
I am the 4th Hokage

"I Am the 4th Hokage" is an exciting adventure novel that takes place in the imaginative world of Konoha, where young ninja embark on thrilling quests. The story follows Ryu Senju, a determined ninja who suddenly finds himself in the prestigious position of the newly appointed Fourth Hokage. As Ryu adjusts to his new role, he experiences a mix of emotions, ranging from worry to excitement, as he contemplates the challenges and responsibilities that come with being a Hokage. With the Third Great Ninja War nearing its climax and the looming threat of the Nine-Tails' Uprising only a year away, Ryu is overcome with anxiety and fear. Guided by his knowledge of the Naruto plot, Ryu must navigate the complexities of leadership and make crucial decisions that could shape the destiny of Konoha. He is torn between following the path of the previous Hokage, whose reign was tragically cut short, or forging his own unique approach. Amidst the chaos, Ryu finds hope in Goldfinger, a mysterious system that grants him extraordinary abilities like Wood Release, Sage Art Mode, and the legendary Flying Thunder God technique in exchange for earning fame points. As Ryu's reputation as Hokage grows, he must make sacrifices and face formidable challenges to protect his beloved village. With each passing day, Ryu's determination grows stronger as he prepares for a climactic confrontation with the story's main villain. Empowered by his newfound knowledge, powers, and unwavering resolve, he strives to become the strongest individual in this world, unleashing his full potential to save Konoha from impending destruction and safeguard his loved ones. "I Am the 4th Hokage" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, bravery, and the unwavering pursuit of justice and power. It explores themes of leadership, sacrifice, and the enduring spirit of a hero destined to protect his village at any cost.

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43 Chs

Chapter 18: Intriguing Investigations: The Fourth Hokage's Enquiry

"Alright then, I should be on my way," Tsunade bid farewell without fully grasping the true significance behind Ryu's enigmatic smile.

"Oh, and don't forget about our little wager. If things don't go as planned, have the decency to admit defeat before it's too late. I don't want to return and find you turned into stone. And..." Tsunade's gaze lingered on Ryu's Hokage robes, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and trust, "The future of Konoha rests in your hands."

With those parting words, Tsunade transformed into a swirling white mist and vanished amidst the damp forest.

Ryu stood there, his gaze fixed on the spot where Tsunade had disappeared, lost in thought for a brief moment before murmuring, "Konoha..."

Interestingly enough, before embarking on his journey back in time, he had often entertained fantasies of joining the notorious Akatsuki organization.

Not for any particular reason, but solely for the sake of wearing the incredibly alluring Akatsuki uniform.

Of course, being the enemy of the entire ninja world is also quite appealing.

However, reality often differs from one's fantasies.

Who in their right mind would relinquish the position of the future Fourth Hokage, the most formidable force in the ninja world and the esteemed leader of Konoha Village, to become a mere subordinate of the Akatsuki organization and betray their own village?

Ryu, now occupying the body of the future Hokage, understood the importance of aligning his interests with that of Konoha. The allure of his childhood dream of joining the Akatsuki organization may have to be shelved for now. Perhaps, in the future, he might have to confront and defeat Akatsuki members to fulfill that dream and collect their uniforms.

Shaking his head, Ryu turned to the nearby sage slug and apologized, "I'm sorry, Katsuyo, I've inadvertently disrupted your habitat."

"It's alright," the sage slug responded softly. "They'll regenerate soon enough. Besides, the Shikkotsu Forest hasn't been this lively in ages. I quite enjoyed watching the battle."

"Okay," Ryu nodded with a smile.

After bidding farewell to the living slug, he left the Shikkotsu Forest.

Due to the unexpected battle, Ryu returned to the Hokage's office later than anticipated. This forced him to expedite the processing of the accumulated paperwork.

However, these minor setbacks meant little to him.

Having personally tested his abilities against Tsunade, Ryu now had a clearer understanding of his own strength. Including his Wood Release, he was confident that his power surpassed that of the current Sannin.

With this newfound confidence, he was ready to proceed with his carefully laid-out plans.

Ryu's gaze fell upon the personal files spread across his desk.

In the upper right corner of his own photo, a man with pale complexion, golden vertical pupils, and an ominous presence stared back at him.

It was Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin of Konoha, known to be on par with Tsunade.

"Let's begin," Ryu muttered, covering Orochimaru's file.

Soon, the bearded assistant Asuma entered the office, respectfully inquiring, "Fourth Hokage, what are your orders?"

Ryu calmly looked at his assistant and replied, "Summon the captain of the security team to my office."

The mention of the security team captain, Uchiha Fugaku, caused a slight change in Asuma's expression.

Given the strained relationship between the Senju and Uchiha clans, as well as the new and old animosities between them, their interactions had been limited during this period. Thus, Asuma's surprise at Ryu's request for Uchiha Fugaku was understandable.

Nevertheless, as a subordinate, Asuma knew his duty was to follow orders.

"Yes!" Asuma quickly agreed and left to fulfill the task, making sure to inform Sarutobi Hiruzen of the development along the way.

Even without witnessing his assistant's actions, Ryu could anticipate the small gestures. However, he paid them little mind. It was good to be aware of such matters, and once everything settled, they would be able to replace each other. Soon, a stylish black-haired secretary would be by his side—the true mark of a leader. Who needs a beard anyway? It's rather unsightly.


In due course, Uchiha Fugaku, a member of the Konoha Security Department, received the summons.

Naturally, he was filled with skepticism.

After all, there was no friendship between him and the current Fourth Hokage. Even if important matters.

However, at the Hokage's summons, Uchiha Fugaku dared not delay and promptly left his work to make his way toward the Hokage's office.

"Fourth Hokage," he respectfully greeted, pushing open the door and addressing the young man who held the highest position of power in Konoha.

After receiving a nod from Ryu, he wasted no time in engaging in small talk and went straight to the point. "Captain Fugaku, I called you here today to discuss some cases."

"Cases?" Uchiha Fugaku was taken aback by the unexpected topic.

During his journey to the Hokage's office, he contemplated the reasons behind Ryu's summon. He had pondered the possibility of the new Hokage wanting to mend relations with the Uchiha clan, given the strained atmosphere within the clan during this period. He even entertained the idea that Ryu might recruit him, as he knew the new Hokage held the title but lacked actual power, while the Uchiha clan could offer substantial support. It seemed like a mutually beneficial arrangement, and he was willing to set aside their past conflicts for practical gains.

Thus, Uchiha Fugaku carefully evaluated the situation in his mind.

However, what he never expected was for Ryu to bring up a case during their meeting.

As the head of the Konoha Security Force, it was their duty to protect the village's security and handle various incidents that occurred within its borders. Naturally, numerous cases had accumulated over time. It was only natural for the Fourth Hokage to inquire about a specific case.

Could it really be work-related this time?

Observing Ryu's serious and composed expression, Uchiha Fugaku found himself at a loss for words.

"Yes, it is indeed a case," he finally replied, realizing that Ryu's intentions might not involve the Uchiha clan—at least not at this moment.

Without wasting any more time, Ryu cut to the chase. "I've reviewed the case files of the police force and discovered six instances of missing persons in the village over the past few months. Two of them involved human trafficking and homicide, with the perpetrators swiftly apprehended by the security team. They handled those cases commendably. However, the remaining four cases, although officially closed, display a lack of attention to detail and contain various inconsistencies. Captain Fugaku, please take a look for yourself." Ryu motioned towards the files, specifically pointing out the four cases he found concerning.

Uchiha Fugaku took the files and began perusing them, his brows furrowing in response.

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