
Chapter 1: Death is sweet(Part 1)

Chapter 1: Death is sweet. (Part 1)

















With every second, I felt as if I was going insane. This place... I hate it with my every being. Only darkness, no sounds, my eyes blinded with a black cloth, my mouth shut, due to another cloth in my mouth, injuries over my body, giving me itch all over. My hands tied with a rope, providing me with more itch to bare with. I hate this...

That's correct, I have been kidnapped, and it seems like according to the time I have estimated, it's been a week and 2 days.....though it could be more or less. The kidnappers only come here once a day, inject me with glucose, provide me with water, then go away.

Yes, I tried screaming, but well. Let's say, it just didn't work out. It seems like an abandoned building, located near a forest. When they come, I try to seek as many clues I can, but it's no use. In front of overwhelming power, everything, be it plot/scheming, threatening, everything is useless.

They have absolute authority on me, when they give me water, I ask questions, and get hit. Providing me with more wounds. They don't even bandage my injuries. Though, due to their anger they let out many things they shouldn't have. Thus, me being able to deduce the terrain around me, the nature of them, and some other few things.

Anyways, in short this is a stalemate. They can't kill me yet due to my "uses". Neither can I escape like this. My parents have to fullfil all their demands, in accordance for me to be released from here.

My name's Shiva, yes I am from Asia, my age is 16 as of now, my parents happen to be huge business powerhouses, resulting in my growth being spoiled, if not for my entertainment which had taught me about moral values, I would have become a spoiled, druggy, rich, brat. But thankfully, things like novels, manga/manhua/manhwa and anime gave me teachings about moral values. Yes, kind of delusional, but yes, it is what it is.

If not for these things, my parents would have given me their arrogance as an inheritance. I would have been messing with lives of other kids of my age, becoming a bully and doing whatever I wanted. But- fortunately, or through a miracle, I didn't turn into that.

Anyways, how did I end up getting kidnapped? Well, it's the same cliche thing. For a huge ransom. You see, I am the sole heir and the child of my parents, so their love towards me is so high, that they could sacrifice their lives for me.

So, naturally, even with high tech security, I got kidnapped. How did they kidnap me? Well, it's kind of creative. I stubbed my toe, due to the heavy pain I fell, and like magic, the manhole which was covered with the lid, was opened, and I fell into that. I landed on a boat, yes, crazy I know, a small boat in the sewer. Which had an engine, then they knocked me out through a wooden staff, and, I woke up here.

And what was I doing? Hmm, it was one of those jogging mornings, along with my guards of course.

Anyways, since then I have been treated harshly. Honestly, it's my first time being kidnapped. So I don't have much experience... Resulting in my inability to do much in this... Sorry situation. Anyways, I am sure I will get out of here soon- *BOOM*









....What happened...? It seems like I am under some sort of heavy object.... It hurts. Where are you? Mom... Dad.....

!? Wait a second... My hands aren't tied anymore... And the blindfold seems to be loose now as well... What happened here?

I got up after removing the stone like surface type material off me. Removed the blindfold... It's still too dark to see anything. All I can see is, that keyhole shining due to light rays coming from there. I am pretty much exhausted just from removing the object off me. Anyways, I walked towards the door. I tried to unlock it through the handle... But it was no use. Looks like it was locked from outside.

And I think I have gone a bit insane after staying here. I am having inner monologues with myself, explaining my situation to myself, telling about actions I have taken etc. Anyways, forget that, for now, let's focus on surviving. Since a young age, 6 to be exact, I have gone through many sort of camps, my parents trained me in all sorts of things, be it martial arts, programming, art, parkour or surviving.

So I will be breaking this door down, with my weight.

Alright... 1....2....and...3!!!

I run at full speed, which I can't muster right now, towards the door, and end up getting my arm injured. *Crack!* Seems like, the door is a bit damaged as well.... It works, Huh? I feel like a science fiction main character. Anyways, I tackled the door 34 times while bleeding.... It wasn't for nothing, in the end my determination won. The door broke down. I ventured out of the pocket sized room to look outside... It seemed it was daytime. The debris was all around the floor. The roof had been tilted, one corner falling. I headed for the stairs, I slowly managed to reach the ground. I didn't notice how high it was, probably due to blood loss..

I saw a black car in the bushes. It was unlocked. A key was inside the key slot, and a man was bleeding profusely. He looked to be in his middle age, with no beard or whatsoever, no hair on the head, bald. I checked his pulse...and... Nope, he is dead. Seems like my kidnapper, I got to know after experiencing his palm on my cheeks, his foot on my back. Yep, I have gone insane. Anyways, I dragged the corpse out of the car, and started the engine. Yeah, I knew how to drive, actually I knew how to drive all sorts of land vehicles, and some motor boats, I was still learning about the plane though. Anyway, after starting the engine, I took the car on reverse, then after some appropriate distance, drove out to the clear path. Soon reached the road after 20 minutes, the road was quiet, and a bit damaged.

I drove through the road at maximum speed, can't have myself dying due to blood loss like my kidnapper..... I FORGOT TO SEE IF HE HAD A COMMUNICATION DEVICE ON HIM!!!! Ah, forget it, I can't think straight right now, I should focus on getting help. Though I don't think they will help so easily whoever I would meet. In 18 minutes I saw another car in front. It was in red, couldn't see the logo though, my eyes were blurry. Anyways, the next thing I did was something any sane person would do, I hit him from the back through the car's speed. I bumped the car over and over, finally he stopped. He got out of the car in rage.

He started coming near me with anger, I unlocked the door, he soon was standing right beside the entrance. "Are you out of your godamn mind!? What do you think were you- " he stopped in the middle of his sentence. "Hello there, care to give me a ride to the hospital....mr stranger? I will have my parents transfer a huge sum of money if you did that... Search up, Rhianna Chauhan and Vikram Chauhan. You will know who I am then... " He seemed to be in a fix, he didn't move, he was just shocked to see me, a kid, in such a state. "Hurry up would you? Do you want to get murder charges by not helping a dying person? " as I said this to him. He started getting back into the reality. He took out his mobile and searched it up, what I told him, he got a wide grin on his face, seeing this I said, "Mr, quit smiling and take me to the hospital already.... " -and I fell unconscious.





When I woke up, I found myself in a white like room, I looked around and confirmed that I wasn't dead. Anyways, now that it's over with, time to properly think... I assume it's an earthquake which happened in that place, the driver aka my kidnapper lost balance, and crashed into the tree and the bushes. And died. Karma. Lol. Anyways, at least I survived. A miracle or not, I am just grateful.

Well, hello there, newbie author here, part 2 should be available in few hours... webnovel is bugging it seems... Anyways, I hope there weren't many mistakes... Oh, and please try at least 20 chapter's before leaving, it's just a request... Donate your popowerstones if you liked it. Till we meet again!

TheDarkestFragmentcreators' thoughts
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