova bombardment is a different story.

With a single body, you will have the power equivalent to that of an army. If you work with a small elite, it will be difficult to detect, and the speed will be fast.

The moment a bombardment falls on the outpost of the demons... A nightmare will unfold.

Zagoras, who had only briefly experienced the power of the divine bombardment, felt his burning skin gradually recover with a hissing sound.

It's a shame because he managed to become a black horn. The insignificant killifish would have been completely burned in less than a second.

'All-out war with a saintess with such power...'

Zagoras wasn't arrogant enough to make such a stupid choice, on the contrary, he knew his place very well.

That's why he was able to survive.

Because of that, I was able to become stronger than before.

Zagoras flicked his hair and scanned his surroundings. On the other hand, he thought about running away, but the plains, where he had no place to hide, seemed easy to pursue.

It must be seen as a place with combat in mind, just like the outfits in the first place.

The opponents were the saintess and the 10 members of the Silver Wing Knights.

In contrast, there are only four members of his team.

Fortunately, those four were the ones he trusted the most and had his biggest weakness.

Can't turn your back

It is also difficult to face off.

Zagoras' choice.

"Kvedish, Gilmor, Amil, Blair."

Zagoras slowly called the members by name.

"As you all know, if I die, you will also be finished. A large-scale investigation will be conducted inside the Knights of the Golden Lion, and the crimes you have committed so far will be revealed to the world. So there is no way back."

They come to their senses, who were in bewilderment at his voice.

"Still, the opponent is a saint..."

One of his men makes a weak noise.

It was worth it.

No, he was right.

The opponent is a saint, not anyone else.

However, Zagoras focused on being a 'saint'.

Soon after, Ras pulled out the sword from his waist and opened his mouth.

"I'll tie the feet of all the knights. You guys rush towards the saintess and interfere as much as possible. Interference is enough. If you do that, you will find a way to survive."

"Even if Delion-nim is like that, can we really interfere with the saintess?"

"...Aren't you mistaken for being a demon right now? Aren't you all 'human' anyway? Not only will you never be hit by divine power like me, but I've never heard of a saint who kills humans."


At Zagoras' logical explanation, the members of the Golden Lion Knights nodded their heads in awe.

It made sense.

As a human being, it is natural that he is not affected by divine power.

Furthermore, it was known that the saintess always brought an escort with her wherever she went.

She heard that if the saintess was weak in close combat, she might have a chance. She didn't see anything to sharpen in the arms of Bernice, who was immediately in front of her eyes.

In the end, the members of the Golden Lion Knights wear helmets and take out their weapons.

In response, Bernice, who was silently watching them from a distance, tilts his head.

"Are you done talking?"


No questions and answers.

Zagoras pointed to the ground and slammed the magi into the ground to answer.


Black smoke rises from the earth, instantly turning the plain into darkness.

It was still dark because it was a gloomy night, but the view became even darker.

Next, Inez, who was next to Bernice, shouts to their members.

"Everyone stop breathing. It's a smoke filled with demonic energy."

The helmets of the Golden Lion Knights were already treated with magic to block the entry of demons due to Zagoras' spell, but the helmets of the Silver Wing Knights were not.

Magi is no different from poison to humans.

Bernice thought about it as he casually inhaled the smoke full of demonic energy.

'Magic that's just a gimmick. I know better than anyone else that pranks like this are useless as long as I'm here, but why did I make this choice?'

Anyway, it was time to erase it.

"I will do it."

Bernice raised his arm, gathered divine power in the sword, and swung it to stop Iñez, who was trying to shake off the smoke.

ㅡ Right!

Then she raised her arm and snapped her fingers.


With one simple, easy movement, a huge amount of holy power erupted from her body, and she could not clear the smoke and disintegrated it.

It was not Zagoras, but his members, who rushed in front of Bernice, who secured her sight and faced the bright moonlight again.

Was human

Zagoras charged from the side and charged the woman in the silver breastplate.

Only then did Bernice understand what Delion was up to.

A saintess would not be able to kill a human.

Close combat will be weak.

'You're not thinking such a trivial thing, are you? Delion.'

Delion's men are running towards him quite desperately.

In such an impromptu situation, Bernice relaxed and opened her mouth.

"Innes, tie him up for a moment. Don't kill him."

"As commanded."

Innes did not have the idea of ​​protecting Bernice from the beginning.

Which one is her life in danger?

It was on the side of the member to deal with Zagoras on the side.

Bernice didn't think that Innes would protect him either.

She just gave orders not to kill.

Delion's men were in a state of perplexity. Even so, the feet were running forward.

Within seconds, their blades would reach Bernice's neck.

Still, they were taken aback when Innes quickly disappeared from their sight.

A knight of the saintess.

What are you doing without protecting her saint?