
Chapter 10(Yehey!!)

The aftermath of the Invasion of Naboo both shook the planet and the galaxy on unprecedented levels.

The rebuilding of Naboo immediately took place as cities devestated by the war that just happened was slowly being rebuilt. Padme Amidala also delivered the sad news in front of everyone in the palace balcony. This sad news is the extermination of all the population of the Gungans except for one.

This news made everyone shocked and confused. They wanted to know who'll do such a despicable thing to a whole species. Even if they've had a bad past with the Gungans the atrocity of exterminating a whole species can't possibly go praised, that's on the mind of most people of Naboo. Padme Amidala just refused to tell anyone on who did the extermination arguing that she has no idea who actually did it.

But a group of people, including the guard the who escorted Padme and the two jedis on the throne room thought otherwise. He's ecstatic about the extermination of the Gungans. He argued that they have long pestered the people of Naboo and it's just the karma which bit them and by the will of the Emperor they've been punished for comitting crimes against humanity. He's been converted by the soldiers who rescued them. They preached that it's humanity's birthright to rule the galaxy.

He and together with other like minded people formed a secret organization of humans with their core tenets are the teachings of the Imperium. They also started to worship the Emperor of Mankind due to them being preached by the guardsmen of the Imperium during the invasion of Naboo. They interpreted that this Emperor is a literal god with his "miracles" on the soldiers.

As the planet of Naboo's humans slowly claimed the whole planet and created cities the secret organization headed by the royal guard also increased in wealth, influence and power. The royal guard from before was no longer just a guard but the leader of one of the most powerful organizations in Naboo. This organization also managed to convert a good amount of people to the religion in which they worship the God-Emperor of Mankind. They had members on all walks of life. From the beggars on the street to the noblemen and ministers on the palace. They have a connection with them. They've become so powerful to the point that they have cities under their thumb.

This development didn't missed the eyes and ears of the ecclesiarchy and the inquisition. They each sent their own people to become the advisors of the head of this organization.They also sent aids to the organization in some form.

This move created a rift between the organization as the people that was "enlightened" by the inquisitor sent, separated from the main organization and created a new one. This new organization was extreme fanatics of human supremacy with a touch of extreme spiritualism labelling anyone who was not of the same religion as them as heretics and infidels. They caused large amounts of killing on Nabooon the grounds of infedelity and heresy. All those people who didn't convert to their beliefs were either killed with a blaster bolt, or burned in a stake alive for everyone to see for heresy.

This events prompted Padme to suppress this organization as she issued that all members should be arrested. The ecclesiarchy and the inquisition's supported organizations joined together to prevent themselves from being captured by the local city defense force.

Skirmishes occurred between them and the city defense force. Dead bodies of men littered the streets as these types of happenings occurred almost everywhere. The ecclesiarchy and the inquisition's organizations are getting ready to overthrow the current government and create a theocratic vassal of the Imperium.

As this insurgency almost started on Naboo, back on Terra the Emperor almost erased the Adeptus Minostorum ecclesiarch and Lord Inquisitor due to them not preventing the happenings on Naboo. The Emperor argued that what they're doing has adverse effects on the Imperium and they would be forced to come out earlier if they wouldn't stop the up and coming war.

Terra,senate hall...

"You're giving the Imperium problems!" the majestic voice of the Emperor boomed on the ears of the ecclesiarchy's pope and the lord inquisitor as they were both forced to kneel down due to immense pressure. Custodians and the Sisters of Silence were observing the two kneeling carefully, ready to strike them down once. the Emperor gives the order.

"My lord, we can overthrow their government and establish our ow-" the words of the Lord Inquisitor was cut off as a stomp from the Emperor's foot sounded all over the hall.

The Emperor ordered both on them to write an agreement which both of them will agree.

"I order you as your rightful heads on stop what you're planning and strike a deal with the government. We must not force them to join us, at least not for now.Also, create an agreement on how you two will share the pie that is Naboo or else..." ordered the Emperor.

Being totally under the complete control of the Emperor, the two drafted an agreement under the eyes of the Emperor which both of them could agree. They're feeling immense fear as the Emperor threatened to erase them from existence if they couldn't draft a plan within a day. The two argued lightly between themselves as they didn't want to offend the Emperor.

Luckily, the two people were able to settle an agreement quite quickly on how will they play on the Naboo planet. It is agreed that the ecclesiarchy supported organization will be the face for the public. They'll conduct business related things and eventually take over the whole planet's economy and all minesterial positions, effectively controlling the whole planet. While the inquisition will focus on having the people converted and the sword of the ecclesiarchy against the would be competitors and heretics. They'll have a mutual relationship in the grounds of benefits. This agreement was set in place to prepare for the unveiling of the Imperium to the galaxy by establishing an Imperium foothold.

The ecclesiarchy and inquisition ordered their sent man on the organizations to stop the rebellion and inform the heads of the plan. The heads of the organizations immediately complied and on a secret meeting on the palace. They reached an agreement to restore the status quo between the government, the ecclesiarchy supported organization, and the inquisition supported organization.

Padme Amidala was almost helpless about this matter as the power of both organizations combined far surpassed the power of the government so she could only accept the agreement.

Just like this, the killings on Naboo ended as if it didn't even happened.

