
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
193 Chs

Chapter 110 - 110. At the Scene of the Genocide (1)


As I stand up, the shaddy lying on my chest rolls down.

I immediately tried to come to my senses. I could hear someone's quiet chatter beside me.

I could tell who it was without even turning my head.

...It was glass.

Yuri was sitting on a chair next to the bed and was sound asleep lying face down on the bed.

'I ate the health food prepared by Yuri yesterday...'

... She couldn't even remember how she fell asleep.

I wasn't so tired that I lost my mind, and I wonder if the health food that made my body feel strangely hot was the problem.

Then Sierra comes into view.

[ ... ]

I thought he would get angry like last time, but he wasn't particularly angry.

...No. It was evident that her face was unusually red and angry.

Even if Yuri was sleeping, she seemed a little troubled talking about her with Sierra.

But... I know nothing happened last night.

Soon, Yuri may have been awakened by my presence, and she tosses and turns on her face.


She fell asleep in her bad posture, and her body seemed to be very sore.

"...Wasn't it very uncomfortable? I think I stole the bed..."

She said that to Yuri, who had not yet come to her senses and lay on her bed, blinking her eyes.

"Eww... It's okay."

Yuri immediately raises her body and leans on her chair to stretch her.

It was time to sort things out.


Yuri knew that she couldn't cook.

Surprisingly, however, the food was delicious.

That was strange, but something even stranger happened.

Leaning back on the shabby wagon that could be said to be as familiar as a bed now, I was looking into the status window with my head down.

A newly created skill caught my eye in the list of skills I possessed.

It was a skill I had never seen before, just like the feeling of 'surging power'.

It must have been a skill created because of Yuri's cooking.

As the name suggests, it was a passive skill that simply strengthened to the point where 'strength' soared.

It was just a matter of what that 'power' was.

As always, as a skill appears in the status window, you naturally get a sense of what kind of skill it is.

The enhanced strength was not muscle strength... It was the man's 'strength'.

In other words, the function is also a function, but it feels like it increases the probability.

'It was said to be the health food of the Clementine family...'

It wasn't a food I knew, but at least I think I knew how to use it as a health food.

Well, that doesn't mean Yuri, who fed me health food, was aware of the effect.

I couldn't resist the drowsiness pouring down after eating health food.

Unlike the last time Izel, Sierra didn't get angry.

I just said that nothing happened, so be relieved, and then praised Yuri.

He was judged to have great self-control.

I wondered what kind of self-control it was all of a sudden, but I thought it was just that.

It was a rather defenseless sleep, but nothing happened. Yuri didn't know about the effects of health food, so he couldn't or didn't have to blame anyone.

Again, I had to apologize to Yuri.

She apologized for having her bed usurped by a sudden burst of drowsiness.

I had heard the same apology from Kaen just the day before, but this was just as refreshing.

I was feeling grateful to Yuri.

Some blood flowed from her mouth, so she never dreamed that she would prepare a dish for me.

I had something to give her.

However, she had to have a justification for giving it to her because the item was so precious.

'If she could, she wanted to give Yuri before her life was in danger...'

I gave it away saying that I was really grateful for the dish she prepared this time.

'Zeto... No matter how much she got it in the labyrinth, can she give it away like this...?'

Yuri hesitated, perhaps because she was burdened with things.

She deserved it, but if it wasn't this time, she seemed more difficult to give.

It's true that she picked it up in the labyrinth anyway, and it's true that it's something I don't need.

I removed the status window from sight and raised my head. Soon the carriage rattles and the back of my head hits the carriage.

Edward's class was joint combat training even today. I think this kind of class will continue until I leave for the 'desert' sooner or later.

It wasn't too difficult to come up with a plan, so our group finished the battle right away. Unfortunately, it was a different group from Eisel and Yuri.

After the battle, I asked Edward if he could go back early, and he readily agreed.

I had something to do today, so it was better to get on the carriage early. Using Shady's power, she could easily avoid people's eyes even in broad daylight.

[Hmm... Reincarnation...]

Sierra muttered as she placed her chin on my shoulder and hugged me.

She had told her part of my plan.

To be precise, it was a plan for the 'Hero'.

It is in the middle and late half of the game that you meet the reincarnated hero from the original game. Since Eisel dies in the middle, at least it can be said that this is what happens after that.

As growth accelerates, there are more stories of the future that can be told and twisted.

I also grew up for this.