Years gone by and Naboo became even more prosperous than before. With the whole planet and its resources for themselves they embarked on a new era of prosperity and peace.

Padme's term as the queen of Naboo ended. The people still has a strong support for her despite the rampant killings that happened in her term.

Padme Amidala refused the will of the people, instead she willingly stepped down from power.

The new queen that was supported by both ecclesiarchy and inquisition's organization took the position. She offered Padme the position of senator to Naboo as a replacement of their current senator. This matter was all planned. They wanted to push Padme out of the planet as killing her would spark a revolution on the remaining populace that still isn't converted or graced by the Emperor's holy light.

Imperium of Mankind days after the announcement of Padme of the Gungan extermination...

The general who oversee the liberation of Naboo from the droid army and the extermination of the local Gungan populace was absolutely furious and ashamed of himself.

It has come to his attention that a gungan survived due to being with that Padme girl and those jedis.

He immediately wrote a letter to the Lord General Militant asking for forgiveness that he failed to exterminate the whole gungan populace as a lone gungan survived.

He requested that he be stripped of his rank and be demoted to a guardsman if he fails to kill the last remaining gungan within a month.

The Lord General Militant, was just appointed after the death od the former Lors General. This new Lord General with the support of the Emperor managed to increase the combat capabilities of the Whole Astra Militarum by a large margin. But the most important achievement he has attained today is having the exact and accurate number of guardsmen on the whole Imperium.

This request was granted by the Lord General Militant as he issued the general an order of finishing his job. He just straight up accepted it as it was truly a trivial matter regarding honor and pride.

After getting the order the general immediately left for the planet of Naboo to finish his job.

Aboard the starship where the sent spies and sleeper agents of the Imperium for Naboo the general was checking his weapons to prevent letting bis prey from escaping.

The ship they're using are modified transport ships to look like that of the normal passenger starship of the corporations or some other nation on the galaxy. This way, they're inserting their agents on planets undetected.

Hours gone by and with the quick scan of the planet he managed to find the home of the last gungan Jar Jar Binks on a swamp.

He was dropped nearby the home of Jar Jar Binks with an officer's aircraft that was stationed on the modified starship.

The general slowly approached the home of Jar Jar Binks as he unholstered his pistol and pulled his sword out of its scabbard.

At this time Jar Jar is getting ready to pick up wood and fixing his made up bow. It's been months since he knew he was the last of his kind. He was extremely depressed as he requested to Padme that she give him a piece of land on one of the swamps and he'll live there till his last breath never to be bothered again. Out of respect, Padme granted him his request.

As Jar Jar Binks just got out of his home made up of wood he saw someone approaching him from a distance. Jar Jar Binks shouted in galactic language to stop and leave immediately as he pulled out his crafted axe ready to defend himself.

The general activated his power sword as lighting like effects engulfed his sword.

Jar Jar saw the man's actions as he finally managed to see the emblem on his body. He finally saw one of the people responsible for the extermination of his species. This time he wouldn't let him escape as Jar Jar took the initiative to attack with his axe.

Jar Jar Binks slowly ran to the general with intent to kill.

Jar Jar swung his axe from the side which the general just easily evaded. Seeing this Jar Jar tried to kick the general but it was easily evaded with a side step.

The general at this time slashed his sword on the legs of Jar Jar mutilating him. His power sword cut through Jar Jar's legs like butter.

Jar Jar immediately fell to the ground due to being legless as he stopped his scream due to pain. He continued to swing attacks to try and hit his opponent but this did nothing to someone like the general.

The eyes of the two met as a staring contest suddenly started. As the wind is blowing, bird is chirping and the sound of the wind hitting the leaves can be heard the two combatants engaged in a staring duel.

The general slowly walked to the body of Jar Jar who almost can't move.

"Why? Why do you have to do all of that?" questioned Jar Jar as he knew this is his end. He just wanted to know why would they kill all his kind who has no enmity with them.

The general didn't feel like talking as he pointed his pistol to Jar Jar Bink's head.

"Please answer me!" shouted Jar Jar Binks as he started to cry.

The eyes of the general didn't changed a bit as his fingers gripped the trigger and eventually pulled it.


The sound of the gunfire startled the local wildlife near them as brids flew away.

A bullet traveled to Jar Jar Binks's head piercing a hole on it ensuring his death. The general fired a couple of more shots to ensure that Jar Jar is dead before leaving the scene.

The situation of Jar Jar was only found out on the new queen's terms as she decided to visit him to check up on him and inform him that if he needs anything he can tell her. This news caused an uproar on the remaining citizens who hasn't been converted.

The queen, the ministers, and all the higher ups people under the control of the two organizations was shocked. They knew that the people who supported their organizations was the same people who exterminated the Gungans, it's confirmed by them personally. But they thought that they've already forgotten about it and won't pursue Jar Jar Binks. It turns out they're wrong.

Only three phrases sounded on their mind as they heard this news. This phrase are preached to them by an ecclesiarch.

The Imperium doesn't forget

The Imperium doesn't forgive.

And most importantly, the Imperium always finishes what it started.

Guess who's going back?

That's right our big green friend

SomeGuyOnDarkArmorcreators' thoughts
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