However, it was much faster than I expected, so I decided that it was at a level where I could touch the hero, which is a fairly important 'root' of the story.


Shady, who was in my arms, tilts her head when she sees my smile.

I stroked the boy's fur.

The goal of the plan was simple.

Bring the hero to the academy.

In all other media's academies, bad things like the inside of the academy being unsafe or the darkness breaking into the academy on a fictitious day were not uncommon, but at least 'Innocence Academy' was different.

From the black-blooded trio to the wise man in the deepest part of the labyrinth.

Not to mention, even the headmaster, Juliut, was a person that demons could not easily touch.

Foolish demons have already set foot in the academy a few times before, but the outcome is unknown.

When looking at the descriptions seen in the game, it turns out to be Edward's work in recent years.

Because of this, the current demons were reluctant to even set foot in the academy.

At least the academy is never their home ground.

Moreover, at this point in time, when the 'resurrection' of the demon king, according to the prophecy of the demons, is only a few years away, he thought that there was no need to rush the war right away by making a fuss.

So it was to bring the hero to the safe academy.

[If what you say is true... It seems that the scale of work is getting bigger and bigger. ]

Even Sierra couldn't help but feel strange.

However, since I became the urethra of myself, the possessed chair, and no one else, it was something I would experience.

I always pursued the natural way, but it wasn't that easy to be natural even to Sierra.

That said, I couldn't help but use my knowledge, and I couldn't choose a method that would endanger the lives of others when there was a safe and convenient way.

At least my words were never false, so she only firmly believed in me this time too.

[By the way...]

Sierra floated her rhyme and I slinked her head in the direction she was.

[...Even if you say you're bringing a hero, how are you going to convince them? After all, aren't you an unknown stranger to the warrior? ]

Sierra pointed out the blind spot in this plan.

How to get her back was her business, even if her hero brought her to a safe place before she was in danger.

I turned her head again at Sierra's question and cupped her chin.


I wasn't going to bring her right away, and what I was going to do this time was just to get her to the bottom.

Today's task was to deal a major blow to one of the demons' intelligence agencies that will dig up information about the hero.

This will slow down the speed at which her demons reach her hero, and take advantage of that opportunity to bring her to her academy.

There were some things I thought of in advance that would convince the hero, but it seemed good to prepare for sure by reviewing the disposition and personality several times.

It's because you won't be given a second chance like a game.


Papers fly in the air and a loud noise fills the air.

"Fuck, bring this information?"

"Ugh... I'm afraid I won't be able to work because it's so noisy."

"What? Did that bastard say anything? Take off your horns and fight?"

"Yeah, it worked. You bastard. I didn't like it anyway."

All the information collected by demons who fearlessly set foot on human land is gathered here. Oh, not all, but one of the branches divided by region.

They don't just collect information, they also collect it themselves. It was said that humans had an information guild, but it was no exaggeration to say that this was the information guild of demons.

Not all demons are strong.

Not all demons are talented at killing people.

However, everyone wants to become stronger.

This place could be seen as a stinking 'pit' where people who couldn't give up their desire to become strong, even though they had no talent, gathered.

It was a place where many demons gathered, but none of them had horns exposed on their foreheads.

The weak demons couldn't even hide their magic properly, so they shouldn't show their horns carelessly in this place.

That was one of the few rules and policies here.

"...Ugh, those spoiled bastards fight all the time, all the time... That's why I don't even want to deal with the red ones."

This unlucky guy wearing a monocle right now in front of me is a guy named 'Jorgal', and he's about to become my superior.

In fact, it was a motive until recently.

It was said that he was a crappy demon with red horns like me.

But, as if he had obtained good connections, he suddenly killed a large number of humans, and the color of his horns changed.

The horn, which had been red, had become slightly, very slightly muddy.

On the surface, it could have been a very subtle difference, but to the demons, the color had a great meaning.

"What do you think? Oh, right. You too... Uhh..."

Jorgal turned his head and pointed at my forehead, then sighed proudly.

He was well aware that I was still a red horn.

A red horned demon.

Red ones, to put it mildly.

I had to see myself at the bottom of the food chain even in this disgusting and terrible abyss.

Even if he had no talent for handling demons, the fact that his horns changed color was on a completely different level.

For the demons, the color of their horns was a measure of strength and rank.


Even people say that those who have eaten it eat better, and it was clumsy to pick it because it hadn't been long since the color had changed.

At least, if Jorgal was a red horn like me, I would have handled the demon better than this guy.
